Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Sep 2003, p. 23

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DINiNO ROOM ' structîsu. ut/i in buses. Coulst $1100u Sacrifice $3,000. 905-567-9459 FOOSE Sali Table. Excel- lest cnndition. Nec $0000u Soit price $275.ou cati Mike 905-675-1204 NEED a Computer? Don't Hase Cash? The original IBM Pentium 4 PC lot $1 a Day! Nu Mooey Docti Faut deliserti Free digital cam- ora! Cati NOW! 1-600-050- SM0 www.dnoarmday.com PIANO for alie. Upright. Encollent conditon Etemul Yamaha (1990) 905-875- 0027 TENNIS Table, Fuit sized, Germas mude, Keter table. excetlent condition. Nec $6u0n0. Sait Frice $275.00. Cati Mike (905) 875-1204 The Canadian Champion, Tuosday Soptombor g 2003-23 Satud. Sepiember t3th arb 930 am Previex trun OlOusu Seliîg foe complote contenta os site aI 63 Miii St. South Waterdocn A cnllectio asuembied oser on pears teauanng:Eary t0 laie 101h Century lumishings, ail and eiectnic 1:001- ing, catpeta, VicI. giaus &l china, painfingu linci. Frank Panahakeri, Pre-Coiamhian artilactu, 1thf c. issu, boan, cupper, pecter, coudes mare, hooks, tops, 150++ antique dotis linci. French musical dot), and man ofoor tara and cotteclibte items. NOTE: 2 AUCTION RINGS PROM 9:30 TO tt1:00 WITH THE DOLL COLLECTION SELLING IN THE MAIN RING Appmsx. 1000 itoms lo be nntd Fuit lisI sud photo aI: Tertas: Cash, Visa, Inlerac, knocn choque No bupers premism.No resurvel For fas list or ludher loto cati: ion Modiey Auctioneer 905-878-2647 Andrew Zegera 905-085-4643 YU e VE Oe a'EERECEI REC oNIEAD NIE' AD Due to rapid growth, ce are currently iookiog Cor: * Eoperienced Service Advîsor. Reynolds il Reynolds esperieoce preferred eLicensed Technicien e Parts counOoer pemson- part time availabie PIeuse las resume ta: Larry Gibson Service Manager Emait- lgibsonOsuîOontloa.corn 905-875-1516 OAKVILLE INFI*M NOW OPEN Oakuilio Inlinil; is iuuiîng lut muiuated & dodicatod peuple lu loin ur cinning loami Warranfea Clark Experlmnced Detalaer & Service Advisor- Fax a6l: nul 4035 905-827-2349 peenn eity of )n0a det &.'Witdea Faclity Maintenance Co-ordinator join our Recreatian and Parla Depurtment ta assume responsibility for the camplete maiu- tenance progrum of a number of umuil and large buildings, up ta 40,000 square feet. With yoar supervisory and contruct-management background, yoa will plan, orgunize and overree cleauing requirements for ussigned fudilitieu, direct uud supervise cleuning staff und contracted cteuniug services, und mainruin reluned dutubuses. Inventoey controI, mnaging and preparing u budget, und co-ordinating the logiseics for various activities und events are also important foinctions of this position. Your 3+ years of experience in institutionat, indus- trial und/or facilisy muintenunce and janitorial operations are comptemented by knowledge of junitorial practicru, und HVAC, sourd, lighting und physical plunt sysems. You bning a busic uuderstunding of electrical, plumbing and carpenery Computer proficiency, including MS Office Word and Excel, and excellent communication and custamer-service ukilis round aur yaur profile. A high school dipioma is a muse; a post-secondaey education in a related area, such as HVAC and Building Maintenance, is prefered. This position requires a validi drivers licence and access ta a reliable vehicle. The salary range for this fi-time position is $41,685 ta $49,625. Wr offr a highly professional, progressive and supportive wark enviroumens. To be an integral pars of aur growing community, pieuse send a detaileil resumne, including references and a caver letter, by 4:30 pin., Friday, Septemnber 12, 2003, ta: Ms. Jacqueltine Bowles, Manager of Human Resouresr, Town of Hahton Hifl, 1 Halton Hilsi Drive, Halton Hilis, Ontario, L7G 5G2. Fax: 905-873-1431. E-niait: humanecesre@town.hatton-itI.oii.ca Wr thae/ a/i t/se su/a apply, but advse e/at on/y t/aos applicants selectedfor an interview wil//ec contacted. Personal information is co//ected under the aut/ariey of t/e Municipal Art, 2001 (S.0. 2001, C. 25), and wi///he uaed to select a candidate. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer run wvith the leader Molot.Mastre - a worttfwitle teehoology leader in thse design and meafacture sf hot tanner systems andi contnols Cor the plastics indstry n flac hînîng for ts lîcility on Georgetown, Ontario. Beiog a Mold-MaterO employee means worting osit tire bout - leading technology pmducing revoutoapducts.Were lliioOfothnoht mi f mbidondedit50 endi leadershsip skif t. IfCyou posusus theae qualities, me eocourage Rou ta Run wits the Leederi Are trou ap for tire challenge? aurrent cereer opportunftlees position 9 position 0101. X003 MaintenancoTech B X005 CNC Mîlling Machine Operator - Advanced X031 CNC Mill5ng Machine Operator X007 CNC Machinisi X01 2 CNC Cylîodricai Grinder - Advanced X01 3 Paekor X024/X030 Componeni Assembler X027 Machine Operator X028 CNC Lathe -Advanced X0l29 CNC Machiniot X042 CNC Gundriît Operator X039 ElectronicTechnieian X033 CreuS Manager lçontractl No tetephone inquiries orAgencies please.While we thank ail candidates for their interest, onlus those selected Cor an interview mutl be contacted DESKTOP PUBISNER GRAPHIC DESIGNER WANTED Full-lime pusinin aoaîiable in Outs/lle. Fast paced pruducîrtion vioînmonl. Reui Esiale rolalod page laou, design and pninl. MusI ho ahle lu cum- municalo eilsclioeiy nraiip and in cniling. Musi bt delail nnionlod, a groal uptiior, croalino and he able lu adhere o ludoadiines. Exporionco cir Quark, Phutu- shup, Iliuslnaor and MAC a must. lnlarastadl parties plans fiiaiat morne f0 caraars@ramaxaboulowne.com or fax ta905-815-005 8E/MAX Ahouluwno toaily Curp. those solecled for an interview will ho conlacled MANAGER Roquirod lu manage a largo mulicuilurail doparlmenl uf apprus. 250 pioce rte ompinyoos. The idoal can- didate wiii pusoosa similan oxponionce aI 1he Mat- agement lovol, oncoplinna inlorporsona ukilis, and a post seoundany oducalion. Must ho flexible in hauts and days nf wnrk. Wo haut uporalians incalod lhruughnul North Amorica, wilh nur largosl laciin thn Hallun Rogiun. Ont compensation packtage tn- cludos a cumpolilino saiary and bonof il plan. PIeuse tas ramue le confidence ta: U-875-7897 Communîty ri&giis lookîng for onthusiastic individuels for fall/wintor child/adult programus: *Volleyball roferee - Basketball coaches and refereos - Soccor coaches * Tai chii yoga instructor - Babysitteru training instructor - Cooku - Childicare supply teachers - School ugo assistant Please submit resumne and caver letter to: Communily Progra Coordinator 410 Rebacca Street, Oakvilla, Ontario Fax: 905-845-938 SUPPORT WORKERS part-tlme and casuel For intelfectually disabfed in MI LTON AND GEORGETOWN Fax resumne to 905-878-5413 BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH is soc hiring Fuil-time lSpm-8am, 8am-4pm and Purs-time 4pm-l12am The saccessui applîcant must ho flexibte, hînhly motivaled and alo ta, work weekendo, Yout motivational skilis cootd ours pou an average hostly cage oi botween $tu.00 to, $1isoulr with a hase pay of $s.uulhr. Pleaso appty in person at 40 Cisiholm Drive, Milton No Phono Cails Pleaso .-a de IageIandenS CAREER OPPORTUNITY CLIENT SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE DLL Canada inites you lu shato in ur success as nur conlnued gtowlir has crealed the immodiale nood lut a Client Service Represonlalino, Reouringo luthe Manage, Custmot Service, fois pnsition wiii ho respunsîhîr lut handiing încuming client/ vordut and irukor inquirios togatding hunked neases. The succossini candidate xiii pussesu the opprupriale hlund ni skills and qualifiications: e 1-2 yoats ptusînus wnîk oxputionco * Fperiorco in loauing/ linauciali nduslty a must aStnng aptitude lut wntkîng cilh rumbetu *Encellont planning & urgaulualianai sinus wîlh stuug attention lu dulail *Computer liloralu in MS- Wotd & Encel und Outlinu a must eBilIng.alm (EnglisW Franch) la an ass" *Sulid luam playnt cilh lt ahildy lu cuti ir a uery lasi paced unnirnmeni e Anailahle o u cuk shilIs irolwntn 6:30 arnd sd p.m. lnluruslod candidates shud suhrnil ltir renumu rn confidence ru: Dm Lage Landen Humai flesrces 1235 Morfi Service B.ad Wmst, Suite 100 Dakvlba, Ontaro LSM 2W2 Fax: 90-485-3173 E-msail: hr-cda@Iemadirect.com A&in the cles ieuds hae thse putemadua teis sbds »My 30wIOfl peuple Merry Maids Cleaners Needed We are Iookbag for a f-egoodpeopte We offer. " Duytimne f-ours - Mon to, Fi " Paid trairing " Paid Mleage " Weekly pay " Benefits aviable Cau lherell (905>847-2210 leo IDN l Clwdfnin IlmIo eadng. Scouting new people (no exp. needed). Different looks, shapes, sizes. (newborn to senior) for ai parts of the industry. Modal and Talent Bureau wili ha holding auditions la your arma on Sept. lfl & l3t b Iy appt only. 519-249-0700O. $34.50 Audition fee refundable if you doj Inos qualify. Suprlntmndsnts Proressve Co. smala expariancedl couplas fer 80, 100 and 150 unit high-rîse buildings. Salary & benef ifs commensurate with experience. Must have own tools. Fax resumes: Homelaad Land Holdings Lfd. M-53 8B Afin: PM Telemnarketers Paemeut Boy/ Evamîna UtiliS Experionce prelerrod wiiiing lu train quaiiid applîcant. Cumpolitîne starling wago plus excellent bnus pkgs. Fox U054-130 or Gail 90548-8103 EXPIERIENCIED Paintor/ Prepper, Car Detailer & Goneral Hef p required for Burlington bodlyshop. Val id clean drivers licence required. Col l05434-232 JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in fhe MILTON area. $11-$12/hr. Ail shifts availablo. Fax rusumo ta: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 *NOW* New in OakviIIe! Luokinq for 10 local profeosioaus 10 deal cilh newly acquined clients. 18B+. Training avail. Car an usuel. Cuil: 1-888-717-2895

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