Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 2003, p. 32

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w' 32-The Canadien Champion, Friday, Sepiember 26, 2003 VON HALTON (i~i Requires Fuil-timre ~JN RNIs to work in THE CARPENTER HOSPIC Fax Resume to 905-827-5341 to the attention of Joanne Anderson EMPL<YMENT OPPORTJNITY An independexe expressive sef-drven person wilh 6 arms & 6 legs for a busy heailh elinic. Slrong computer skiiis preferred. P/T, F/T Cover latter & resome 10: Box no0e e/o Canadian Champion 191 Main St. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 Demdllne: Friday, Oclol>er 10, 2003 FULL-TIME CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT Monday-Friday, Milton office Fax resumne 905- 878-0664 For information 905-878-6482 DISHWASHER Full lime days Esperience required Cai Domenic or Maria Pasr~al!no Calle between 3&5 Pm 905-69-199 Kitchen Staff (Days & Nighis) For flexible ochedol/ng, compettion puy, ton limes & 01001 fond, Cali Claudia or T/mino arrange interview 905-634-1815 Cook Position Fuit-time cook position available immediatety. Mature, reliabte person tor a busy cafeteria. Experience a must. Must be able to work flexible hours. Send rosume ta: careers@mapIeIodgefarms.com CONFERIENCE CENTER Looklng for ail poslitons I Piesse apply in pr IamaaHoHe 161 Chisholm Dr. Milton Ais inn the cdessitlis bavue tha Putnti te bd Sten by 30,000 people Provntes s flu residontial clesoning service. Twi mm te b Oe tirno cieas available. tii nt ma.l Let us take caca of ail youc cleaning neenta. jpad a b la For a nones. nnbligaion, je home estimate, (nnai'iafpl im pleose cali 9015-877-3443 (905)1 841 KM More lrodable &han pu thinle. Garge' Sae -'i eeen YOU CAN GET PAST YOUR PAST le breaks xp homes. estranging hxsbaxds and wises. l alîrnaîrs paren and chiudres. le casses people ix the wxrkpiace ex hase diffi- cxily greoxen aiong. Il meterferen wieh.uneiy ix the chorch. Wha ie Uhe calpolt? Bitîrmees. Biecemene je xxresxlved mner. Il renuet ix feelings of reenonen, Il inesoise an attitude Usai eoye, 1 wiil nol forgive! I sUt nxl berrec- esciled!" Harhoeiog anresolsed anger carnres mee serous rameifecatione: relaeionally, pleysieoly, eperiseally and emolioxally. Billemees will exact o leeavy tll en a persan's hife. Il dueniier Uhe perential fan groassr Ihal enery indinidal oheeses. Positine, crealise Ueoaghta are replocel hy segatine, deetructive oses. Oxoot- hesred indivdUxals becorma viodictine affer ewallewiog o bister pilI. Ssdly, mny are livixg ai iermeee. The good nes ce bhal lIere in a cure! St. George's Anglican Church, LowviIIe 7051 OMOh Un, IMt lt of On"y fa Sunday, Septomber 28, 2003 8:30 - Morning Prayer 10:30 arn. - Holy Communion 10:30 arn. - Family Service in the auditorium Sunday School and Nursery provided Alpha course at St. George's Menday, September 29 ai 6:30 pm Fer moe Information or ta malle your resfereations cuiltheb cbarch office 905-878-1363 Racler: The Roverend Canon Charnte Masters Visit our Websites vwwqtnpenrnenclnwville nro ai w rf lah rom L0GCL a for kide .0r. HMgh HegI Y 1jH «50UL F00 ," klt 1 & bible As Jesos Chnisi bore the arigh of the wonid spon Hîs shoidens and sas dycog opox tho cross of Calsay, He a offrd aine mied aceh gali. Thai bitter drink coonaoned a mixon secdalese, and axoul base nombeel the paix chat Choise ws efpenexcixe. Aieboogk is wouid hase hriped ix medicace hie torture, Orson epic ose Une bitter site repie. i Fhese are tbe names oi people 1 plan Io bine before 1 die!"' How mmey people do se ko sho arr e hie bsomme - indisid- sais who hase bren destroyed by bitermees? cequco acIer castneixe n d recogmizmg cl cor wa il c as. lHe refîctr 10 Bran bitxemenet Spit el ose mnd reirase biensing. Forgise oUcrs nmd go ce Uhe gesse aieh mey biecemene in hu ilee silos hraixg ex fixa Uaroogh your flee. Yoe moy na, "Yox dox'c loseead, the Sanioxe epoke the liheeaicg worde: "Father forgise mns waolI hase boe chroxeh. l aili laboe a miracle fer me ce ho Ihene..." Ho kora ehan forgivexese bninge heabxg. l brngn hrslih. l ahle ex forgivet" Be aseured: The Lord seUl ceeUes miracles! A per- hrngn sholeee. sonal rolslimeship aiih Jess doon moka a différence! Yex cmn gen --- .*,. A pase ih Clerieles help! Folklore relaîrd te eory ofo s ommetwh abs obit hy a rahid dog. l sas heore Ucere a me antidote againne rhires mnd non ddomns messe certain ileoeh. Whex se sas iofoxned ehol Une dag ebal hit hon a rahid, Une aommn ixmedioeely goc oae o pirce of papen mnd hogae ex compile a Est of peoplo'e names. Whex osked aboxe her lien, You're Invited ta kil Milton Bible Church! E Sundays @ Milton District High School 395 Williams Ave, ait Commercial St. 10:30 AM Coffee & Conversation 11:00 AM Worship Service Children's programn running concurrently www. Milton BibleChu rch.cet Look ta the 200 Main St Openingl 905-876-3586 Cmeeedor vsiiing o local chonch ehie seek, mnd labo Ue fxnt sep tosarde sholexent Service cimes mnd locatione are pohlinhed ix the dixecloey holos. Subnided by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Feuler of New Life Charch, Mitn M ILTON SVENTH-DAY 2L.CHURCH Ivisce yox to0ou weekiy Sabbatb serviîces an Hege Fennec Hall, 43 Brown St Milton Son. 9:30 o. ne.- Ssbkank Schooi San. 11:500a.m. DesinorService FREE BIBLE SCHOOL Dîncoser the aneaoixg Bible ases to ns /cponpienrng querstions, axnd the secret nts akappy lif. Fvor FREE BIBLE LESSONS, scie .O. Box 2012, 55 Ontario St., M/inoxn, Ont., L9T 5B4. On te INTERNET, kttp://www.p.com axnd ww.amazingfacts.org/iblkechooi/schoolmai.asp PASTOR: Ai i)aCosta 519-835-830, For mono informatioon aouto ou, cerv/ce and prograne, pleasr cii. el Milton 80 lisi Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Sunday, September 28th 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worshlp Service Baby Dedîcation Message: The World's Greateat Undertaking Everyone WeIcomeJ KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 Minister - Rev. Joseph Gray Director of Worship & Chiidren's Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Aduit Christian E-ducatioo.Electives: 9:00 a.m. Youth Claso Grades 7-12: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Age 3 - Grade 6: 10:30 a.m. "Calledl b Serve thse Lord" Wheetchair accese and washroorna providet cu hai ai ray corne and worship. Accessoff Mary St. SOUTHSIDE COMMUN1T'Y CHUCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL B H ' AT 2850 DEBEY RD. 306 Ontario St. N. * 878-3873 A X F IT Phone 905-878 5664 Dvtoa ahrneI itnHms P nTos oF YOUrn MeNeereace jAcIC NNAaERe 10:00 arn. - The Lord'S Supper Dovottoa f torlmai nilt nd omos:ea Sunday Ministries: 11:45 arn. - Sunday School Preaye . for h Hraty and0 Wortd eee 9:30> ama, "The Chmb" 6:30 p.m. - Gospel ServiceTesaSe.3Oha8:0p. eremns Children's Sunday School Life Groupa Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Spirituai Principtes and prayer: 9:30 arn Aduit Sunday Morning Bible Study Prayer and Bible Study Every Wedcaesday ait 7:30 pm, Ail Welcome! 10:30 arn - Chureb Service So then every one of us Devolions and Tee: Sunday, Oct. 19 ait 2 pio -with 11ev. Greg McCombs shai give account Theme: "Noble have 1 created thee" Southaide Youtb - Wednesday Nighta of himnsetf to God. )', âUv-a.ewc<ao/n s Safari (for grades 6-8) at 6:30 p.m. Romans 14.12 nfomto:958522 wbhioi Jungle >fo grades 9-12) at 7:00 p.m. [M7 Inford Msae : 90-87543-284 wbha. Grace. Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Mlton fthe Churcis on thse Hill Tel. 905-878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.gracechurchmilton.com Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Rev. Amy Couaineau SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn - Holy Communion 10:00 amn - Sung Euchaa-ist Church School & Coffee Hour THURSDAY Ej10:00Oam Holy Communion Wheetehair Access Thmough ]Parkning L.ot Dxors We welcome you to.. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton Sun. Sept 28, 10:30 a.m. MEMORIAL SUNDAY Hmavon's Gate Church Schaal and Nursery avallabre for babies & toddlors Weekly Children's/Youth Groups; Kfids, Youth, Men s anrd Senior Choirs & more! Callor drop in for détails! ¶ Rev. John Denharn & Rev. Gerry Hofitetter ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTJS CHURG 103 Martin Street S 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 a.m. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Captains Crew for children lagon 5-12) Staris Up! Ix Chuc ofie (95 87-89 You'iI aiways find a friend ai Graceway" nt ROY

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