8-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Auguat 26, 2003 ww.Karenstioweshop.com 487 Lauier Ave. 878-2881 'Milton Mair Four Ho/y Rosary teachers preparing for /engthy excursi on By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion If one small step for mari can equal one giant Ieap for rnankind, just how many leaps can a 60-kmn chaiity walk bring about'? F That 's something one foursome. teachers from Hoiy Rosary Schooi, is about t0 find otnt. But for now, the Milton Mammas - as tbey cail them- sel ves- are concenîrating on coiiecI1ng dona- tion s and preparing pbysicaily and mentally for next month's Weekend 10 End Breast Cancer * waik. * Three ot us have bad a personal e.Kperience with famiiy or friends with cancer," said Laura * Creces, one of the Milton Mammas, explaining their motvation. The Weekend t0 End Breast Catncer, September 19 10 2 I. nsIl involve a tsno-day snalk. witb partictpants walking 30 km each day. They stant waiking from the Canadian National Exhibition (CNEî and continue Io Downsviess Park where they camp in lents for the night. before waiking back 10 the CNE the next day. Proceeds will go toward Toronto's Princes Margaret Hospital, a leader in cancer treatmett and research. "It's a nice way 10 fundraise," said teim mcm- ber Petra Haik of tbe event. She said the waik wiii probabiy take àbout six boums for fast waikers and seven or eight bours for siower walkers. Plenty of support for walk Each participant is required 10 raine $2,000 in piedges. Ail four team members bave aiready donc Ibis, and are now above and beyond Ibis, currently baving raised about $13,000 as a group. Ma Haik retired from teaebing ai Holy Rosary lant year. The otber three team members, Ms Creces, Catbie Castrucci and Jane Leai, current- iy teaeh lUre. EacU bas a unique motive for jointng lte waik. 1I lhougbî it wouid be a great way 10 raine money, and aiso a way to get some fiîness,- said Ms Creces. who teaches senior kindergarten. Ms Haik said she lhought the event wouid be exciting, and since she's known many people wiîh breant cancer, il Uoids extra meaning. Ms Creces said the schooi bas been exlremeiy nupportive of tbeir efforts. Parents of studenîs, in parlieuiar, have been generous with theiir dona- tions, abe said. From left, Petra Halk, Leura Crocos and Cathie Castrucci make up three-quart.rs of the Milton Mammas team that'll b. walking 60 km next month in support of breast cancer research. Mlssing je fellow walker Jane Leal. The local foursome have already ralsed $1 3,000 for the upcoming Weekend to End Breast Cancer walk. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE For Peîra Halk, chaiienging herseif physically is a way of life. She's the only Canadian woman who bas mun a marathon in each state ofîthe US. She said sUe finda the event -phynicaiiy easy" but han been deaiing with painfui hbiers iateiy. Ms Haik naid doing tUe event wilh others maken tUe training- and the actuai waik - casier because they can encourage cacb other aiong the way and converse. preventing bore- dom. Training basnnI been a piece of cake for any of the Milton Mammas. They've been waiking togelber since April, graduaiiy increasing their distances. Some team members aiso walk witb other gr area gearing up for the event. "Now our oniy challenge is act tUe walk,- Ms Creces said. "i'm a We've waiked up 10 27 kmi in one found that a bit more difficuit than Ms Creces said she likes the fa( becoming more fit and doing somet oîbers aI the same lime. For more information on the walh an on-uine donation to one of Mammas, visit www.endcancer.ca. Stepitaftie T/tic.sen ca 17ji' keepiag Northi Nalton jjjjfe< m m mm %i Programming Schedule - Tuesday, Aug 26th - Monday, September lst, 2003 www.cogeco.ca 8 Opm Halton Hiln Counci 8:Opm Milton Couneil 8:OOpm Halton Region Counci 8:0Opm Main Street NORTH IIALTON STUDIO (A~a t uu 5h Ags 3hOakville Jazz Festival Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue Milton, ON L9T 4R3 9Pluqqed-9306 W1II Keturii September Zniid Toups in tUeJ tualiy doing bit nervous. walk. and i 1 1thougt.' wt that sbc' bing to bnlp kor 10 make tUe Miton *1 <tiampw nmas' to walk 60 km for breast cancer