20ý-The Canfadian Champion, Frîday, September 12, 2003 Date/mne n lrom DAI ELINE on page 18 are abusive or taking drugo. The group iu a menm- ber of Association of Parent Support Groupo in Ontario. For lianes and directions, eaUl 1-800- 488-5666 or visit www.apsgo.ca. Catling New Parents, a free program for par- ents and babies aged 6 montbs and younger, meets with a public healtis nurse 10 discuos par- enting ani infant cure. The group meets as thse Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., from 1:30 10 3:30 p.m. For more information, cail (905) 693-4242, ext. 7899. Milton District Hospital holdo a breastfeeding support group with a certifled lactation consult- ant from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more informa- lion or lt make an appointment, cati Jean Gallen Junior> anîd Senie: H:ylî S.hoal agcd sîucle:ii ouil ho îalioig arîond the lag pale: on fran: oI iheir sehOols tu pîay for the upcoîog vear and lor the sîndenîs. iruichers and faculiy aI' their places aI iraroiog. See You a: the Pote! is sîndent-drivon and participants nurnhor :110 t he millions acros: North Ameetea. Wlîen teeniagers pray, Gî:d lisIons. Talk:ng ta (lad can bc inlînîidat:ng Iar sortie. People offtns me: -Hoo coi: I pray houtert' Jesus disciples posrd o similar queslion 1:: Hi::: as rrcorded on Maîthous 5. Comnenly called "The Lard's Prayer., il serve: as a modol for ail holirvers iv: fllou. I. ,Il I9117î ia .3 eu *Cî.:t. îU . The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childo Dr., holdo ils Evening Euehre Party at 7:30 p.m. with kcen competition and prizes. Tlhe cool is $2. Il holds bingo ai 1:30 p.m. The drop- in fee is $1.50 for members and $2 for non- members, plus fave cents per card or 10 cents for a fuil1 card. New players arc welcome. The cen- tre atso holdo ils Drama Club ai 1 p.m. in thse centre libraay. New members arc wclcome. The cost is $1.50 for members and $2 for non-mnem- bers. For more information on these activities, cail (905) 875-1681. Wdllspring Halton-Peel, a support service for people witb cancer and their families, holds ils drop-in Caregiver Conneetion program from. 7 more information, caîl (905) 257-1988. Wednesday Sept. 17 Moon's Morming Out mncet ai 123 Main St. front 9:30 10 1l arn. Caregivers fmnd friendship and support white children arc cared for in Graham Hall. For information, calI (905) 878- 8895. Thse Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holdu ils annuel general meeting. Il begins with a ligso lunch ait noon and thse meet- ing and election of advisory board members fol- tow. Call (905) 875-1681 for more information. The Halton branch of thc Canadian Mental Healts Association holds a six-wcck anger IVE FINGER PRAYER Here is anaîher apprixici that y::: n:ay want 3. The nes: Oinger is the Talles: Fînger. I t hers. As the B: ib . sas The reavi :0011 be Iconsider. tl îuxhiporates the use af lite lin- retoinds as t) aur leaders. i>ray for flie Pne flie g::':tet ani::ng you.- Y::u: Pinkie should go:: in one hand ao serve is remindet: ofi h::w Minister. the politicians. the Mayar, leader., i:: rem:nd yî:u ta pr:îy for yourself. By the limre a0 pros. bustiness and îîîdusîrv and :idministratars. sourhave prayed for the oiher four graups. These people shape aur nation andl guide pub- 1. Your Thunîh :: ileuire: ta you. Sa hegîn lic opinion. They nord (lad: guidance. yiiur . on needs oi ho put oh:o proper pro- your prayer: hy prayîng for thase closest t: 4. The lonrth linger t: ou RigFne pec:ise and you ull ho ahle ta îîray for pîtur- yor. au re hed o es. a s. i to ceiini.T rad Surpriîng ta matty is the tact that tis iv aur sefofecil. for ur ove uns i, a C.. Lwisonc sad rakosi finger. as any piano ceacher oi ir:ii- Ta find ont moîre about See fou aite Pole, :uvei dit.y. tl shaiild rrmind ns ta pray foîr thase woi or ahbout ho il talk la Gad mare eflectivelv. 2. The nesi hnger is tho Paîn:ing Pioger. are weak. in trublIe or in pain. Thry need your vîsi: a loal church is week. .Service lime s Pr:îy for thase usho teacS. îosiruct and lîcal. prayons day and niphi. You c:innotai iOY anO d lîcatiions are puhlishod on tho iireciary This includos irachers. dactors. and nîînisîrrs. nîuch for thon. heoa. Thry nord support and îsîsdamt in paiflifg 5. And lastly cos aur Little Pioger. the îîthers în the righl direction. Keep thon: in soallosi liîîgor o:f aIl. uvhich is where use Submitted ky Rev. Dan Rogge, Pauior nf your proyers. should place iiursolvos in relation tc, Goîd and Millons Newe Lie Church. 9 p.m.- The cost is $85. For more information ot to register, cail (905) 693-4270. Women interested in breastfeeding informa- tion and support are învited tc, the Milton La Leehe League's meeting aut 7:30 p.m. aI the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. (at thse corner of Thompson Road and Nipissing Road). Nuarsing babies are wel- corne. For more information, cati (905) 876- 3322. Halton Comununity Legal Services holdo an open bouse from, 4 to 7 p.m. with its annulai general meeting fût follow ait ils newly renovat- cd office at 72 Milt St. lin Georgetown. Ail are see more DATELINE on page 21 Nassagaweya Preshyterian Church 3097 13th Sideroad, just eust of Guelph Line (905) 854-1055 Asociate Minister - Sean Howard Susaday Worsloip Service, Sundav Scheel and Nuroerv Care - 9:30 a.m. Sept 14 9:010 - 11:30 o.nt. Ouldoor CoîsmunitN Breakfast Sept 14 7:100 - 8:00 p.m. Servirentf Praer, Worship and Communion Sept 24 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Friends-on-the-Hitll Oct. 7 5:100 & 6:45 p.m. Roast Beef Dinner Oût 25 WSiomen\ tssoeiation Bazaar Conae and worship scith us in the laiatoric counatryj church on the hili! St. George's Anqlican Church, 'You're Invited to... S01CMIUn, lmwe mrW Milton Bible Il! auZiy, Septemberl14,« 2003Ch rh 10:30 arn. - Family Service in the auditorium Sundays @ 10:00 AM Sunday School and Nursery provided MionDsrcHghS ol St. Georges, Lowville would love for you tb corne tv a 395 Willitams Ave. Coebraion lDignetI Mooday, September 15th ta tind out more about the Alpha Course. jim @ MiltonBibleChurch.ca Malle peur resurvatios hy callotg the church office. WWWyj.MfiiltonBibleChurch. ca Redto. The Revereni Canon Chàrlle Masters For more Information oeil 905-878-1363 905- 876-3243 Visit sur Websitos wwwsooresow'le.rgand mmw.rIws,= Making Disciples who Make a Differencel SOUTHSIDE COMMUN1T CHUCR 2850 DEBBY B1D. Phone 905-878-5664 PAsTOn nF Yosrro MIISonuES - JurE NIuNAEn Sundy M stnies: 9:3ola., DTe Clm""Childeris Sund-av Schol Lifr Gt:iii 9:30am Aalut Sunday Monig Bible Study 10:30 am - chu-eh Servie - "Christ iu the Feuil ut Tahernacles» nu5t Andrew Barron fmom jeosfr (ne oint 7-00 part. - Pevye Servie Snuthsile Youth - Weîlneulay Nights Safari (for grdeî 6-8)int 6:30 p.m. jungle çfur gradest 9-12) ni 741« pari. Pull Speclu Eveut Dhe African Childeen'. Chnir Weslnesday 171h Septemher ut 7pmé - Eveyne Welenuel MILTON CHURCH Inie or( ur îveekiv Sabbath service, ai }lugh Foiter Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sai. 9.13) a. m.o Sahhath Schoîd Sat. 11:001 ajit: D)ivine Servie FREE BIBLE SCIIOOL Disc:::et the amaotîîg Bible totnr to lifets prplexing questions, and the secret lu a happy fle. For FREE BIBLE LESS()NS..iwrite: PO. Boix 23012, 55 Ontario St., Miltn, Ont., LIT 5B4. On the INTERNET, http://ww.vop.com and ww.amaznogfacts.org/bibleschool/schoolmain.ap PASTOR: Aj DaCosta 519-835-8301 For mort infoarmation ahout ont servicn and program., pieate cali. 306( 10:00 11:45 6:30 an KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 Minister - Rcv. Joheph Gray Director of Worship & Childrcn's Ministries - Sonja van de Hocf Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Adult Christian Education Electives: 9:00 a.m. Youth Class Grades 7-12: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Sehool Age 3 - Grade 6: 10:30 a.m. "Caited to Serve the Lord" EU eeîchair accoua and waahroonas uarovided la vo that aul ray cornte and worsblp. Aunnî off NIMe Si. rON GOSPEL HALL BAHA'I FAITH )ntario st. N. e 878-3873 Lu a.m. - The Lord's Supper Devotional Gatheringe In Milton Homes: arn. - Sunday Sch~ol Prayers for Humant Unity and World Peace p.m. - Gospel Service Tùuesduy Sept. l6th ut 8:00 pro. Rcfreshments Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Spiritual Principles and prayer: Prayer and Bible Study Every Wednesduy ut 7:30 pro, Ait Wekcome! There is one God, Devotions and Tea: Sunday, Sept. 22 at 2 pmn id one mediator between "Spiritual Principies for a Just and Equai Society" God and men, . 2'eeJ eurr adneaau the man Christ Jesus 1lst Timnothy 2.5 [9Information: 905-875-2923 wwwbahai.orii - df1Recorded Message: 1-800-433-3284 Gr vvo RGEYOUalim.C Jnnn'r'r.".E. -ace Anglcan Chuirch W. welcome You to... 317 Main St. E., Mlton ST. PAUL'S ÇA the Church on theHia UNITED) CHURCH. Tel. 905-878-2411 Fax 878-3005 Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Sun. Sept 14,10:30 a.m. Rev. Amy Cousineau HEAVEN'S GATE CHURCII SCHOOL 9 SUNDAY SERVICES BEGINS wlth the Theme: Joseph1 8:00 amrnHl Communion Nursery available for baies SI toddlers 100 Hol-Sugy chrs Ho! Dog/Corn on the Cab lunch aller worshlp Church Sehool & Coffee Hour Sat. Sept. 20, 7:30 p. m. Concert Rev. Mark Curtis * *tickets ai the office TIIURSDAY Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter 7: 10:00 arn Holy Communion (5 Church office (905) 878-8895 Wheelchair Access Through Parking Lot Doois 1 1 WWW.tpauism .org 11.jjou'l ,EWAY 'BAPTIST CROeH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak .50 arn. - Family Bible Hour 1:00 arn. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer 1l alwavs find a friend art Graceway" a oorf loi