Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Sep 2003, p. 16

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- 1 i-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 9, 2003 you nave any questions triE 'Ask The Professiomals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton' Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Complete Design & construction emtait. iafo@mackiuaonponds.comn Tel & Fax: (905) 876-2836 weww.mackinionponds.corn Celii (905) 876-5317 i Question: WiII a biological filter solve ail cf My algae problems? Ànswer: No one thing in your pend works on ils own te eliminate algae. To have a healthy pond you nced bal- ance. Balance dees net happen overnight. Complete balance may net ever happen in the first year. It takes up te thirty days for your pond te rid it's water cf unwantcd minerals and chemicals frem the top. Introducing plants will speed up tise procesa. Start with cne oxegenator sucis as hornwort or elodea, one floating leaf plant for shade iLe. water lily or hyacinth and cne reed or rush type plant such as cattails, pickerel rush or sweet flag te filter the heavy water. These are the minimum cf plants te, occupy each cubic yard cf pond. Start there and add plants cf interest as you develop your pond. Remember, il is only when you can't sec thse watcr that you bave toc many plants. You may decide te build a second pend and con- nect the two. Hcavily planting cnc would create a natural biological filter allowing you te sparsely plant the other and sec more cf you fisis. It is very common for plants te, take a lot cf tune te establish in the flrst year. They will appear yellow and wcak and thse water is green and cleudy. Den't empty thse pend and clean the walls. Lewer Use water by 50% and add ncw water and more plants. Now if you don't have eougis room for plants te do thse fil[tering for you a biological filter may help. Remember, if Use water is clear (with a small amount cf string algae), the plants are lusis and healthy, thse fist are active and you even have a freg or twe, you have a healthy pend. QREQà J. A RE C B. Sc., D. Cii. FOOT SPEÇIALIST /CHIROPODIST 350 Main St E., Milton, Ontario, LOT 1 P6 (905) 878-6479 1A Prlnoeas Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Grog J. Lawrenci (905) 702-1611 B.S. .C. Member of hhe Ontario SOCial> of Chlropodlata andi Th. Ontario Collag of Chlropodasta Q.My child bas fiat fret. What causes this and how la tis treated? A. A flatfoot deformity la wbere tise arcis on tise inside border of tise foot is more fiaet tisais normal. Flatfoot deformities cai occur in ail age groupa, but appear most commonly in clsildren. Some of tiese cbildren grow up into adulte wiso bave fret witis normal archs- et, but many of tisese cisildren bave pain related ta tiseir flatfo defonnity tbrougisout tiseir lives. At lise ages cf twa aid dmrc, tise cbild's foot starta to show more cf its cisarcteristic sisape since tise foot is less fat aid tise bontes are more prominent. The reason, tisat it is important te bave tise feet exansined at Ibis age la because tise young foot la allil largely made cf cartilage, witis lest bone tisai would lie present in tise adult foot. Since tise fiatfoot deformity causes instabdity of tise foot during gait, clildren witb flatfoot defoenity may bave complainte in the foot sucis as arcis, heel or aikle pain, wisicb la generally associated witb increased standing, walking or rnming activities. *However, since tise excessive rolling inward cf tise archses of tise foot alto make tise leg aid knee more tamed inwards, cisildren wids flatfeet may alto complain cf pain in tise low back, hip, knee or leg due to tise abnormal mnecisanica of tise foot wisicis created by lise flatfoot defonnity. Treatment generally starts witis bots supportive sis, suris ai bigis tops, aid tome formn cf in-tsoe insert suris ai arcs paddissg for tise milder cases cf tie flatfoot defoenity. More significant cases may require more exscting control cf tise abnormal motion cf tie foot suris as tisat offereci b>, functional foot ortisotica. Functional foot ortisotics linit tise abormat fiaet arcs shape aid rollig in cf tise heed bone during standing, wslking aid ninning activities wbicb iselpa not only improve tise appearance and function of tie foot, bot also gready> reduces tise symptoms in tise foot or lower extremities.' 75Man t, te1 -SHOPPERS Milton Medical Buildings E G M. 905-878-0800 ~ ~ I* Open to midnight, 7 days a woek n n - Carrnage Square, 265 Main St. E. JiliIIn Guard Wendy Cooki Catiios McTlîlsr flynn wvis er 905-878-4492 (Hm.) B. Sc., RUT' RUT RUT B.Se., RNT -eitee Masag Therapy TENSION HEADACHES Tension iseadacises are described as pain associated witb tise base of tise skuil or any ailier part of thse head and face. TIbey are differenti- ated front vascular (migraine) beadacises and are patients' most frequently made complaints. Due ta tise many causes of beadacses, a case bistory must lie careftslly considered ta nie out organic disease and ta ascertain tie cause and type of headacse. Comoson causes of tension iseadacises include trigger point refeeral, muscle spasm. cervi- cal subluxation, postural stress, and environnmental stress. Symptomi include a stiff and tender neck, aid acising or vice-like pain in one or more areas of tie isead. The patient may also experience ringing of tie ears, reduced attention, and pisotosensitivity. Referred pain in tie bead moît commotsly occams as a resailt of trigger pointe in tise neck and sisoulder region. For instance, tise upper trapezias (shoulder muscle) is tie muscle considered mosi likely ta develop irigger pointe wich refers pain beisind tise ear into tise tem- ple. Trigger pointe in tise splenii muscles (baie cf tise skull) refer pain upward t0 cause a deep-seated headarise tisat concentrates beisind tise eye and often extends to, thse top of tie isead. Additionally, stemnoclei- domastoid (V-sisaped muscles in tise front of tise neck) trigger points not only refier pain to tise ear, temple. and around tise eye, but may alto cause dizziness, disorientation, and tise syisptoms of teigeminal neuralgia. Treatnent of tension iseadacises wifl include tisorougs asseasment, teigger point tiserapy, and hydrotiserapy te, reduce pain and muscle spases, aid increase circulation to compromised tissue. The tiserpist seilI stretcis shortened muscles and encourage tise patient to lie aware of aid miasinize contributing factors. Plase eaU Ryan orJflhaa ai the Mikan Therapeatic Massag CUnie, (f yaa have 7;y questins coneniag massage ti.eeapy or would tilt tg ok an appoimna St Mmur MLu-M 111 0 *sait 10-2 * chmii âmmv iDr. Tong Wanm Tooth Ta 1k ilTowne Dental Group Trony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B3.Sc., DoS. (905) 876-1188 Q: What can I dté aemy teeth whikr? A: ThreareO nsrrmay ways available la give you thesmile you have delermin sisal lias caused lise disctlouration. Sont connon causes for toIs discaboatian inclade sgisg, poor dental hygiene, bIst decay, trauna, lsolh nrve dtggsersliss, excessive flisride, csnsiimplias af slsining subs- stancts (ctllee, tes, colas, loliacco), teracycling (ssliioiic) staiuing, snd siti dental resloralians. As yoa can ste, (l istait as simple as going loa tint stort and psrcsing products Ihsl say wili «lirighlen and whiten yosr smile'. Il yss choose la go tisaI rosIe, lieware aI praducîs tisai nay a talIy hari ysur eeli antiu talissues. Sente loollipastes aimed aI smoktrs contais ingredi- enîs Ihal are las harali an yssr leelh, and over tint cas wear thin lise praîsclive tiantel coaling. Arsoîher producl tht puliic shosld lie cautioni about sint is tht over-lise-coutter ai honte whutening praduca. Blesching praducts in santie instances niay casse damtage la lise toots pslp, enamel aid gams, esperially when perlarmed withosl supervision. Many ai these proti- scia centain cisemicats tisai are beo roscentratd aid are ailes administered tsing pooriy titteti mots irays tisai show more esposure aftie mots lisses. Osty a dentisi cao determine sisal s cassing yasr teets la lie dis- colasred. Yaar solution nay lie as simple as regidar dental check-ups togetiser suis prtper hom dental cru. Sanie people may need bist colaureti tiltings il il is deray tisatis mraising tiseir teelli discoioured. Oid discaiatred tiiiings ii need ta lie repiaced as il is not passille ta visites tisent u cisemicais. Teei tisai have discoiosred as aresait ai staining substances aid aint may lie viieneti wits pratessianai hieaciig systema. Tetracyclite staineti teets, resiiting tram ary childisoat exposure ta tise antiliiotic, rat somatines lie treateti ly bieaching, dependinoth ie severiiy. tn severa rases, il nay lie necessary ta conspiement il vush cosneic dental procatitres saris as porcelait veneers. Teets tisai have ssttered palt trauma or nerve degeneration viii neeti ta lie diagiased liy yasr dentisi tirsi liefare attenpting ta wisiten tisen. Se, iii wisiter teth yu Mre aller, thse lit advice is t0 set your dentisi 2td soir t-alinS i- hen, i f -as S JOY THORNTON Q: What la Rubella and why is il dangerous for pregnant women? A: Rubella, or german measies, is an infection caused by a virus. Rubella is very seriolis if a woman con- tracta it in the firat 3 months cf pregnancy. The unbomn baby may die or have severe birth defecta including blindness, deafness, mental retardation and heart defecta. Fortunately, birUs defects caused by rubella have become rare since most women cf childbearing age are immune as a resuit cf vaccina- tion. If you are unsure whether you have had rubella or the rubella vaccine contact yeur doctor. Your doctor will give you a blood test te fmnd eut if you are immune. If you are net immune and net pregnant, the doctor will vaccinate you. You should net get pregnant for 3 months after vaccination. This will allow enough time for immunity to devel- op. If you are net immune and you are pregnant, it is recommended that you wait until after delivery te be vaccinated. For more information about infectieus disease and pregnancy just ask your Healthwatch Pharmaciat. loy Thornton, Heallhwatch Pharmacist Shoppers Drug Mart, Carniage Square INTELLIGENCE 251 Main St. E. Suite 201, Milton H-d fic 52ts Sit5la Iris., tare 101, Mb",mnON LAW SI 0& 2 A GMAC Compny ýÈ 905.878-7213 John Cavan 8377.1167-5483 Mortgag. Cnsultant www.treesfremortgages.ca SeIf-employed? Arranging a mortgage ras lie quieker and easier than you tbink Oser the yeaes as rocseating tnisber of Casadiats have become seif-empisyrd, sorteil becasse of cospoute dowssizing or, sn tome cases, tise devise to lenerage frein irnowerge aod esperiesce vnan estrepreneurial ennirossnest. Accorig t0 Statistics Casaia. approxrmareiy 12 per cent nf Casada's worr force is seif-empisyrd. Setf-employment bas sîmennus iresefits and certainiy sorte cha- lentes as weii. Orteil, seif-empinyrd isdivrdras are ssrprised when rirey fisd ir dificaîr and very time cosming 10 secure a mortgage. They qsickiy leant rue1 don't fit rire mode] most monegage lenders preler - tacliriosa full-rinie empicymeas sehere psy srairs poe inconre income soi suaiiy. Msoy seif-employai individus do nnr mecs tie crireria lsid nut by thir enedisg institution, Cvn frougr rhey are finasciaiy sourid and cas easiiy aours thir psy- menus. Afler a long soi coapicated peocets 10 penne fre abiiity t0 service frein deirî, the information prnvided aay 001 ire good enosgh for freir fioancia instituio. Lesiers typicsiiy eant ro laina that payaens cas ire maie for tise lire offrhe mor- tige, sot jirst oser lae nesi yeae. Siani bussinest onsers se assaiiy seqsmred 10 provide lenders aifr Ian yeaes of fiaocut suimeSts. Hoarver, aissaine frein accounust iras sed ait ivaiarle unx peinciplesto 10isimize lae coapasy's peofrus, frese fitacial tuiemenus ay nt ire a sre setlection of lisi aiiiy t0 service freir deirt obligations. Contnts, connu-t tors and fhore in commission salet can find il eqsaliy dilficais t0 saîisfy sireir leider's teci fon eapoyaens aid revenue verificatiot. The gond nran if yos are sel-employri s frait fre iradisg lasiscape iras ciraigei. Cean endors are lurgeting tis marretsregmet aid have lsirncired pestiacu specif. ically desitssed 10 meer your seeds. You suy, in fact, se able loges tise mortgage yoa mail wilhouî lhe lisse conssamg process of peoviding income verifrcariai. If yoai credit rariis gond, yoa could qssiify soleiy os yoanslslted income, liairri empîsymens verifrcalin aid confirmation liraI yos donst have ossutsdjtg usxes. Imagine. monigage appeovais uiiored tv yoa! So if yoirre seif-empinyrd, yoso monigage veedso ird onme omnership dreas dosit ecessoily have lo be coaprmied jasl because lor don'l have a cosseslistal jor or psy srips. And lhaIs gond ceas for tie masy Casadiais abs mass fre challenges aid beaifiss lhar go aiong wifr seif-empioyaes. Jahn Caran is a Cansuas cil Maflgoge iefgenee, www.sresfnemengage.eaL 1.i.uiWi miweaaxRDimmoeyad

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