24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 26, 2003 'Weinldi 4ng Machine M1200 a20w le:553 foiguumlnum weliglng 4043 Crystal Alumlnumn Wlre 1 lb spool Air Liquide bis 20443109 310A Steeles Ave., MiltonPakg rc 3905-69.3-1211 $899 Whle quantities last. Particlpating locations onlv. BOYS UNDER 10 BOYS UNDER Il GIRLS UNDER 17 GIRLS UNDER 17 GIRLS UNDER 12 1994 1993 1987 BOYS UNDER 101 - 1994 BOYS UNDER Il 1993 BOYS UNDER 12 1992 BOYS UNDER 13 1991 BOYS UNDER 16 1988 GIRLS UNDER 15 1989 wiIl be held on the followin Saturda . Sept 2 Hugh Robinsoni 905-878-9161 Hardy Jaisp 905-878-4920 Tony Madui 905-827-8046 'Me and 11y sha4ows *m fsom aeM goafl IgtpI Phot dwby tl PETER C.MO MnU -ton !Junior 'Stangs outdistance OT (Haîf Field) (Half Field) By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion The Mustang juniors earned their fai share of points - bus few for style. On the heels of a season-opening forfeit victory ýover Georgetown, Milton District just couldn't conceal its inexpenience againss the Oakville Trafalgar Devils Tuesday aftemoon. A haif- dozen fumbles and host of other execution follies peppered the rebuilding juniors' first officiai test of 2003. But what the younger Mustangs lacked in structure they made up for with sheer talent to topple the Devils 28-16. The MD defense put the kibosh on its guests' second-half corne- back bid with three fumble recoveries - two by defensive captain Blake Frittenburg - whule fueling the attack with a pair of majors was fuilback Chris Hickey. '.Wih only a few starters back we're definitely weak in football skill," admitted retumning head coach Richard Grant. "But we're blessed with athleticism. Once these guys really stant learning the game we should be fine." MID defenders held the opposition to just a single tiras down in the opening haif and further stifled them at cruciai points down the stretch. The Devils' second touchdown came in the dying moments of play - when the verdict had already been delivered - while their initiai score was largely the result of two Mustang fumbles early in the shird quarter. Aiding Frissenburg's standout performance with solid showings were Darcy Gordon and Brent Truli. Offensively, quarterback Aaron Alston exhibited what could best be descrihed as unpolished potensiai. He ran in the second touchdown himself on a 15-yard scamper early in the second quar- ter to make it 13-0. Ben Clifford provided the lion's share of reai estate gains before cspping things off with a fourth-quarter TD. He aiso kicked ail three successful converts. The Mustangs will face a much stiffer challenge as Oakville's Loyola next Friday as 2 p.m. Steve LeBlanc con be reached at sleblanc@haltonsearch.com. gdates: 1 1:OOam to 2:3Opm Brian Bcst t:00Pp~ tb,2 Opm Brian Best 9:00ai w'03Oam Brian Best 9:O0asfljq, i:3Oam Bb Best 1 t :OOam to 12< --(p fan Best W t 2:30piui Brian Best t4»30peh Brian Best 1:'L)t tcs,2sâaan Brian Best 9:09îxuno tfIbbm MDHS 3:00pffn to 4:OOpm MDHS f'oom",,4q9llll Brian Best GIRLS UNDER 17 1987 TonÏy Madi 905-827-8046 9:U(Japs9o ý,tr3amï BOYS UNDER 12 1992 LMîý Y Pama 905~-961. 1:OOpm to 2:30Ws BOYS UNDER 16 198 And Bowman 905 ý0066 1 1:OOam to 2 30m GIRLS UNDER 12. 19);' \Biari S Shoder 905-876-1588 9:00am toA0O3am GIRLS UNDERl 198ý Palma 905-876-1363 1:00pi 9, 2:30pm BOYS UNDER 13 1991 Rap 19W iams 905-878-1898 9:OOam to 1l1:OOam Brian Best (Half Field) MDHS Brian Best Bian Best (Haif Field) MDHS ,qa vstorwbsite at /~ ww.itnai.o AIR IUIDE Inidustriel goses .auiqie.o ~ Welding producte REP TRYOUTS FOR THE 2004 SUMMER SEASON www.airliquide.com Brian Best