6- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday August 26, 2003 SCOMMENT PSrRAWEDBrE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G T O r o C L A S S , D wauering tan lhtted, uiWR AEF but let's stili conserve The Region's watering ban was lifted Saturday, but that doesn't mean we sbould go crazy dousing our lawns and cleaning our cars. Halton officiais are telling residents nothing is stopping them from watering their lawns, washing their cars and driveways, topping up * their pools and filling their founitains. * And businesses can tum back on their automated lawn sprinkler sys- terrs. B ut they're asking citizens and the business community to take it easy and conserve as much as possible. * The water restrictions were initially implemented to ensure an ade- quate supply in Halton's reservoirs for fire department and household needs. They're also an important energy conservation measure. The less water residents and businesses use, the less energy required at the plants. As reported elsewhere in this newspaper, many lessons regarding conservation were Iearned from the August 14 power failure. 4 Now let's not take both water and electricity for granted - use them sparingly. O UR REA4DERS WRIT E Local lawn bowler says club needs help Reader says she's dîsappoînted wîthMP to send top bowler to worlds in Australia Reed's opposition to same-sex marriages lItar asuaujr: Milton certainly has some great ath- letes who are covered in the sports sec- tion of The Champion. We at the Milton Lawn Bowling Club are particularly proud of 39-year-old David Anderson, who's a national men's singles champion and bas qualified to compete aItbe world championships in Australia next montb. This is a great bonour for Mr. Anderson, our club and tbe town of Milton. To belp Mr. Anderson pay for bis trip, Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Pubhishei Jili Davis Editor-in-Chiej Karen Smith Editoi Wendy McNab Adnertising Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager th1e 45 members of our baving a fundraising ev (Aug. 29). Our event will includi penny sale, raffles an, bowling gaines. Please come on doos Commercial Street. Jol meet our Canadian cbat Everyone - membei bers alike - is welcoi event. The Canadien Champion, publîshed ever, Main StE, Miton. Onlt, L9T 4N9 (Box 24E Printing, Publshirng & Distrbuting Ltd. grnap i inctudes: Aax/Pickering Sens AdveOîisen, Al tiAance, Inîten Entenpnse, Brampon Guandiai Shnpping ens, City Paent, City ni Ynrk Gi Connectio, Eatir k ihu.Mrror..,i Avca el« 'ef gr er el, Pr local club will be Dear Editor: vening Ibis Friday l'm wniting out of disappoinîmnent following a conversation 1 bad with le a sulent auction, Halton Liberal MP Jultan Reed last idsomne friendly week. ht was regarding the federal vn t, ou clu on government's proposai Io allow ' n te oufcubond samne-sex couples to marry. n pin tb1u n contacîed Mr. Reed because 1 espid on m- strongly believe tbat federal recog- rs t atnd te nition of same-sex mamrages can me toatten tbe onîy positiveîy benefit our country. Donna oulter Its an affirmation of Canada's Dona ioltn commitment 10 diversity, equality, Mitn individual freedoms and basic buman rigbts. lt's an open declaration of our support of couples wbo are willing Dlb To1 publicly declare their commit- L41I ....L ment 10 eacb other. In an era wbere we're consîantly reminded of crum- bling family structures, we sbould r uesday and Friday at 9 be supporting responsible adulîs 18,i one nf ire Metrolana wbo merely desire 10 be recognized of sairurban Comparues which as oigadcmitdculs Oston Herad/GourEBarrilae sloigadcm tedoue. in, Buringlon Post, Bulntgin Calling tbeut registered domcstic ardian, Colirgwsood/Wasaga parsnersbips or civil unions creates Guardian, Flambrssgh Revien, Forever Ysng, Georgetsn InidependentActnn Free Press, Halton Business Times, Huronia Business limes, Lndsay This Week, Maktam Ecnnsmist & Sun, Midlani/Penetang- sisirene Mîisno, Miton Shopping News. Mississauga Business limes, Missssaaga News. Natasse Guide, Nassagaweya News, Newmarket/Asnnna Ira-Banner, Normberland News. Nonth York Mi, Gakailie Beaver, aville Shopping News, Oldtîmers Hockey News, Onllia Tday, OshanaiWiritby/Clarington!Port Perry This Week, PeterborougirThis Week, Pîcton Couniy Guide, Rcirmona Hiii/TiornhiiiVaagiran Lieal, Scarbornugir Minisr, Sioaiiuille/Uxbridge Tibune. Adedtising in accepted on tire conditionn hat. in tire enent 01 a typo- gnapirical ero, that portion ni the aduetising space occsîsied 5y the enno- neous item, togetirer nîtir a reasonahme llonance for sgnatane, nll ot se cirged tor Sut the balance of thre adverlîsement nl Se laid ion ai the appli- caSte at The pailisir resenes tier igiri ta categonîne advetisements on dcine. Thie Miltonn Çnadao Championn s a Recyclable Pendent second-class status for same-sex couples. Il constitutes segregation and discrimination. Mr. Reed informed me that be disagrees wiîh my position and will be voîing against the govemment's proposed legislation. He was unable 10 provide me witb a reason as to bow broadening tbe definition of marriage could adversely affect opposite-sex couples. He did, how- ever, tell me tbat be was a strong supporter of "values." As a strong supporter of tbe val- ues of diversity, tolerance. respect, individual liberties and of commit- ted adult rclationships and familial structures, t continue 10 wonderjust what kind of values same-sex mar- riages offend. The most difficult tbing for me 10 swallow - and tbe reason that I'm writing Ibis letter - was tbat I was informed tbat there was notbing I can do 10 change the vote of my elected -. -presentative. Mr. Recd said the federal vote, muade on bebaîf of ail Halton constituents, is being made on a personal level. 1 was assured tbat. regardless of the amount of feedback be received from either side of tbe debate, bis vote will most certainly be "00." l'm wrnting 10 encourage aIl resi- dents of the Halton voting region 10 contact Mr. Reed and remind bim that be's there to represent bis con- stituenîs. I would furtber encourage ail readers wbo support this legisla- lion 10 make tbeir voices heard. I was informed that I was only tbe second caller to my MP in support of the legislation, but I (perbaps naively?) believe tbat there must be more than two of us out there wbo see Ibis as I do - as an issue of fun- damental buman rigbîs. Please identify yourselves and demon- strate your commitment 10 truc Canadian values. Kimberly Bowman Pud by Steve Nease 2 +THE CANADIAN CHA i 1