Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 2003, p. 7

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The Canadien Champion, Fnday, Seplember 26, 2003--7 -Local engîneer slated to go OUR READERS WRITE to Russia for consultation t1,' 'Time Capsules' are gems of infogrmation extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided ta place the situation in context. August 1901 Engineer Henry Holgate of Toronto, who is an old boy from. Milton, wili go to Russia sbortly for consultation on and per- baps superintend the transmission of a water station 85 miles long. He's a special- ist in water powers. A meeting of tbe committee wbicb bas in hand tbe building of an Anglican chapel- scbool at the Terra Cotta Brick Works (Milton Heigbts) met last evening at Jas. Trasssom's. About $450 has already been promised toward the building, and active steps will immediately be taken for tbe erection of a smail churcb. The services for the past few Sundays have been held at Arthur Transomas, but Mr. Hamilton's bamn wiil be used again in September. W.H. Lindsay closed bis doors on Saturday evening and on Monday made an assigniment ta Hugli Campbell for tbe ben- efit of bis creditors. M. Lindsay is likely ta move witb bis family to Toronto, wbere two of bis sons bold gaod positions. He has been in business in Milton for nearly 30 years and bas been one of tbe most promi- nent, useful and respected citizens of thse town. i-is failure and tbe approacbing departue of tbe family are greatly regret- ted. Manager C.J. Lewis of the Toronto Pressed Brick and Terra Cotta Co. in Milton is busy witb bis big contract for 4010,000 bricks for tbe fine new botel wbicb is being erected on tbe site of tise old Golden Lion store, on King Street East in Toronto. T'Me botel will be six staries bigb and one of tbe tinest in Canada. It's ta be ready for occupation next May. Tbe bricks wbicb Mr. Lewis is supplying are of a special size, extra quality and of a yellowisb calai, wbicb is obtained by extra buraing. September 1901 A bad pitcb-in took place on thse C.P.R. at Guelpb Junction this moming about 3 a.m. Engineer William Jones of Toronto Juniction died at Toronto General Hospital at 9 s.m. fram tbe injuries be received. TMe daily freigbt fram Chicago, witb refrigera- Miltn ~Stricter laws needed to fight împaîred drîvîng, Time mother of drunk drîving victim telis Premier tar cars of dressed beef, bad pulled inta tbe yard and was standing on tbe main track, while the engine was doing some sbunting. The semnaphores were put up ta block tbe Uine, but for some reasan whicb cannai as yet be satisfactorily explained, Mr. Janes of thse daily freigbt from St. Thomas disre- garded tbe signala and crasbed inta dbe end of tbe standing train, campletely smrasbig its caboose, wrecking tbe next car contain- ing dressed beef, and setting it an fire and derailing anotber dressed beef car. Last Friday evening a running matcb, tbe result of an old dispute, was pulled off between E. Young and W. Pattersan. Two races were biiled. In tbe first one, a 4010- yard dasb, Pattersan dropped out about balfway tbiougb and in tbe second, about 200 yards long, tbe runssers collided and the race was calîrd off. Aif Waldie was tbe referee. A meeting of the public scbaol board was beld last Friday nigbt. It was decided tbat vaccination for tbe scbool cbildren wauld nat be compulsory until November 1. The time bad been fixed as September 1, but it was tbougbt to be too sbort notice. All the members were not present, 50 tbe meeting was adjourned until next Friday night, wben tbe teacbers' salaries wiil be deeided on. Oakville people aie tbinking; of building an enclosed skating rink. Tonigbt tbere will be a meeting in wbicb the malter will be discussed. Milton bas felt the benefit of a good covered rink and ie promateis of sucb an enterprise are worthy of alI sup- port. (Tbe project ta build a cavered ink in Oakviile feil tbraugb, owing ta tbe inabili- ty ta raise enougb maney.) Sir Wilfrid Laurier bas sent ta tbe American Govemment and people an offi- ciai expression of sympatby in conneetian witb tbe sbooting of President McKinley. This material is assembled on behalf oj the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, who cun be reached by e-mail ai jdills@idirect.com. (Thse following letter was addressed ta Ontario Premier Ernie Eves and a copy was flled with The Champion.) Dear Editor: Ta Premier Emnie Eves, tbe Motbers Against Drnk Driving (MADD) Halton/Peel chapter is asking far yaur comminnent ta make tbe figbt againat impaired driving a priority for tbe provincial govemment in tbe next mandate. In June, MADD Canada released Rating thse Provinces 2003, a com- prebensive study of impaired driv- ing legisiation in whicb Ontario received a respectable grade of a B. We look foiward ta aur national office meeting witb tbe provincial attorney general, minister of trans- port and Ontario officiais ta identi- fy the specific initiatives your gav- emment can act on ta improve impaired driving laws. The victims, members and con- cemed citizens of MADD's Halton/Peel cbapter wauld like ta bing a number of issues ta your attention during this important eleetion campalgn. Tbeie's no otber road safety issue in Ontario tbat kilîs, injures and adversely affects as many peo- pie as drinking and driving. in fact, it's tbe number one crim- inal cause of deatb in aur country - an average killing more tban four Canadians and injuring 200 zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom ý 2003 MAZA PROTEGE5 I3117 Quno st. Actai, ou *ies183*SIeS N. 2003 Pmbgs kdudss: #21L4 Wner Egsie 65 Sped Mass Trans. apswerWindows *Pwr LdMeyess Enry .Power Minrors *AMfM CD lieres 16 peaker ound ysen *16' AiIy aheais -Crue ftrot .GFXsae 4to QAS B"ae -Csal Aobags .RallyltysFog Lights Q%00tor 48 onh A a.Inclades:y0 f or1 , t n 4 m o s t s . 2 4 y i s d e r E n g in e- 0/0 5 Speed Massai Trans , \ 0 IN UPI* W$ *hr Csndtoing t V tAMIFM CD llereost éDua Front Autbals F a r q 'Tint lteesing $ amnsfrU *Tacmreter t @904 Rear eats te3a ots w JL- -~~~~Mazda's Leadership Warranty Y W t orgadwniQdW t ~~ashptk.huolm &KI My c YOfeWldow a d iSV * Pls FtetghtPDE and Taxes. Cati lor Maails 1 I TFIE CANADIAN CHAMPION eacb day. The buman lives bast, tbe tremen- doua bealtb and social casts involved and the innocent victims of tbese totaily preventable crimes ail point ta tbe urgent need for impaired driving ta be a focus of tbe provincial govemment's man- date. In aider ta more effectively figbt this crime and better support tbe victims of isnpaired driving, there are samne specific issues aur mem- bersbip wisbes ta bave addiessed in tbe near future. M. Eves, we ask tbat you con- sider and support tbe foilowing four requests as action items for tbe Ontario govemment early on in tbe new mandate. MADD Canada urges the Ontario government ta: .Strengtben tbe graduated licencing program by impasing stricter late-nigbt driving restric- tions, lowering tbe blood-alcobal- content limit ta zero for supervis- ing drivers and requining Gi driv- ers ta remain at tbe initiai stage for 12 montbs, regardiess of participa- tion in a dniver's education pro- gramn. -Piovide greater support for police by explicitly ensuring tbeir autbority ta systematic RIDE pro- grams, use of passive alcobol sent- sors and standard field sobriety tests. These messures will belp ta better apprebend botb alcobol and -Strengtben tbe 12-bour licence suspension program by extending suspensions ta 24 bours, baving police requiied ta report suspen- sions ta the Registrar of Motor Vebicles and introducing sanctions for multiple suspensions. . Strengtben thse vebicle impounidment programn and intra- duce a vebicle forfeiture progiam. Any persan driving witbout insur- ance or a licence sbould bave tbeir vebicle impounded. Any persan caugbt tiee times in 10 years of driving witbout insurance or a licence - or convicted of impaired driving - sbould bave tbeir vebi- cIe forfeited. Given the seriousness of tbis criminal offence. and tbe fact tbat too many Ontarians continue ta be killed and injured as a result of people wbo drink and drive, MADD Canada is calling an alI MPPs ta make figbting impaired driving a priarity of the next gav- ernment. Impaired driving is a crime tbat deserves aur constant vigilance and commitment if we're ta put an end ta it. I trust MADD Canada bas your support and we look forward ta bearissg fram you wbile you're on tbe campaign trait. Stephanle Dooley, Victlm'e advocate MADO, HaitouPeel

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