lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 9, 2003 A temporary road closure of Fourth Line between Beaty 'Ti-i HI if d tb', firtiln- ii' )n f I S t I :r,ý Boulevard tor a perîod 0f 12 weeks us requîred to accommodate road improvemnents to benefit existing and future residences. This road closure is planned for September 22 through December 15, 2003. Traffie will be detoured around the closure via Derry Road, Britannia Road, Thompson Road and Fifth Line. Residents with direct residential frontage onto F.ourth Line within the road closure area will have access main- tained at ail times during construction. Through traffle will flot be accommodated. MTNw Mattamy (Brownridge) Limnited WY le believe..a in helping. /Firefighiters PLAS GV 188-21343bushfire Cool nights and warrn days are traditionally the first signs of faîl but for the gardener the tirst hardy mumn to flower rerninds us that astuman is here! Faîl is a great opporlunity ta fili the gardon with spiashes of colour. Fail murns corne in a rainbow of colours and shades and are great wben planted towards the front aI the gardon bed, in hanging baskets and containers. Mumo cao easily replace any spring planted annuals tIsaI are starting ta look tired or cao be placed throughout the gardoen. Why not try adding sorne fail grasses and asters for complete autumn garden alive with colour and texture? Stop by one of our garden centres this week and be dazMed by the fabulous colours of fail. Listen toi &Nkffl CH for more A bush fire believed to have been started intentionally somelime Saturday aflemoon took firefighters nearly two boums to extin- guish. Firefighters noticed the blaze on Boston Chui-ch Road just before 5 p.m. on their way back fron another fire, said Acting Capt. Walter Rice. "We were coining back fronu a shed fire and oneO of the guys ia the tanker noticed it and went to iaventigate," hoe said. Smoke could ho seen sf1 the way fron E.C. Drury High School, hoe said. When fire personnel arrived on the ucene, hoe said they saw a large pile of wood and garbage ablaze behind an abandoned home. "There were big flames and lots of smoke," hoe said, adding tse fire measured about 20 foot by 20 feen. "Whoever il was uit Use tire and left it," Actiing Capt. Rice said. Smnce the pile of wood was so large, a backhoe was contraened no tour it down 50, firefighters could gelto thUe bottom of Use fire. Acting Caps. Rice said Use tire had been burng for a while and hoe didn't know why nobody else noticed or reported il. The blaze took about two hours to, put out. The bush tire waa about 20 to 25 feet awuy from an old stone farn bouse and field. "We would bave had trouble" had Use tire reaehed Use bouse and field, Acting Capt. Rice said. THE Team For Your Dreams; Aure Nwel We're Focused On YOU RNM Mlxmmi rff lm l i Dorset Park End Unit Townhome Stunner * $169,w00 * Compare your dreamn un ibis * immaculate, bright and airy 3 * BR/2BA multi-level w/park-like * grounds. Deft decor touches, * extra-large closets, est-mn kit. * C/V system. Mature trees. 0w,, titis be<udy for oaty S$s971 per moath FIL. *Dorset Park Town - *Reeently decorated. Bright c at-in kit. w/oaù cabinets, safridge, stove & dishwasher * mcl. Fin. lower level *w/oec. rm. & sep. luundry - *waaher, dryer & freezer * mcl. Across fromn Junior sebools & park. Well rua complex. D uy this homse with 0 dovu and oaly pay $978 P/I. or put dow,, $ 7,100 and pay oa.ly $829 FIL. CaU Chrisfor a thre détails ai 905-875S864 ad start peckiug Wod"! MUR$ -.âeaL *ss. *hm(1) .5 rz..A GATE'7 TICKETS Dorset Park Looking For a Real T)reasure? $279,900* Check outibtis updated* 3BR13BA split level w/an* yard. Light and aîry ambiance, gamne m rec. e ni. Defi decor touches, lsandy et-in kit. Fin. b'smnt.. 0w,, this beauty for oaly $1600 per month FIL. V.Tour atALfiltoaHom.es.com, - 2 (II$Iffl- 9 .ob*4 Ae. *iý é onIêre W e* * 6 Woowrd Av. - 309Mesowb.* *280 ueW Ctres. - SM ea rig *Yr622mEIIre? - 0 ro»Div fNmIlm eP