ô - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 9, 2003 COMMENTfo , -Markime downforg _______________________________Ddlton McDougali, ï mean --- VWDoton McDimple, 1I eo Justice wasn'L served in condo fraud case It's understandable that condo owners defrauded of their reserve funds feel disappointed by the sentencing of former property manager Mark Mallalieu. Mr. Mallalieu, who pleaded guilty late last month to defraudmng two Milton condo complexes of $250,000, was handed a two-year jasl sent- tence but wasn't ordered to pay restitution. So as reported elsewhere in this newspaper, homeowners will have to pay an extra amount in their condo costs each month to make up for the lost funds. Their only option to recover the money is to launch a Pol civil suitagainst Mr. Mallalieu, but that would take more time and cost C i.b jW more money and who knows what the outcome would be? What it comes down to is this is a failure of the justice system. Mr. Mallalieu may be behind bars, but the victims are left paying as well. We've seen restitution orders made in other fraud cases, like in the sen- tencmng of Michael Bourgon, the financial planner who bilked clients out of $760,000 in the late 1 990s. He was sentenced to two years less a day in jail and ordered to pay back $488,000. The order didn't represent the whole amount, but it was better than 0 what Mr. Mallalieu was made to make up te bis victims -nothing. O UR READERS WRITE Milton coni mut .k stop>s to pmot.ct Julian Reed à vote on same-sex marriages threateecl i*ton Mile Croe*. says iwaclr should represent constituents' views: reader It's home tonurmeros wilMle species, but inmy opinion tbis inSedible water- way la beusg destroyed by A1Vs, motor biksand even 4x4s that use thevalleys if it were abighway. l'hse veichiles race up and down thse valley for ang deep rts in heriver bausks, defacing die ilai4lssnd in sotBe spots bave W te ldso bSy sc red it's unfit to even walk on. Fuithermnosi, these -";dsgpesr seekerls are cuttitng down fRices aSni owing down valua unps to reach Ihe river benka. 1 believe, Milto's town council neS& to ad&klea thi prolm immediely. Oakviile's town counicil bas already taken stfps to protec its part of tise croek by passlng a no-mooeizeud vehicle bylaw. Milton shSold foliow suit toprotlect the rmainng part of the Sixteets Mile Creek (The following letter was addressed ta Halton MP Julian Reed and a copy wasflled with The Champion.) Dear Editor: We'd like to offer Halton MIP Julian Reed our heartfelt congratu- lations on bis active conscience. However, this won't translate into votes of confidence in the next fed- eral election. Aller reading Kimberly Bowman's lester in The Champion regardmng Mr. Reed's intention to vote 'No' on the issue of samne-sex marriages - regardless of the views of his constituents -we question the very integrity of our democratic syssemn. If Mr. Reed isn't there to represent the elec- torate but only to vote on the issue at a personal level, be's only repre- senting his own mnterests. We believe, as Canadians, in ccl- ebrating diversity and basic ftre- dom of expression. A 'Yes' vote would respect the basic desire of a gay couple to legally declare their commiitmnent to each other, just as any beterosexual couple can do. A 'No' vote, or thc suggestion that those that arc gay mnay not be mnarried but only enjoy a civil union, is a vote for fuerther bigotry. Wben this bill was proposed, we were pleaaed to see the Liberal party behaving liberally. And yet Mr. Reed seeks to stand against the bill. The leader of the officiai opposi- tion, Stephen Harper, will welcomne your support. We the votmng public, on thc other hand, would ratlier sec you support what your party stands for. Lori Callan and Gerry Bennink Milton '1~ %r TTANflT-~TWoman says thanks to ail who helped during recient tire TH J FC,.e/1/1ALV CH N Dear ditor: Thaasks to my son-in-law Mike Stokes for hshl Boa 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Assaciate Publi.sher Jili Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smnith Editor Wendy McNab Adveeei.sing Manager Tedi Casa Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager The Canadien Champion, psslisired every Tuesday and Friday as 191 Main St. E., Miltsn, Ort., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of Tht Mstrsland Printîs5, Publishing & tlistributing Lsd. group of ssburban comparues wlriclr includes. Aax/Pickering Sens Advertiser Alliston Herald/Cssnier, Barrie Adoance, Bslten Enserprîse, Brampton Guarilian, Burlingtsn Post, Burlingtosn Shopping News, City Parent, City o1 York Guardian. CstlingwssdlWasaga Csnnectisn, East eYork Mirror. tris Advocate/Country torses, Etobicoke Guardian, Flambnsough Review, Forever Ysung, Georgetown lndependen/Atnui Free Press, HlIon Business Times, Huronia Business Times, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Martirar EconomiSs & Sun, Midland/Penetangisree Mirror, Miton Shospping Sens, Mississauga Business Times, Mississarga Ness, Sapasse Guide, Sassusansea News, NewmaretAursra tri Baniner, Northrumberland Sens, Nrth York Mirros, Galeuille Beaver, Gakuille Shspping Sens, Gîdtimers Hockey Sens, Orillia Tsday, OshanaNWiitby/ClaringtunlPort Perry This Week, Peterborough This Week, Picton Csunty Guide, Richmond Hill/Thrrhilldvaughr LiseraI, Scar- lsnrsugb Mîrrsr. Stouurlille/Gesnridgs Tribune, Advertising is accepted un the csndîiin thar, rn sire erers of a typo- graphical errsr, shar portin of sire aduertising space eccupied by the erru- fleus sters, segeeller with a reasusable allunance for signature, will nos lie chred lor, but the balance ufth5e uduedîisement null be raid fnsu st he appli- cable rase. Tire publisirer reserves the right to casegerize advertisernents ns decline. A5R,. Baecanadien Cheampion ns a Raplbe sde This lester is in response to the belp and support rcceived during a recent fire at Derry Road and Milburough Town Line. Thank you to ail thc firemnen and women who fought the blaze of the barn and greenhouses that Tuesday night. A special tbanks goes out to my family, relatives and friends for their support. and support. And most importantly, thc. biggest hug and aIl my love goes out to my granddaughter Jesse. You're a hero for saving your cousin Draven that night. From your Orna, thank you. Brigitte Saliba Milton Pud by Steve Nease