Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Aug 2003, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 26, 2003 CL4SSIFID HOMLIE: 905U75-3300 CLSSM MR:mpton eda 900a -500p CL4SSIIED RO IS:MnA"oFia'900an :0p BOU! l CasiiM / apara Ciassified"i ico.o On September 1 2003 (Willîim) LeonarJ McYleil and Helen Olive (Patton) McNeil will celebrate their c6th Wedding Anniversary. Rc'/ciices.c u r i 'îîdc onci ciicdti> îîc L'onrad ciiilc/ci Iccrecci.':tit amic/4:i0i prîrIotircc/c/rus cric Sept.i1/îlabu irirn i Alei/c cccc185 Ontici cSrict Shiccof c Miiiicc ii i oîîîc ccciiil i'cdrncMai eiii'rlhiiii fin/c 'o/crici I crbiccir iunriii(/ict' iii (icr-.ii/co' Tlicriir ii/cir ATfil'5lcr19289 Frontc1i33 / u/i ccii> 94/ý, lîî icccccrandîc/ a%îca t îîc ri c> Pfilai i . Ic c/ui c 'icccu î cicicri So îcci ciet f0 ifi 1 i it ii' ccc htii ccciii Lc'îî nid Hellen/c'rîrciîccc c'îccc îcc/ci 185 Oiiiiii bi.S., .GliýiîciiON.T/ccir pliîccîîc' rcccrr eri/P//05i 878-2117. You Need Some K ~î/K Extra Cash? >,, i Then sel! some of your onmanted goodsl Cai! Mje CtjaMPIon Classifieds foday 10 place your ad! 905-878-2341 ý-A /à WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Eitîer nvoivad mclh prcslcng and publish- ing or dapendanl upon promotcon and publiccy or deiivery la hDmes in area, Intarasled sn business cearing more Ihan $200.000 in annuai profil. Ail inquiries lreaald in confidence, Pieuse formard informafion 10: Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON 16K 3S EXECUTIVE OPPORTUNI- jTY TO CREATE WEALTH. c1-877-234-6057, wwde- veopingmealtbnet $S Money $5, 100% c tI, 2nd and 3rd Morgages, Bad credîl 0K. Cuit Ontario Wcde, 1-888-307-7799. BUSINESS finance spa- cialsl - business lbans for ait purposes rom primae 1%. Cati 905-690-9875. SUPER Cbucce Morîgugas isI & 2nd resîdenliai murt- gages, commercial & farm murîguges. Wa bave pr- vale lunds to close your deai, Caîl Mark (416) 836- 8133, Bil (416) 999 5569, 14080844-7612 MILTON large 1 bedroium basemenl upurtmenî avait- able cmmedratly. No pels/bilidren, 2 appliances, A/C $675/monlb plus ut»>i ies. Cuti 905-875-3418 beimnen 5-9pm MILTON, Saplambar 1 s, 2 badruom $945+ Cati Mur (905) 299-0625 NEW large ona bedruom busemenî apurlmesl avai- abe cmmedîaty in Mlon. $800/mnîh al incusioe mclb cabie, auandrs and A/C, No smoking/pets/children. Ifin-v lerasled pieuse sali 905- 783-0034 or 905-875-2940 sharad ktchnn, aundry, separale bath, Tbompson & Woodward. Avait. Sept. 905-875-3520 REOUIREOc large roumn in UMion. ASAP, morkcng mata. Andrna 905-669-1021 or 905-693-0556 eauve mas- saga. ROOM FOR RENT in downlows Mlon. Klcheni fucîlcîcas, lots uf Parking. $550900 par monlb, Avail- aba Sept. 1oIt2003. Ank for Conrad idays> (905) 639. 8777 & abter 6P. (905) 693-0780. CAMPBELL Ave. East257 Acras zonad flu buosiess, bouse 3 bay garage, 401 I untaga, $369,000 905- 854-9858 DISTRESS - SALE B a n k Forecosures, Freea l[ti of Foraclosara propar- ias. Raceiva a free compalerîzad prinI- ouI, Fiee racorded massage 1-888- 2 66 - 349 6 ID#1 042 Remax BlueSprns HOUSE Wantad, ProIes- sîssai seako 2+ badroom bouse m/in 30 mis of Mit- on. Oms uppliancas, large mati beaaed dog, Reason- able. Oclubar 705-522- xIPRIVATE SALE 4 bad- .2rooms delacbad in Dorsal Park. A/C, CNV, 5 new ap- ~ipiancas, large traed loI, qarck suie $250000 Miltus, 905-693-9301 SWANTED by prîsata yarty- Burlisgtos, Ftamboroagh East, Campbaiiorilei Mltton rea, Fao 905-319-0688 J140 CAMPBELLVILLE Oîgh trahîic ratait and office spaca for leasa, aiso sacure lor- age space aoaiable Aoail- abe îmmadîalely 905-854. 2022 1 bdrm/ large aparîment in country. sem caramiccilas & barber rugo lbrougbout, Inci lec. hp & iaundrs laci cies.$870 inclusion ($820 nu rîdga stuva> Prsi &5 ast n adoanca dSutabie toc sin- gie pruîessiunal or marrîad coupla. No pals/smoking. Cuit 905-854-2083 1 hadroom aparimant, inciadas firdga &5 ooon Domniomu Mltton, lots of parking. Avait Oct i $750 idayol 905-639-8777 (nons> 905-693-0870 1&2 bndroomn aparîmanl aoaiabta Sapt & Oct. Fudga & Slioe, aasdry lacîlttîs, No dogu 519-853-4374 open 7 days/mank sama day approoai 2 hadroomn aparîmanî, Main Street Camybalivita, 6825 Plus uliîes 905-854-2022 AVAILABLE SEPT. 1 2 hadroom. Slosa, Frdga, skytcght, dack, rnsaroad parking, modern building central Milon.Pelerences requrad, Frsl & asl No pals. $965 p/us hydro, 878- 8123 BEAUTIFULc sunny, ce- iaoad countrs aparîmeol. Share mth ecoiogccaiiy mîndea teachar Femala pralarrad. $500/monlh 905. 693-1129 LRG. ose bed. mth dnck, taundry Pecnot rano Avait Sept 1r S875.00Gmciui 519-581-6561 FLLD TWEW 182 MILLSIDE DRIVE1 &2 BadroomApsl IClosa to Doms um S Bus stop a j 905) 876-1249 wwrauslarca 160 'I EVANS: Llian Peacelully at Mlton District Hospital on Saturday, Augusl 23, 2003 Lilian Evans in her 87th year Beoed ile oft he laie George Evans, Loving mother of Roy, Brian. Robert and Michael. Sadty missed by lier many grandchiidran. Llian wiii be remembered by her grancidaugliter Joiese. Friends mci be receioed al the J.Scott Early Fuserai Home, 21 James St Miton (905) 878-2669 on Tuesday, August 26th lloday) lrom 1000 AM until the ime of the Fuserai Service heid from the Fuserai Home Chapet att11:GO AM. Cremalion ru floo As expressionsuf sympalhy, donations may 0e made lu the charily of ose s choice. 2u 2u6 10 NEWLY rnnovaîad t e- ruum basamesi aparimenol Fraptaca, saparale enu rance, suclabie loi sîngle prolasoconul or quiet stud- est. No smokicng/pets, $870 inclusive 905-693-9389 ONE badroumn basemani aparimant icc quiet home, Prîvala entrunca suclahia lui single proîesucosat. $750/mnonth.Cati 905-878- 3753 ROCKWOOD, t usd 2 bad roum apaîlmeols brcghl, dlean, nul-m krchan SIarI' îng $635/monlh, Includas appliances/ulicîcs/parking, 519-856-4900 SPOTLESS luruîshed t B/P upi Sharad enîranca, n quiet borna close Io M/Mati, ktcbenette, 3 pc. bath, aundry, large L/P. parking, cabta, avalabie cm- madcalely. No smok- csg/PelscCbiidras 5$700/Mo. Peleresces raquirrd. 905- 875-083 3 bedroom bouse avaiahie îmmedîateiy in downlnwn Mlon. Peferences ce- quirrd, Cati 905-878-1403 BUNGALOW macs loor, 3 badrovms, Air yard, dean. No smoking/pets Frshlasy/ratarencns Sept' - 155$1 250 (905) 693-1419 CENTRAL Gonrgetomn. 2 lindcooc house, avuctubia Ociobar isi S1100 +utîi' ies No uogs 905-825-6449 COUNTRY lcing' Svcccdad 4 bedroom u over 8 acres. iO'ground pool, vuO dnck, large garage, mnutessIc Mi11tro n/D0a k vt1n Si1550 monih 905-333- 5506 x116 FIRST TIME BU VERS Why ranI mben yuu can oms0 Freea isI ufhomes avaîtable mîlh no money doms, unidar $l300/msIh. Fiee recorded massage 1- 888-266-3496 ID# 1051 Remuu Blue Sprngs GORGEOUS oam rn- park bome. 4 bdrm, 3 toit butbs, mn/tir tam rm/gas ireptace, uarge eau-in kîlcb- an, caramicc lus, m/t taund. Great commutero location Askcng $2000. Rema Blue Springs (Halusi Heathar Meeban, 905-878-7777 NEW 3 badroomn semi- brînkado garage, cnrumîc + hardmood, open ktchanv stand, 2 112 batb r tub. Thompson + Woodward 416-832-9035 aAUs an the ciassilieds c I~n Memoram donationa bave thre potential t. »"JF..d la t The Allendala be sean 1by 30,0W0 185 Ontario StS Foundation Mltone, ON L9T 2M4 are truiy apprecîaled. po l 905-e78-4141 .,i anus il ROOM ELCOM% ROOM sear Mlton Mal -INew in lown? Parking & taîîscry Ns shif workers please, - Getttng married in $lOOOGm/eek. 905878- 3montts or more? 0882 -Having a baby? 194 - Fstab/ishrog a naw Shoredbusiness? FEMALE to share 112 Please cali us house. Pool & bot tub, sica Community yard. Dorsal Park area Please cai 905-876-4521 Welcome SHARE Mitron lownhouse Lînda 905-854-1563 wîl 2 tcrCntdsli oris 905-332-4799 bouse prioieges, iaasdry, Elîze 905-693-0313 slorage. lamale prelerred Baby Welcome 905-691-7283 Mchello 905-332-8634 UNFURNISHED or far- nîsbed room in large. dleani Bridai Welcome bornais country sascsng, Laurie 905-878-0126 Nortb and of Mlton, close BuPrfWlcm o 40t. Share kdtcben & Bwrf ecm bath $425 or S450/Mo on- Laurîe 905-878-0126 ciadîng utîlias, parking, taundry Mast ba vers fluaI, non smoker, no pals. Asaîl Immadîatly mata pre- larrad. 905-875-1518 Pam Greig & Jason Loube ara thrilaed ru asousca thn bîrîh of thair daugbler Mia Phoenix ons Augusl 10, 2003. n thaîr home, Proad lirstlime draodparanls ara tan & Sharon Graîg of Mitron.aid Branda Loube of Waerloo. Speciai Ibanko tu Cambridge Mdwiîss 256 256 Comlng Evene Qomi vents Ballroom Dancing n MltlonSI. Pauls Cburcb, Main St. Tbarsday Saplembar 4th6 10 waak aession $100 par coupla. Bagînnero 730-830 Advanced 830-8:30 905-878-0602 or 905-318-9381 M003.un and Barrvso Miton nLove83d yrunduhîl dm5 Sauna Nnvrns and i3errs Tîmbers and greau grandduughtar Summar Nevîns-Crumbre, Dear broth- er of Ada Hamlttun of Fontil Pradacaasad by broth- ars Jcm, Robert, Chartes Ceci! and sslem Mubet and Anne. Percy sarvad in PINil us A.C. n the Arr Forca and mas a pasl hourd mambar oft.IPauais Unted Church in Miltîomamber of the Harclage Lodga 8730, SI Jobs Lodge #63, St.Clair Lodge #135, Campball Lodge e 603,000 .GM.ot PPO.ES, Ha/Ion 8280, M.PS. Harrînglun Conclave #16, O.S. Aitrd Masonîc Dagrees, PTC.Tati Cears o! Labanon Garden City Forest, Mamber of Oodfrey de Bouiluon Pracapîury #3, lumîly and rcnds may orsîl aI tbe McKersie-Kocber Fuxeral Home 114 Main SI. Mlton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pmn and 7-9 pm un Wednesduy Tbe Fuserai Semvice miilbehda it St. Pauais United Cbarch 123 Main SI. Mlon us Thumsduy, August 28t6 2003 ait 1,Gpm. n Memorîum of Peter Makin t'o bean a yaar and sol a day goas by t681 you are sat in sur tbougbla, Your smile, your lsugb, yosr sasse of bumour. YOGI kîsdbaarlneas and gesarosily are Iings we wml> remamber. Tha wonderful mamorras ma bava wiII keep yosr spiritlaa/va amosg ail of as. Sou foagbl a long courageous buGtle. Today, wa raine a toast la yoo, as me ksow yoa are probably bavîng an ice cold "Blue" wbithae'big goy" sn the sky. As yoa would say "Zaclly". Misa yoa Pela. WiGll hîok of you always; f rom the "aid gang on Cbild's Drive". Gaeton, Beryl In oing mamory of a dear Wte, Moîber and Gramma who pussedawaay A golden gale sload opan 2 yeams ago today Wîlh lareweaits eftunspoken Sou siomly slippad amay, Sou suffered mucb in ilence Saur spirit did sot band, Sou laced your pais mdth courage Untl theba ers end. Sou tried so bard to stay wîlh us Saur lîght mas ail in vain; GOuatook yoa in bis tooîng bome And lreed yuu ail lrom pain. Always in our bearts, Blackie and FamiIy Ray Biacklock- Juiy 2002- Dad & randpa Ruth Blacklock- August 1986- Mom & Grandma Raymond Blacklock- Aagus 1986- Son, sepbam & cousis Tîma sips by- but mamorias slay Quîetly and sadty mîssad aiong lies may Aiways pour family In Memory of tain McNaiIy May 26,1941 - Axgxst 27, 2001 n l0ving memurs of oui beioad Dad and Grandtatber, wbo pasued amay Aug 27, 2001 .Wa reasura olîli, mîlli ove sincera, Beaulîlai memurias of ose so dear. Forever iosed, sadty, missad and naoar forgotten. Annette, Bruce, Amanda and Scott Aimays in our bearîs. 1 jk -a- e-- ýil- - -e -- - -.M. ',

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