Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 2003, p. 30

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30--The Canadien Champion, Fniday, September 26, 2003 We ish r thank o relatives and ninds for ma' oir hWeddinnAnnivonsaiy so spe.1ia Teithouemr w ookteoime and atiended osr coelbaion, gils sont a nord t an tu t e' e t s apa me oa 1ira i nk You Tososnettd rn car ran npa ao ph o u n ian l mas nihl neomf r ,= ,e s ey ~ roud ut ayuo JinandiaTo or wn cide partsse y hin Furpis Pfous irU LC Has aht o eain r vr revr unacks, activilies, tonced yard. Agas 1 andi ap CPR, AUCTION closeitouchoeie& GOserv- Tuesday, Sept. 30 ice. transportatin lan aa6:0tim honrsuchuel Na pela & non- Homos Auctoun Pues smoking. nefenences 905- 9313 4th Lino, Milon 876-3536 Nce Assorimeni oi Furniiono, Glasamare, DAYCARE avoulable in my China, Clocta, humne FIT & PaT roason- Cuiîociibies, Penrtu anti able noies. Cantact Shayos Tuys 905-875-4958 - Ancoli Auctian DAVOARE anstlabie Tues., Aucunsar: Amanda Wod & Thors. Hoalhy Solnen (905) 560-1359 mesais, CFA &l Firi Aid. 10 yn. enp. No petsismoking. noloronce 9064-4006W RAINBOW VILLAGE Day- cane has apaces avaiiale for chltin12 /ys to 5 yrs-90"8752, isi us 1060 Silvonadu Ent Cab ai t Shonibon 3035, nom bnes & QuiMMn exhaust, drivon daiiy. YOUNG coaple loing fon $1500 A5-IS 906464-2473 e chilticaro giver in 000 1664 GMC Jimmny 4x4. 4 hume. 2 chtldn, eaor, 4.3 Vurioc, 6 cq. alao, 2 1/2 il 6 mas.. 4-5 AM/FM cassette, 10 dise dlys/was eling J-U0 CD changer, P/W, FIL, FI ary 20054. Pie noil 905- is«ier seul, enlise, A/C. 603-0018. References ne- A saao $ 0 00B Cali SOS- quired 603-1517 - ESTATE sale. 1905 Grand Arn mint ondtion- 4 doar- 00*k auta deera il mii- 2X(W saur tonding plan 101 oea, nioraee mii chaical T-poes plu tea $100 000 InImbe $5500 a.b.o. CaIl 906-203-3231 Aune Taylor 905-078-7777 A IGng Filiamiop Malirea Sot. Nom in plak. Caai $100 Sacrifice $450.00. 905-567-9459 con dolmen. BED Arnszing bangaîn, qaeen othupedic pillomi JOBS Sel, nom in plasti, mamranly $150. 005-507-4042 miii AVAILABLE dolmven. - Production mark CHINA cabinet, chauler- in the MILTON ares. fiteld chair, large bird cage, $1 1-12/h-. roming eoaera mnachine. Ail shiltts availabte. Phono 06-70-4M6 Fan resume to; DINING ROOM lapce. HCR Cherry, 8 chairs, butte, 416-622-7258 an halch, semver, donetal con- Tel; 1-888-411-1660 airuclian. Stiti In boxes. Coal $11,000. Sacifice FOR sale- 18 u.t etg SEARS CARRIERS oralon- mhite 2 yrs aid. $500.oa cali 905-86-4257 I NEED a Computer? Dant Have Cauh? The original M IBM Pentiums 4 PC tan $1a a t Dayi No Maeey Damni Fast al9049 0 deliveryl Free digitl Cars- orsi Cati NDWI 1-8004-56- C fUeib 8369 wmwdoliaadycomn Fed~m PIANO SALE October 3-5. Living Aria Cenire, Misses sauge. Oser 50 Nom & ASSMBLERS Used Plames & Dgita. Coul AeqIre 1-080201-7172 for infs. Z FINE craie Curnilure: nouch, 'Dayshilt & evenîngs, ond tables, caffes table, 7:OCam -3.30pm & bMaicn & TV. cabinei 3:45pm il :45pm 5550090-076-030 Fuiltime SUPER Sale. Cstomn ap- Campany Benetito hoilerieg. No GSI Sav- Appiy directiy ta 5320 legs ap la 30% an decara- owney St. Balinglan tan labies. Soas mOnh tabric tram $788. chairs miti lsb- ric finin $249. Fildcs Furni- lare & Fabio, 9-9 doiiy. ISafftequit-edtfor- 905-032-090. Thoroughbred - Broodmare fat-m. I Ni hts, Days, IIui-time or $$SWonled -i chiva, Part-lime. silver, crynlal, les cupu Fax resumes ta Royai Doston, Omarisnlu Dave @ gass, joetilery, old rys 905-878-713 cailecil hou eslales. Calti John/Tracy 905-331-2477. PNatýoinal specîai Events Supervisor A large multi-dimensional organization in the Food lndustry is seeking a National Special Events Supervisor reporting to the Marketing Manager. Responsibilities wilI include super- vision 'ot aur National Show Team, execution ot ail promotions in tield, projeot manage- ment, developing Show Teas strategy, burdget management and event reporting. As the ideal candidate you wiii have a promotions or marketing degree and experi- ence in Special *Events Marketing would be an asset. Strong organizational and time management skills, willing to travel and work weekends. This position requit-es a mature and responsible person with strong super- visory skills. Ability ta multi-task. We olter a competitive salary and henetits package along with the oppartunity ta work with a great team in a very rewarding enviranment. Sn eun o careers@mapeodgearmm.com Magamattan Systmm lac., a rapidly growi .ng Application Service Provider, detivering an industry acclaimedl Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), has an immediate requirement for a Programmer Analyst n aur Oakvila office. This position wiii anvoine eauual- ing, designing, devaioping, impiamenting and supporting aur weti based softwuare application. Qualilications: Degnua in a computer sciance naiatad disciplina or an nquivaiant combination af aducation and wark aapaniance; minimum 2 yeans axparienca in softwara daveiupmant iv a windows opanating systam environ- mant; stirong writen and oral communication skills, abil- ity ta handia multipla tas and prioritize; high lavai af initiative; excallent prohiem solving, analirticul and lima- management SkiIS; team orianted with lhe ahiiity tai accept responsihility Mm*amatlo. Sstauiu lac. allers a compatilive salary; henetits and protit sharing plan; persuvai and p rofessionial gnomth oppodtunitias; downtown Gakoilie location; tast paced, teum orientad anvironreent. IntifOsIOd appllcants sould forward thoir [tournie ta: Ipotler@ mogamatlonhystem.com RAL ESTATE AGENT Buay exparnding reat estaie teain roquires licensed Roattors. No cotd catting, ail teads suppriori. For more Int oil 1-88&266-M4061062003 MILTON RETAIL SUPPORT CENTRE Gênerai Warehouse Work . Flexible Hours . 4- 8 hour Shitts . Evenings and Weekends . $14- $16/ hour . lime and a hait atter 24 hours/ week Located In Miltion ait Hwy 401 & Hwy 25 If you are interested in an excidng challenge andfeel that you are a friendly, dynamie anbidious individual who recognizes the importance and value of exceeding our cuotomero expectatilono, pleaae brng a resume toi: 2701 HîghPolnt Drive Milton, ON L9T 5G5 Wednesday, October 1, 2003 1lpm-Bprn or Thursday, October 2,2003 lpm-Bpm During this time ail candidates will be required ta attend a briet (10 minute> fit-st interview. Il is sot necessary ta be the lit-st in uine as aur interviewers will he available at ail limes. IF ILN BET TED FA EU E O (905 876120 QUALITY INSPECTORS ! Ouality înspectera requîred for stolt wark and sonme avertime le the OakviIIe-Mlssissauga-Cambrdge armas. Applicanîs must have experience in an auto- motive manulacturing environment, pertorra- ing quatity inspection, quality technicien or materiais management luections. Post-sec- ondary education ie quaiity, engineering, or related field ta an esset. Applicants must possess excellent communi- cations skiua and leadership abilitiea, as moul as a wiliegeess toi travel within a i -hour radius af Oakviile. Transportation requit-ad. The PIC Group appreciates you- intereat, however, oniy those selected lo- an interview miii be coetacted. PUas. fax reoumes la 905-720-1047 Real Estate Graphic Designer Maternity Leave The Oakvitle Beaver is currently iooking for a graphie designer/marketing assistant no wark ta our Real Estate Depurimene. You miii be worluing us a member of u teara to produce our weekly Real Eseate section. Duejes include ad design as weli as customer Tihe candidate muse have serong design and desktop publishing experience. The sueceas- fui candidate must be able to balance mult- pie projeens and staouid work welt independ- enily and in conjanciion with teans members. As weil as an exeeptonai iyping abiliiy, 'he/she wiii have strung computer skills using graphies software such as QuarkXpress and Pluoîoshop. The suecessful candidate musi possess excellent communication skills. This lu a one year contruet positon. lnteresled applieunes please forward resumne te mdilts@haleonseareh.com aCHLE Mai WAREHOUSE POSITION Fult tîme pet-son mîth stroeg inter-persona ukitis, emphaaizing etficiency, organization and on time orden processing la required tar ussiat with ahipping, receîvîng, assembly mark and gainerai marehouso dalles. Knomi- edge oC ahipping/receiving and torkiift a dot i- file asset. Pleafse forward resumoe ta: Attlentian: Mr. Perry Busch Fax: 905429-8413 E-mail: pbusch@wlelandnc.coml If you have a few houes a day tu spore and enjoy the company of cbldren - then pIease contact us to sec how dais cau be a rewaeclnng opportunity for you! 1-877-914-KIDS (5437) Laidlaw Educaiion Services Oppurtuneles currenly ovailbble Chrosig- out Ookville, Derllngeon & Flamborouga. e-mail: comeaboord@Opag.com ri7~/M4AÀu Building upply yard requiros DZ DRIVERS GENERAL LABOUR HELPERS Heay lifting invotued. Drivers mnuai provide curroiri drivers liconso miih boom track expenienco an assai. We provide s nompeitbve startivu mage anti nompany bonoîlts. Partene Building Suppie LI&. 7449 batlga Raauluber Rond (eouth of 401) Hodmhy (M0) 075-0270 FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wanted Cail 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS NEEDED FOR LPG BULK TANKER WORK Muse have clsen vaiid driver CVOR abstract& criminai record sea-ch. U.S. espenienco an asset. Contact 905-876-9051 il Drivers I Owner Operators Needed Immediately .76e/i (US) * 22110-3000 mi/meek *Future dedicaledl * Paid buse plates & permlia * Ail bridga tuilas aid! '96 or vomer m/an- dem ale tructor w! aleepar req'd. (800)467-6016 Full me owtruck Ioperator required.I I DZ liierise Ipreferred IAppty in person Lii Kevins Towving 221 Nipisaing Rd. SenTo usa OIS 11111 4 1CR hon the cuside lruck on frout upporhéoilies wilh à eajor AUTOMOTIVE paia aufacturer se Milten. Ouailabupsos mnuae 1 Machine Opemm nd Prudenu TeeheieeL C112/oe r. Olishift aeavaria ec gc Please bri our SIN. photro ID. rau retenues and insane If Voir areintrrstd ut uvablers attend, vir s wo liert issuve movinfniaain, pasemiicrtvrtHRtday p 1-ffll-IM - Far 1416) 62-718,- wesshnpmnu lemomo!~m A nun-prolit agency mlricr providos prograrna for con- sur of montai heai services seokn an individual to raved cornruniiy cse management and sopparive huusing services lu peuple living in Noirir Halion. (Approximatey 4-ehrslweeki. Dognon in uppropriate discipline or worning tnsurds a dogroe is noquinod; coue management iraininglonporionce prelorrori, valu di- vers liconso essentil. Flouse Fan un o-mail resamo by: Ociobor 7, 2003 To: Coondinaiun, Summdt Houso Fan: 519-853-5343 Emal: uummdRiaoa.aon. :il ý. 1 1 e /'

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