zýFallfair's l5O yeai-S honoured this coming weekend By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Prom lizards in costume 10 tome very smart pigeons, the Milton Fail Fair is a place wbere you neyer know wbat to expect. TItis year, the fair is celebrating ils 150th birthday, so added to ils regular tine-up of events are aniniveruary diuplays and a memn- orabilia building manned by tbe Milton Historical Society. The fair will mun from Friday to Sunday at the Milton Fair Grounds, off Robert Street. "It's tbe lSOth anniversary, so tbere'll be a few more activities to Itighligbt tblinga of tbe past," saidl tItis year's fair president, Charlie Tilt. Opening ceremonies conductedl by Mayor Gord Krantz will be Iteld Saturday at 1p.m. and will be followed by asix- borse Ititcb, sometbing tat basn't been at the fair m years. "It's sometbing that always went over well," MrL Tilt said. Past presidents and fair ambassadors will join in on te celebrations. Ssmday at noon, 150 boming pigeons will be released as a ribute tothefair's 150 years. "Tley'li circle above te grounds and then fly bome," Mr. Tilt said. A cbildren's pet show will take place Saturday. In Itonour of the fair's bàrbdy, Mr. Tilt is eascouragiosg children to dreas tse pets in period costume. Mr. Tilt said he was surprised when one child told bim Ite'd be bringing bis pet lizard decked in bis finest. The poultry show tItis year is "the beat in Use ares," Mr. Tilt said, adding tbat he's expecting 600 t0 800 birds. 0f course, Use midway wiil be Usere, as weil as plenty of gamea. Last year Use fair Itad 24,000 visitors and Mr. Tilt expecls even more tbis year. OUser activities include vegetable and baking competitions and Use demolition derby, which wili mn Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday aftemoon. Ail day Saturday, Usere will be truck and tractor pulls. Musical entertalinment, sbows and exhibils of ail sorts will run ai three days. Mr. Tilt, wbo's been involved wiUs Use fair since Use late 1960s, said Use fair bringa a piece of Use agricultural world to town. "It gives a cbance for people from urban parts of town to see wbat agriculturai peo- ple are doing. They can aee and toucb Use animais," Ie taid, adding, "1t brings Use community together." Mr. Tilt said be enjoys watching familiea appreciate Use simple pleasurca of lie- which includes petting Use animais. "My favourite part is watching f amilles corne. 1 bave a duck in hand and Useir faces juat ight up." Halls and exhibils wiil be open FridaY fromn 110o9 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. 10 4:30 p.m. Admission costs $7 for adults and $3 for cbildren aged 6 to 12. Children under six years old get in free. Friday is Seniors Day, so Seniors' admission is $3. For more informationi, calf (905) 878- 5689 or visit www.miltonfai.comn. Stephame Thiessen can be reached or stise@ itnaain&nincm -I The Canadian Champion, TuesdaY, September 23, 2003--7 Education centre opening aduli education ftciity startll3g toînoîrow. That'u when the Bay Area Leaming Centre ia set to open its doors to rte public as part of ils officiai launch. Ans open bouse wiil mun from. 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. at ahe new school, located at 860 Harrington Crt. in Burlington. Fali mIat Perennials Just because aatumn is here daesn'f mean your perenniai gardes is finished for the seasan. Fait is a great time of year la fi11 in same hales and add same fait interest ta the Trend. There are a aumber of great perennials for fait. Sedums, Taille Head and Rassian Sage are a few ai tliem but the maisl saaghf fliti out ail about0 ùle ci1ii aaL- "ýn offers a continuation of education, training and personal and career developmient serv- ices. For more information about the centre, cail Kathy Mifls ai (905) 333-3499, ext. 117. FORM 1 AGGREGATE RESOURCES ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE 747752 ONTARIO LTD. (DUFFERIN AGGREGATES) 3300 HICHWAY 7, SUITE 400, CONCORD, ONTARIO, L4K 4M3 Hereby, ginotic aatla hat un application has bn, maade foa Catega.y 2, Class A Licnsea tunanaaate aggregate frnt a qa". aof 0.81 hectares, Ianated in: PatLot: 13 Gatagrapir Township: Esqanstaf Regasa. Haitas Loasla Muaaaipaiîy: Halin Halls Applicatin foan epanint an stablisbed quaa.y and ta bc pn.ated aspart of Duffn.i.a Aggregates' praposed Milton Qua.y Extnsion Tonnage Condition applied fo annuaîîy lit uiited tonnes. o tthe distrilocal office'offth Manisty .4 N.atural Rsure. Aay paaso(s) aihagtaabjec tothis application mus sentid in, aaitiag, tbnIr objection anill reasaa(a> tu the applcat @-ad the distnrt/loal office oaf the Ministry of Naturel Rsorce et the addresses The Applcat 747752 Onatario Ld. (Duffaaaa Agg egas) c/o MHBC Planning Laaand 171 Victoria Street Noaaah. Kitchner. Oario-a N211 5C5 Attention: Brlan Zemn.a Mliatny of Nature[ Resaa.saa District Maage,,AunaDistict 50 Blaaaaaingtoa Road West, Aurnta Ontarioa L4C 3G85, The hita day on whlnh objections .ay be ilned waith thie applicaaî and Ministy lit the ta0lh dey of Nanamber 2003 Noate: Ai infomation in repect this appliation in hading an-aita objecations, thetie and addresses of aay abjetoa (s) is an-ailabin for public neview for athe purpoe of ibisa appliation trader the Aggragate Resources Act la aabaaittiag a wraita objection, aaa objecter coaancats uader the Freedomaa naformation anad Paottiaan of Paa'aaay Act to ila disclaaaann for panpaas of ahe applicaaaion FORM 2 A4GGREG.4 TE RESOURCES ACT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION 747752 ONTARIO LTD. (DIJFFERIN AGGREGATES) 3300 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 400, CONCORD. ONTARIO, L4K 4M3 Herehy. gle nticetl that a Publie Information Sessioa nU la. hnîbd orn: Th.aaday. Onlaber 16, 2003 4-.00 p.na -7:00p.im Ganitea Ridge Golf Course 9503 Dublin Lrne. Heallen Hîlla, Ontario The panpaann fthenlforationaSessionlî5a prescrit. to thepuabie, hendnailanofthnapplicaation for aCategoay 2, Class A' licenant apermit a qaay bloasater The loataionaofthe popoand qa"aa ia Pana Lat: 13 Goagnaphas Toawashipa Eaqansiag Rngioa: Haitas caacsiaa: 1 Local Muaasapality: Haltas Hila ('ANAA S ARGET FAHIONFABRr, OSTRIIITU 1 ;Ch0oe f om Speca a Seledeins of Us. m ci ncluding: SABLE SUEDE SOLIOS l40cm wida Ou, Reg. 26 98m Now 14.99m HAMLET TRIMMINOSCortassels tebad<s, friges. HOM E ECO R FASH O N EV NT'O ndauidually pred N6o % Off Our Reg Pnce CRUSH EO VOILE SOLIOS ALM OST EVERYT ING I ON SA E! il35cme Our Rag. 14,98mNw5.09 m ESQUIRE PANELS Asuorled szes seaectunrvariesper store. Our Reg, to4SSS9oach N» 50% Off Our Reg. 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