The Canadlan Chamoton, Tuesdsy, September 9,2003 Ir you nave any questions rnese îîAsk Tise Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontarjo L9T 4N9 n. 12w. bit. R7R,.AOtIl 15 Martîn St 905 693-9594 Maxime Slanhsy "Pî'ov'zdîng a Natural Way ta Bette, Health and Wellness" i rscantiy triai a dIet that lnvolved protein sitalsea, and I wms rsutrletsd tram constimlng bunanau, grupas. carroie and mîcoitol. Needîsas b suy, Il dldn't test vsry lomigl lu il raally nec- sssary ta goto tham axtramea ta loua wslght? A: lise aoswcr 10 your question la mont definilely "NOf" To avolti sucit natural feuils anti vegetablea tortite ceaI 0f your lite la abstird, anti avotdlng alcolsol for some people encans an enti 10 titeir social Uveac Suit externes arc NOT necesacryf Wbal you've juat described tac tsenpormty citango 10 your ectlno babils: a Dîlel'. To bave truc weigbt lies ensuits, anti moat ksspoetmntly, LASTING RESULTS, you neeti 10 malte some lifestyle changes, not jusI teenporary onesl Tbst's ahy diets dont woulcf Tbey are s quicit fis fors long terni probimen, anti lnevltably, lite welgbt cornes becit on wben you go bacb 10 your "nonnar eatlng habits. This leetis to dia 'yo-yo" syndrome, chars yoca'wcogist constasdy swings Imen bigit 1010w 10 filgit agan, semaIt- bsg bavoc on your matabolsen <oct 10 maiSon dia enclot yotw bodyli The truc fornitils for weight oas la sveeytlslng hi modeention ons dally boula, lise changes tisaI you enalia 10 yoow eating shoêid BECOME your new balails, entharlhan a teenporay distraction Imen your old eatlng habits. At Heebal Mmglc, we underataid ibis, and bava dasigneti s sensible eatlng plan litaI lncoepoentes yoor osen grocaey atoro baugitt 100dm. Abouti, along seldi tisa sfonnsntionad ImIta aid vagelabies. us moat dallnilsly a part 0f yooe pro~mrnl Sala, ail natuisl isseba are oued 10 mise rnetabollc entes aid 10 case cravinga, belpbsg you 10 davelop ncw aid issting 0.1109 babils. Tralnsd nutaillonal counscllora are on band 10 provlde ana-on-ana glidanca aid hall support. If seelgitI tees la samatislng you~ve besn consldarbsg, give us a cal or stop by. Ail consultations us froc wltis nootlllgation. Murhma 8tunhulr huma R.A. hi Soclolo.' aid ai 8.8.W. lii Social WorL SIta hua seorÈsal cmliii Uta HouaI Ii~c pws'um loi 0mw yaoes. aid lue Salaud nmatn*laumul comamaalor. lina Doney 17 Wilson Avenue PI4YScHA'ISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. h arn an avid garclener and titis fali, my gardent are fou snd need 10 hi cut back. Do you bave any lips for me topre- vent injury? A. Fahl is upon us, and it is indeîd lime to dean ouI tise flowerbeda. I do bave a few lips that you cao try, in order to save your back, neck and otiser joints. Fmi of ahi, pace yourself. Try not to go crasy, and frnish tise task in a couple of boucs. Spread it out across a day, maybc even îwo. Before you atarI tise job, you may want to spend five minutes to stretch your Ieg and aron muscles and take a amaîl brisk walk, to gît tise blood flowing. Use a cati or whcilbarrow, whin you need 10 transport heavy objecta any distance. Focua on lifting properly, kecping tise back straigist and aquat by beodiog tise koies. Your leg muscles are mucit stronger titan your isack muscles, an use thern instead. If you moît bend attise back for sustained periods of time, stand straigisl otten, put your hands on your buttocks, and arcis backwards 10 give tise back a break. Finally, if you ai~ giving away anme of your perennials, bave titem corne and dig theon ouI instead of you!!!! You rnay save your back, but O arn nos so sure about theirs. If you do overdo it anti injure yourself, or want to revicw a stretching prograrn for your use in tise future, contact your local pisysiotiserapist. Please contact Tina or Comme et Mie Halton Commanity Rehubilhhalion CeaIre, 17 Wilson Drive, Unit 112, Miltoa, <Mu<..R'7at..I<1< faim. aup'eliAus alaiml uhsatodimaucaw. HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE ~ Northview Centre 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 Georgetown (905) 873-8400 Q: I have noliced Ihal my leenage son wiII oflen "gel sluck" on words or may repeat Item afew Mmes when lie is lalking. Does titis inean he lias a slulleringprohlem? A: h is important 10 be able to recognize titi difference between stuttering and normal non.fluency. Hesitations. pauses. word repeti- tions and revisions are ail considered normal dysfluent iteitaviaurs. Ail of us experience these moments of dysfluency wheo speaking, especialty wben placed ina demanding environenent. For tite tien, situations suds as oral presentations in class, answering questions in front 0f a group of people or baving to compete for spcaking lime cao ite difficuit and may resuit in an increaae of ansi- ety snd fear. Sometimes titis fear anti nervouaneas cao increase titi tension experienced by a tien. Often, tite initial reaction to titis ten- sion is to increaae their speech rate which cao cause theen ta stumble over titeir words. Conceen witit stuttering is often noteti when nor- mal non-fluencies bicorne more frequent anti longer induration. At times, pitysical tension may alan begin ta develop as titey souggle to speak (c.g. facial grimace. quivering hp, eye blinking/twitciting). As talking situations bicorne more difficaît for your tien, hi may begin to avoiti speaking situations or may not complete bis commenta, Your tien may bicorne fnaatrated anti annoyed witit speaking and may responti witit commenta such as: "Forget it!", 'Neyer mmd!", "h cuit gît it saut!". If your tien is eahibiting aoy of ibese beitavinura, or if hi/site bas bai a history of dyslluency in thi past, especially as a cbild, contact Centre. Our Speecit-Language Patitoogista witi hi aitle ta pro- vide you with furthir information and hilp to detennine if your tien bas a soitering probleen. Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist Walcefield Professional Centre I 106 Waloefield Rd., Milton 905-878-S882 ~st PERCEIVED VALUE. SOMETIIING YOU SHOULD KNOW. Many peopte lbisk lhey cay b. gelant a dral seben lhiy ver an idverlîsed prtce toc glasses. contact lisses, or ryr evums. sanh as 2 for ose, trie mira pair or myr mass arrangeti. 'titi catch iv tiury may bove yoar anentian. wbicb suas 10 drivi a perceiveti valse tai yon arr gemng a gond vidai for yoan dollar. Av an inampli. I bave bal bandretis of piopli complais diii lhiy wme notable 10 gel useti 10' invisible bitord lenses" or seiarCotltact lisses. Many limes lboy aay blame itou tise poison sebo did tise ivamisatiai viser tht per- sou sebo sold dira dii glassesjast banditi oser dii glasses boping thr persan seoulti gît ased b ha fiasses anti mvi. ta dii ruse of contact Irises. amy peaple assaut dry can serar culant iics. Afuse tacts: mire ce ovir 200 types or produits avuilabli la lenses. Eacb oui bas o oses optical tirsiga orqamiity of image prodactian. A retailir may bave an lauenlive 10 provitie you seidi a cenain lins, as hay ritiser fiat il ha con ual effective <uaiaily ha case) as hay rai sel any pin ou ha pendant anti gain dii greatesi profit. tisfmvtrnalely for ha conssair. yom dou't knewwhat yes are EctIlsa mcd Ch. retuller kesws la. Evenlsally yos rnay asuase diii is base thingi are ta ho seen la clality. You nid cp poinnî up seidi ha visiou asti assiase rviryihing is supposeti ta b. diii way. astit maybi you wake ap b ha fait diii you aiffrnrd or guve up ahI serneoci tilts or show you souirthlag diffierat. te nonsideration of culant boises. eacb persoa is an ladividuat seidi aniqai requin.- Is my rapenence of praclici, braring ha complaisîs piopte bave rnprissed anti fisdisg diii con of ha pmblem seas dan ro tom qaaitty prodants or pour fimng considerations. t decidid diii my patients deservi ha brai. Opecautrats by 1mw mmii peovide mil pendante ut ccii, flirs a dispenslag tee is appîlat for ha seotti diii ser tio 10 provide ha produit as a harapeatie devise Se haie iv ou rnattup. mur paoents tinsse hay ai neceivmof ha bon h dont bave aiy noncera oser ha vidai ont polirais tenelvi becasse it taha brai available. Coassgs appbed te lesses aid ha trames useti are bactieti ap hy a savate canafansuer warranly. t seoulti radier se. oar patients profit frua dii confidence ot nomtortablr dean vision. litis pmvrays ha suai patents bavr givin ta me la brîplai ham bavr safer bialdi anti ryr cari. idlivuiiing diier sud b thsp for imnethiaf of lisser perniived vidai. Tom vidai is s ha service 10 provide a prodant seidi optirnaa propenses for cluity aid eornfoet. Se ha anar time yon sont ai eye eaanlaation. pal ha sidan of sebai is importais fine. Ycar eye heulth, aid ha aur professional setil put youn imereai ai vidan ap freni. So ha saylag "yon gai abat you puy for" usamlfy nids ap toc sensewbme la ha ans ot maltetiai ual peeceiveti vidar. 'lb. IraIS efk, Irmat ~ eje oe pro- M Affuliateti witb NF. Insurance Agoncy mc. Tel: (905) 876-0940 Fmi: <905> 876.2934 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontarlo 19T i P9 Q: It 2000,1 hoagbt a Labour Spoosoreti Insmiment Fond lbrougb a "major fimandul inslitctict." t gai a great tan refond, bat now Ihavite puy ai annual fie cf $130.00. By tbe liai I ram selI my labour speusarti fcmd nithout penalty, Ibis will cml me ssii $1000 in fets' My fritnd maie di. saut invesîment thrmgb Money Concepts mmd dots mot bave ta puy the mira fet Why 's Ibere titis differenci' A: Somnlirars "financial iOstititiOts" aatomatically Pal invîstors mb self diricteti RRSPs." This is common seitit brokerage bouses associ- ateti witb tise banks. Self duticteti RRSPs bave ai entra ainnal uustee fie of appmnimalrîy $13000. Self directiti RRSPs are sot suitable for ail investors. AI Moncy Concepts, wî only recommenti self directed RRSP 10 clients witose retiremînt portfolion would benefit enougb from titis stiuchiri ta justify dii mottaI fies. Labour Spousoreti Fustis are a speciatized mutual fond peoduci aid require extra leasing aid licensing to set (witich dii plannen la our office bave). lise Labour Sponsoird RRSP invesiment rai hi hild in dii clients marne ity titi funti compaiy witbiut aiy mmml mastic tic. litai is dii tesson your friend was able ta cake dii aime inveuiment dimugb us witbout baving ta paya 5130.00 fie eveiy year. mire are spinal forms aid procedures sebicit munt hi followed 10 transfer Labour Sponsoueti RRSPs back ta thi fond cornpaiy aid belti titere, seidirnut incuning dii tas penalties diii seoulti corne foas sclling dii fimds eatly. Your Çrnancial institution rnay ebarge a fie ta close out your self directed RRSP, bot la dii long omit enty hi woetb doing titis. Do ,oa have a qainilea regardug~oar luswilumeula? Coulait Mouey Coucepaforafreeporlfoltio ,seves'. Phase 00>5.8764940. %EGON. DenIer Servies Canada mc. HaltonHmlespctiuSorvioe ~ Buyyour next home w~h confidence. I Pre Pîrchaseand Pie Listing Home Inspections. Oosdeeasy-to-readrepoflprovided. EREElonmeRefermooeBookwîtheveryînspecboo. AndySltaw Cecofird eotin~kycauw.N5416-41O1 Home taspector lia home inspection is in your future, you wiII derinitely want to read this. Bath home bayers aid setters afin, adi as about sebai tbey cas rapin tisas a bouse inspection, mire are masy important qiesoons. anti Haltos lOuai. Inspectica Service seant you 10 koose tise aoswrrs. Paecbaslag a borne is tise langeai invesimesi mosi of as seihI make. h renta yeaes, pnident borne buyers bave increasisgly reqaisteti pmfessiosal bouse inspections te provide tbrnn witb valuable latonsatios ou the condition of lb. borne before making ibeir buying tension. Today, a balaDent mmd arearate houe laspeuilua eubaaoes aid ceaI mtute traasactlos, Ose informative 4 page Nesestetter "lb. Home Inspection aid Yoa" is panked seitlavaliable lafonnation for borne buyers ud sellon aid il is absolasety FIIEE, To mcciv. your napy jusi phoise as witb your sanie anti address anti wr wîlt mat t Ibe sanie day FREE NEWSLE1TER CONTENTS. ailaieaicui O lb. lieue tmspeetiom mai Yom, ~ [J la~ Preparatics fer Ycmr 11cm. _____________ O Wh.I every Venter ...à tokans