16-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, AugusI 26, 20013 JA golf tournamentD coming up Sept. 16 Dateline [ieC Junior Ach es coient o) 1-llionGlf( 'asiundraiser isset Pi Ies ecoraiionis also as ailable toi. a ioiirsollîc ai a cosi o) si)(X). [Fax receipts are available. To regisier. call (90.5) 637-72(g). LG-kin today's Champion Lckfor your copyI "J1YL4r 6 :NATURALLY 90582540W, 1-86"-HALTON (1466-442-586) E TTY 905-827-9833 www.regon.halton.on.ce from DATFI, (NF fa 'L'hursdav Aug. 28 Milioni District Hospitailiosts a breast- t'eeding clinic with a ciilerl lactation coiistiltaîii roin 7 Io 9 pi. For, an appoint- mient îor more intorniation. cal) Jean Gailen ai (905) 878-2383. cxi. 70)3)). Tluc Milton Seniors,' Activits Centre. 500) (iîilds [Dr., holds a bid euchrc gaine ai 1:30) pi.1Te rosti s $2 for miernhers anti $2.50) loi iîîn inenîbers. News players arc ss 'elcoinle. Il lso hosis ils Seniors' Cinenmas. leaitiireflic comiedy Flows b Loise a (jus ini 10 Da\s. The ',),lrosi or lîîdcs irefreshuieis ;,T)e centre aisî luisis a foot care clinic in tic aiieniotiii peri'oried by a VON ise. The 520 'ce is payable to ihe nur-se. An appoînlînei s neress,.ar\. For nmire în)orniion on ans of' ihese acnis lies. cal) (90))i 875-168 1. The ('anadian Red Crolss îffei s a hbybsitting course froin 1 ro 4:30) p.ni. Tii reitser. cal) <905) 875 1459. Friday Aug. 29 The Milton Seniors'Arîiviis' Centre. 5(g) Childs Dr., holds a suinmer barbecue dcsî iîan sa '.( ai) 905) S7i 168 1lo- ore iuiCiiinaiion. 'TlicMilton I asviîBowslinîîg Cluîb ioý,ss 1lundraisîine tasta and Fun Night Io lieip) sent) Dav id Andersoin iiinexi mnînî)î Chanmpion o) Chiamipioins in Ausirtia. 'llie eveni begiris ai 6:3<) pinantidniidsa siieni aucliiîn, penîny sait.,i .iilrs anid boss) îng compelilmon. For unie in)îirmiiîon. Golf tourney tomorrow \ onda.ý sept. I Resrci ey «tiis)01i hy tiiiltloi- lie Peel north hranch ot' the Retired Woien Icachers of' OIntario meeting îîîî Se iîîc lf):3() dtIiil[ t ii îî anîie) (illed (iîîicî .420) BaJiiniiri Dr lJaiilti 'iîsahicl iats ýiIkillsiiîi speaks abouii senîirs' sîeu.Ali) eife uoin1el eiîlacliers aie weltorne, fo RSVRP Ciel ready Io puttecr up tior the Canaduaiî ierigSorciY's sesenthi mai cl hanits grilf louriarnieni îiiunîrriiss heday-ionîu iouniamniîissi)b c id ai Grirte Ridute (ti 'ub Fîtnds riised ssil) go lossard servicing deai. 'deafeîied anîd bard îf hearing idivsid- mials. l'le eseni rosis S140) and inCILIrieS 18 Red Cross needs helper Firkeis foi the riîîner-orl<ils iiet ros i). Gii Ic s s ii) parut ipaie iin sper a) eet ii ulurin e the îîîîrîîaîîîeîî. i nr iut) niîiiîresîe dive,(oie jiii oîe. a puliln£e cîiiîesîti aj( ' sîleniticiion. TFas receipis Zaie ta iilabie ti- r ,îoliion- tioîns <user SI10 lu i son up or lor nmore iiliîionaiîn. rai) The Miiîîîn-based North [talion Red Cross branch is iookîig lor a branch roun- cil voîîinîeer inieresîed in fuîud deveiîîp- nient. The înieresîed indivirlual woid overscc and guidle one of the foiiowing portfoious ni ihe l'und developuneni commillute of ihe branch: speciai evenîs. corporate dona- Overseed your Iawn with good quality seed. Top-dress with compost to improve soil, reduce weeds and decrease winter injury. Choose alternatives to pesticides and grow a healthy lawn. lions. granis. iîîdîviduai donuations. mîark- Prospectiivesolunîcers tire cxpecrid iii htise sîron commnuniration and ietînis ork skilis. as ssci) ts enjoy spcukiug in public. Those inieresîed are asked to cal) (905) 875-1459, or visitiihe Norih [talion Rer) Cross braîich ai 1(00 Nipissing Rd.. unit 5. Congratuaions to the wlnner of Mlton$ 2003 Mot Bea uUful Pat~io ontet 243 Main St. E., Milton 905-876-1605