The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 26, 2003-33 F N Il 7F l F fi JPl yWrV e e PWm Lm. P J &mi a- wp 0%à*ýo P UR CHA SE FIlA ECINO FORýjf 5 YEAl u, uRSUe enth s i rY PerEPoeTsi par month SEUIVEOIl~ flIt EUIYEOI _MM A1 * Leasing progra aviaTabole m Hyundi Financial Serices based se oew 2003 Accent GS/Elatra GSoata GL MSRP from $12,395/$15,295/$21,595, annual ioterest rate of 0.17%/0.01%/2.04%, $129/$165/$229 per month fora 60/60/60 *month walk awa y esse. Ttlese obligation00f $9,530/$11,999/$13,387 and optional purchase prîce of $35441$3,914/46,780. Dowo payment of $1,790/$2,099/$2,395 plus f irst monthly payment reqsired. $0) security deposit on ail models. F Feiht and RD. E for Accent and Elantra oncluded and entra for Sonata models. AIl applicable taxes, lîcanse and $350 bease acquisition tee extra. 20,000 km miteage allowance pr year aplies. Addilional charge of 96.10/km. *2003 Elantra GU GSnata GL MSRP from $15,295/921,595. Ali cash purchases and MSRP prices enduite freight, lîcense, PD.E. andt ail applicable fanes. Dealer may oeilf for leus. 0% purchase financiog availabie on ail 2003 Accent/Elantra/Sonata modela iodicateit m O.AC for 60 month terms. Financing euample: $10,0 at10% per annum equals $166.67 pr mnh for 60 montho. C.O.B. s $00for a total obligation ot $10,000.00. Ail offeru eupire September 30, 2003, 0.A.C. unit may not be combined itih any 1W u.i av~i I n 5 spd., air, pg, sunroof, atfoy esheets and CD. #U3696 HYUNDAI 0F OAKVILLE PRESENTS gi ACEN BLmOmU!! Corne Early for Best S.Iletion ZO UNIIS PRCDX0UJ L, Gk O*- S# GSI Models Avdsib le 1996-2002 Models from $4495-$11,995 .to IAuto, air P CD, keyless entrý6~Q 2 2tochoosdror As low as 23K's I Iock, ttnted windows. #UJ37741 15SK Auto, air, ieauler, mvvU. WFueo5 fazKs --y 2M sium Fe ffl LO V J 0480k cw Two lit ut* M.111911-