Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 2003, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 26, 2003--29 EC Iissïf11BNS!AlCasfied Ad pera e d I wwm~Iiltocndacapoo &V711,1 fmpja Mi 159 Robinwood Ores 3 plus 1 bedrooro bungalow. Upae icewindows, pdolaed morce 905-693- WANTED TO P 3567. -NO AGENTS. Profitable 1 HAWTORNE village. Beau- in Haltoi tff51 Mattamy corner proper- ty. 1541 Swann Crea. 3- Elther involved with pI bdrm. 905-876-3763 dpndntu $299,900. Open House n or epnatU Ssnday 12-4 publicity or deliloery to h Intereste i n busine HAWTORNE sillage. Beau- than $200,000 in annus 11151 Magamycmrpoe ty 1541 SwnCores. :3 Ail inquiriea treated in c bdrm. 9064764l763 iPlease forneard informai $299,900. Open House Bx23,ci aII Sundy 12467 Speors Rd. OakvIII SDISNEY$ Distributors LAKE NIpISSIN SOUTH needed for the mont axcit- BAY Great fishing trip, Indi- ing new mechansi.ng pro- an-Sommer andi Thanks- gram avent No sellmng, nu glving getawayl Dont: be competition, backed by dlaappolnted-call today: multi-million dollar promo- Sunset Com Lodgel1-80o-: hioua advertising cern- 563-49 *Promised Landi paln Hamea the powe camp l1-888-647-7742 ot corporations likw Di-I *Rockvlew camp 1-877- neylNintiendo. Min. inveat 752-3067 ment $17, 600. Frea unts rn COME and ears about Dm&- part-tkmw job- lau quotes in Octobea Isaue ut Perer< REAONALE tabaiMagazIne). Bning your R ind-bw childrento pao sihur d Units for rait 1,600 -320 ucational toys & ment 3 sq. fi. Loeding docks & aucceuu Diecovery Toys drive-in. Phtone 1-906-277- 9347 or 1-906-275-6834l. Wesinesacy, October Bth 9:30-lt ara, Hugh Foster Hill Million. Contant 90&- 693-09 and 905411- EXECUTIVE OPPORTUN- OFFICE space lu Milton fTY TO CREATE WEALTH. avedeable inmediatel Ap- 1-877-234-6057, wmu.dav location, near GO station Contact Lance or Dave etý 906-74 2 ModyFn 8-Sçon $$ Money $$5 f00i 1s 2nd ansi 3rd Moilgagea Badicredit 0K. Cil Ontario Wd,1-888-7799. ~I $ BUSINESS financa tpe- cahot -business loans for i putoea Iror prima + 1%Y. Ci 906-690-9875 KeceARM 3.75. Aiso eu mortgage programa, we gaIs raaueioIcoae or ced Paper GUELPH record & Cd show, Sondas Octsler 5th, BIRTHDAY Love gramdsons Kye, Jim &Jeff & Family Ii'IilUl1liIttI !Olt eaerooro ann monon BEDSITTING rooro sepu- 10:3010o 5 pin., ILP's, CDos. pion hydro. Modiem bui- rate entrance, balhrssm, DVDs,45's, vides, asi IRTH D AY ing. contrai Milton, rerrasi kitchan. Stea as James relutes mamoraoh s over parkdng, stose/nige Nos SwPkycntry 'set- 40 vendors. Ramada 1.1: NoPt.Itlrna ting No smoking/pets. Hstel 716 Gordon SI. Firtlast 88-88- 1 Availah e romesi stely. Ou (opposite Uniseraity of STILL LOOKING QUIET upu teut centrally (905) 876-4112 Gualph) Admi son $3.00 locatesiin Milton. No smok- A "L4 ISO IE AT 40 ing/pelo, parking, yard, raI-Casfe o H erences.Avuilabl Imme - Monday ta Fnday diately 905!-844-940 ROCKWOOD, 1-besi osm 9a o5 opadmient sn secsnd fil I at-in-hitchen. Iclodes 1ROOMMATE wantad to1 utilities, upplionces und shu e Milton tswnhsuse. parhing. $695.ronth. 519- Laundry laciles ansi stotl _____ u540 ga as nclusesi 905- ROCKWOOD. 2-bdrm 691-7283 apurtroant tor rent Nls1 lst vrl dlean uscule 4plx pan a 4 /- *Free storage/parking. *b Firot/Luot, oi inclosise. Pieuse oeil 905-876-1235 ,OjrthdoYA ~ ~~or 5189-86-0700o m 11111110 rike 1 SECOND flosr modlem one Lmveyou so Muchi bedrooro $735 monthly. ANNUAL FALL Nii &JoeySECOND tloor bachalor Paty wol$595 sg monthly- both ansil- 1 CRAFT SHOW utile now.N pets. Caîl 905-6854-0401 for apphco- . by Margo and Gwen lindotailo. SUIABLE for working par- Sat. Sept. 27 & Sun. Sept 211 son. n bedrom ap.O0amto 4p Pl separala entrence on sec- 39Kns a lcMlo ond anal of house aviable 39KnSB IoMlo FALL SPECIAL CALL Nonemrber finit. No pets "hbyCi" rpc4( URCHASE. Nstî2bdompart- $760.00 ail inclausive. Raiel/' roia ~usmness mait avallable Sept. & Oct. aecs904623 eneryday and Christumas i areaes 90547&2737~ rinting ansi publish- saie74e popa day/en coratil items on promotion andi 3 5drm detachei home in omes în area. Milton Sl200Imontll + 12 sis clearing more GLEN EDEN uiloals Analleble Ocoer Iprofit. COURT 1nti.. 1Aneor@C lry ontidnceAPARTIMEHTS 21 9047-1110OX eu r24 onidnc.122 Bnrdne Sbut COUNTRY living Seol ion 10: South1, Mion We ara sua accaptiug 4- bedrooro on oner 8 acr- e Boavor, applications for as, ingroussi pool sas l9, ON M6 3S4 2-1 badrooro dack, large garage, minutas i 2-1 besirooro sart- tv Milton/Oskviîle. meula for Nonembar 15 $51550.Jms. + ut Oas-e No and Dacember appliances. 905-333-5506 Fan mono Information X29 Lacli rucems Marian (Mitchell) ara pîeauedlto i asian a okaan COZY country cottage bom September 111th 2003 waîghing 9Sbs t/4oz. Prousi S avadlable immasiialy ap- grnpantaa Glas & Mary Mitchl of Vicoone 9064875M pros. 700sq h 2 bal Hrbu as C/ Peggy Loctihart ut Moonitone. 111h Building Manuaf ruomo, firaplara, 5 miles greai gransichilsifor Haroldi & Me Dennîs of M/lton ansi MO COMPUTERIZED book- Leoonard & Penny wast of Milion. UtldOaes, 10th griait grandlchdld of Chiailhe &Clara Mitchell ut Ai keapiugtyping, laittera, hast includesi. $1200/mo. Caraptialliolt. lleO rasamea, essays, contract antorolahes, $1350mo. fur- -El____________ wonk, Eopadenced lu ac- nse.C*957 MA counhaig packages & il MS MLSIDE TOWER SML ago ntnMo aplbn a M icee6 lIE Ii Charchill/Steales f '. a 886~$1250/moula plus udlOlea 1w 1 &2 Barnoors Apts. Outsie mainteance lun- Jet Close to Donon cladasi Availabl Novel ~ fIo îL a ~ l Bus stop aI be lai Reeecs 906-la FrntDor. 454MMarauda- W. and Mm. PtiII vil Anglo (na Ha Fmi Dca CantON ansi big aister Carmeiua of Miltion are pleasesi N (005) 876-1249 la ansunce the 5h15 ut thar son Josaépi Vbcwmz 1BDRM APT doantoan w realtarc Marmaa aalglang 71bs 8oz. et Oakim/le Trelr - main i. Milon. Naïl resu- Houpia uut3,20.bhgacihl o ic vaal laminatis fors -rdg Binc Augui of0,200. 15 grauscilal for Pancue& ail AvrCod Ose unit MILTON large 1 badroomr & mae Marodro of Mmssuesuge. Waloonas by meny Su avail immal oChar avail basarnenti panhuasi avail- 3 basiroom, 11/2 balas, ge auinta undans & cousins.m Nov. int 416-406-432 ail able immeaely, No rae, ansi ont, Avail Octob, - ter 6pm pals/ch Idren, 2 applancan. ar 15/03, Ralarancau &B 1 badronm apartroant A/C $650/moula utilties cradOt check. $1300 + Il d Heal/Hydro/Cable suaaS uncludesi Cal 905-876- taes 9o5-7o78 J sua pason. Finit &i aest 3418 betwaar 5-9Pm OCIO u 8 ai $6020 Non-smokar pre- MITN Octobert1ast 1~r OC Nce2&d bil to farresi Ns pals. 905l76 bedroom $835+, 2 bel ppi- acas o Clos 10 aIH~- _993 roru $945+. Cill Mary amrenaals, pork-hka satbg, Pa"i nid Kim Lçigro (mele DerkIton) are plasas 10 2 5drm api evaMIel Nov. (905 296M025 hors 51019/mno. + utiais. welcomae sur preous deugitl «eI Viinabr tnt 2003. $700 .00 par . MILrON, naly ,,novtds Adington BInsi. Bo/fiugton. on Salarday, Saptambar 13, 2003 at Milton District mol plus utifides. nee bachalar epartruant. Avai- 9054U1.11070, w.aw.pmon- Hospitil waighiqg7tisl4oz. Speai thaulto 0Dr. ling your swtt lsIdge & stona, abIe lmmadiataly. Sharasi lina atnd spital staff. alo bas hook up for au- antrance, privata MIcb TOWNHOUSE- ranI to dry. Cill 90547&M377 ansi arstwl $675 il indluie ow, lamae badrooma, lama Meayema ge No smoking/pelu/childseu. apsianes, gas tireplace, ACTON large 3 badmoin Feraie ont 5 Cal 9R-18- avielbla imnwditaly Ci $850mla plus, Als sua 7510 Ganif 905-33l6502 FOUN- ti nea CCM 25 Yar prmtseivia l basiroon, $550/mla plus. UMte perfect doantoan $1200.00 mial bart & Must Moonitais bika lu Dorsat MitoZýnnaas Tunlng re- 71 15191 853-5080. (519) &q3- loatibsn, basemant Sache raquiresi park aise elt Sun 2lat.pr i pieuta recou th 5352 - loir apertnt, rial sico- Caîl 905-878-1431 arh hns alp COUNTRY apertmaent, ratas, eaucesnl saparite detinitive bie ID. RI J ngsteal a beautilsl, suny, large gar- antreucegaulan, $60pu.196=27 doat, iraplaca. Shere alla udlflas. Refaraucealu 'È A teachar/scholar. Femala Mut Oct. lut oel 416-21- - M prefarrasi $500 906-693- 7464 -UERDGle s fu 11triave poppy fon SEIa Coîl PROBLEUIS ado math? a Kalay 6119453-3722 Neads onne balpus mgl Cil Sylvia 904 9 ion 87-24 a ClS e Fax 876-236 Poe AMKA qu VANNY 17, 8-1 am fton Lqi0m lrICKETS $10 AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR Di, PRIZES lis LATE NIGHT BUFFET PLANT SALE OAKVILLE October 4 & 5 wide variai of trees, NTIQUE 1 fioweng shrubs, SHOW evergreens and roses. Hopedaie prices starting a[ 1 $2,$5,$10,$20 Mall Sheridan Nurseries rd Ln." Reti RA #4 Oct. 1- 5 lý 12266 10th Line Fali clil Georgetown, Ontario re întereý t d! 90S«M7547 or 905473-OM IJNTAIN: Lamae Eie ir a bfia i lless on Thamday Saptamber, 25, 2003 ne Mountain in, bfi 79th year. lonlng hubend of in for 51 yeara. Balovesi tai of Lyne (Richard) ski, Luanu (RonI Cheput, Eric Mountalo ansi Lee untain. Surnivesi by his grandoclddren Jessica, amy Amold, Rebecca and Samantha. Friands w8l rece ie the J.Scl aitly Fru"a Homo, 21 mes St., Milton, 1905) 878-2669 on Fdiday, ptember »th roro 2-4 and 7-9 PM. Cremnation to foi- In Meu ut fwer, donations may be made Io the at& Stroke Foundcatton ansi the Milton Dastanct apital Foundabion. do:cak didenty on Tueaday, September 23, 2003 ai the ton Ditrit Hosptal, Jack Bp in hal 696 yer. nig Hasband ut Sarara Bila. BaloalaWtDAtion a and Victor (Janet) Bia. Sumivres by las grand- aghtar Nicole. Arrangements entrustesi to the Sialy Fm"ro Hante, 21 James St., M8ou 15) 878-2669. The lamlly would iai la entend thanla the Doctora ansi Nurses ai lae Milton Distict Pilai. la Memory Murray Dean Perront 1948-2001 w greateal sii la AtTENTtVENESS; eeafil ansi patience la 1w latily neaent in the MOMENT, la fitan MWou prejudice lhait a urrays legacy. lsrray oa massed iyl by 1ws imnty, Pit ansi Mail; close franda; nid many acquaintascea alto gainaii ooten Iror bns wafn ansi enerous nature in canneaie ans and reative cablnel-maiong.

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