28-The Çanadian Champion, Tuesday, August 26, 2003 V6, auto, whell pkg, p.group, cap blue, rnust be seen. Stk. WT212-1 Cash Pricu 8i018,995 f I I OTE ST. Se .,m 0 po chase fîfanes o r 072 m000100n Cryse, 3001,11 2003 Do4ge Durango &2003 Jeep Granit Chffokge egOsles. 0sml $00 003 00 00% APR/O mothterni; mooMhy oenteç i $278M4417004500 0Cos of boooeing i $0. Tota obligation $2000043000044000 Useose, insurece. tright PHO, ram0er charges and ftes oe 001 70ud ait wfth sOle, otef W eaer for asnete deeels. Ca rebtes. f» rae. meoecwig & ca fetee rates ae t 0a00fr excme so ooey n0o beoId cmi at. e aen in lieu of0% pochese fiaeasog eflectie rate of intees i 8.5% »*Peoleents biweeeiy, 60 elh te,, $1000 deen or eauentas e. Vehbes mey 1000e eoecly ea11e