Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion Frîday September 26, 2003 SCOMMENT +THE CANADIAN CHMPION Box 248, 19 Milton, 0a (905) 87~ Editorial Fax Advertising Fax Classified Circulation Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Jiti Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Charlene Hall i 1 Main Si. E. lTe Canadien Chamin, publishied euery Tuesday and Friday at 191 nt. 1_9T 4N9 Main St E_ Milton, Ont- [BT 4N9 (Box 248), n one ot Tnt Metroland Prining, Publishing & Disnnîbuting [tai graup ot saburban canipaniles wtrich naudes: Ajax/ickering News Adeiser Aitistar Herald/Cnurir Barrie 8 -2 3 4 1 Advancn, Bnlten Enterprine, Bramptnn Sadian. Barliirgton Pnst, BurIingtn 8 -2 3 4 i Shopping News. City Parent, City at Tonk Gnandian, [allingwaad/Wasaga Toncin anYok Minnor, Errn Advonate/Country BRrutes Etobîcoke 905-878-4943 Sara an, Flamboroagh BRuirw, Pannant Young, Geargetown 90-7-34 Intepndennlirntnn Free Press Haltan Business Timnes, Hurania Business 905876-2364 isLindisaThisWeek. MarkharnFEonnnnist & Sun, Mridand/Pennnong- 90-7-30 isten Mî,rrar Miton Shropping News, Mînnssoanga Business Times, 90-7-30 Misnrssaugu News, Napanne Sarde, Nassagaweya News, NnwmarkrSAanaora 905-878-5947 Ena-Bunne,Northumberland Newas, SNot Yank Marror. Sakail Bruuen, Publisher Oshawa/Wtrîtty/ClaringtonhPort Perny This ilek, Peterborough Thris WOtek, Picton County Suide, Richmond Hil/TirornhillNVaughan Lîbenal, Scanborough Associate Pabdnaher Mîrnrr Stouttonlle/Jnbridge Tribune. Adveriinn is acnepted on the condition that in the event ot a typa- Editor-iii-Chief graphîtal enron. that portion aI tIre advertîning stiace occupied by tIre erra- Edumor nenun item, togetSer witir a neasonabte aliowance ton signature, ai ot Be clrarged tor, bat tire balance ni thn adveBaisement wili be pard Ion ai the appi- irdnertising Manrager cable rate. TIre publîstrer teseree the rnght to categorize adonrtnsements tr Circudation Manager decline Thre Mileee Canadien Champion in a Beepolable Pendant Should they stay-.v or go? Stay the course or make way for change? That's the question voters will ask themselves as they head to the poils Thursday. For the undecided, Wednesday's leadership debate was of lit- tde aid. And viewers who tuned in with a favourite found no substantive reason to change their minds. Yet the Liberal vow of positive change is clearly resonating with Ontario voters, who are known for their occasional housecleaasing. The Tories - swept into power after the disastrous NDP tern under Bob Rae - thus time may be swept out. But in favour of what? Improved health care and education are easy answers, yet no matter how hard we wishn there's no easy solution for eitber. Simnply tbrowing more money at tbemt is unsustainable. Eves bas promised to keep cutting taxes and supporting business wbile McGuinty says he will hold the hase on taxes, scrap- ping currently-promised cuts and using the aasaved"~ revenue to pay for beefed-up programns and services. He seems almoat dismissive of business, unaware, perbaps, that itns the leading driver of the provin- cial economy. Both policies. however, are based on an assumption of revenue that the Fraser Institute bas arnihilated. IL estimates the current goverament is facing a $4.5-bil- lion deficit, one the Liberals would lasher- it should tbey win at the poils. If true, that deficit would dramatically impact prom- ised Liberal reforms. Perbapa more adept in boostiasg programa than cutting tbem, McGuinty bas been unable to 'explain how bis policies would change to adapt to that reality. That's a crucial piece of infor- mation for votera prior to the election. Votera must carefully consider thse chal- lenges facing this province and decide which party, and which leader, can best navigate the obstacles facing us. A minority Eves govemment witb a stronger and vocal opposition seema best suited to do the job. That wiil remind the government that, along witb strong lead- erslhip and solid fiscal policy, votera; want to be consulted, heard and respected. Lt means tbey want forward movement on the enviroasment, assurances in bealtb and education and say in their future. It's not tise knockout blow somne hope for, perbapa, but it should get the job done. OUR READERS WRITE Reader says envîronment hais flot been enough of an issue in election% c%ampaign Dear Editor:- Where bas the environmnent gone front the political agenda? Do people not remember Walkerton, thse Keele Valley Landftll, the reason for nutrient management regulations and a lack of funding to conservation authori- lies? We lack tse knowiedge needed to coasaistently make environmentally- informned decisions, according to 71 per cent of Use Ontarians who responded to a poil conducted for Enviroasmental Education Ontario. 'Greeniasg thse Way Ontario Learna: A Public Strategic Plan for Environmental and Sustaanability Education in Onstario' unites efforts of people from ail sectora who rec- ognize the need to advance province-wide environimental liter- acy (available on-hase in October at www.eeon.org). Lt represents three years of consultation to produce a vision of how we can achieve a bealthy, ecological and sustainabie future. We ail need tas ask the fottowing questions to our election candi- dates: - Do you agree tdm a heatthy socîety and a healthy economy depend on a healthy environenent? a Do you favour promotiasg - througb, oui education, governaent and businesses - the education we ail need to sustain a healthy envi- roniment? We cordiaily invite you to join us in this effort to make possible envi- ronmientally-sound decision mak- ing by Ontarians. Tunde Otto-Harris Limehouse By not voting,. you, let someone else speakfor you I saw a television advertisement Use oUser day Usat IthUought was effective in emphasizing Use importance of exercising Use bread and butter of democracy - Use right to vote. It showed people dining in a restaurant. Patrons at one table ordered meais for patrons Usey didn't know at another table. Membera of Use party (no puas intended) Usat had Useir dinner ordered for Usem were left speechiess and Use clear message was, if you don't vote, someonte else speaks for you. The right to choose government is Use thing; oui soldiera, gaiors and airmen fought for - and somne of those who survived abil live in oui coro- munsty today. yet many people take voting for granted. Too man1y, las fact. For instance, in the las municipal election in t2000, only a little more tias 311 per cent -of Miltonians who were eligible to vote cast a bal- lot. And it wasn't a fluke. lIn Use 1997 and 1994 municipal elections, Use voter tuasout was about 39 per cent. lI 1991 and 1988, it was 31 per cent. The mid- 1980s municipal election recorded Use worst voter tumout aince at ieast Use laite 1970s at about 29 per cent. That dreaded 1985 election represented Use low point of a graduai voter decline from 1978 when 44 per cent of Miltonians cast a ballot. Sadly, Uhse figures are appareastiy about Use saine las oUser municipalities. Trying to determine why voter turnout la so low ila difllcult. lbere are probably a variety of reasons from citizens simply not caring who's in power to people thinking Useir vote won't make a différence. Believe lit or not, Usere are somne people out From the editor's desk there who don't even know provincial ansd municipal election campaigns are going on right now. I know Usis because I camne acrosa it when I had a job enumeratiasg dor-to-door for a federal elec- tion years ago. One man answered Use door and I told hlm I was there to make sure he was on the votera' list for die election. "What electionl he respoasded. I was aghast. IthUought, you'd have to be living in abhoie not to know an election for Use Government of Canada was about to take place. And this person clearly hadn't just landed fromn overseas. As long as you're mentally and physically able, Usere's really no excuse for not voting. There are lots of ways - like advance polis - to cast* a ballot even if you will be out of Use country on election night. Wouldn't it be great if we could get at least 50 per cent of Milton residents to vote October 2 and November 10? You've probably heard it before, but it's a legit- imate argument dma if you don't vote, you forfeit your right to comnplain about govemment later. IT~ Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager E-mail all your loers to the "tor to n#en*gWwftmsmvch.Sm. ai.

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