,/Town Hall cofltervi-nçy The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Augusi 19, 2003:ý-7 Garbage pick-up remnains on schedule i o fromn PEOPLE on page 1 dca! witb a crisis. That team was pufled together within an bour of spot news, r':ll sutiis ho,'reserso)irs o oit t's'r ilhanri40 po su) 'ît p .' ', 'I ,, rt' 'i ,, t i , if ' energy BY JASON MISNER The Champion The Town of Milton wiil do its part to conserve Ontario's precious supply of electnicity in the wake of the worst power outage ever tcbit North America. It will shut down computers overnight when the municipal offices are closed, scale back ils air condi- tioning and tum off tbe ights power- tng non-essential Town signs, like tce one ai the corner of Main and Ontario streets that notes upcoming events. "We're basically trying to follow provincial and regional directions on this tbing and trying to reduce cnergy consumption," said actirig Town CAO Mcl Iovio. As of yestcrday, the Town was stîli trying 10 gel a handie on boss. many residenîs and businesses ssere us thout porser and for bow lotie. Milton Fire Chiel l-lrold Petîson said generatoss kept the lîtcc lire st:t- ions in iown munntng. A pt'obfem tise tire depaainicnt hbal b renedy u stihe issue o! pagers rlit1 ning fous c(ii posuer. Because there \sa no electricity, tbe pagers coL[dot be reccargedi. Chiel'Pensein saîd some firetïlibet s dasbed 10 bardware stores 10 buy as many batteries as possible and dcliv- ered îlîem hi ipersontîn b iiefigliters subo hacl pagets. Milton District Hospital dicfî't experience any major problemts relat- cd les the blackerît, said Cindy McDoneli. the hespial's cbief operai- ing officer. The hospital received power front a back-up generator until fuil power was restored fate Tbursday. she said. Jason Misner c'ant be re'ched at jmisner@miltone'anadiaîe'Jîanpion.c- OM. 5\Éed Dayca~re? Workîng as partners with parents and Providers, Wee Watch caters to the growth and development of children in a safe, home environment. Please cail: w 905-843-3758 ___ aficensedAgency wwntllandscaping.cor'n ndrIilc'upu contiacto3ru I ' ENIAL'-COMMRCIA Since 1986 We cao help gel your lawn back ta the iash green il was. Complele saddf ng, seedfng and hydrn seeding dependfng an voar requiremenis. We service Hamilon, Oakvîlle, Milon, Ancasier, Dundas and Kichener/Waterloo and surroundîng areas. Gine us a cail and we wfil worl tolgeiher la lranslorm your home and yard inia vaur personal paradise. Cali: 905-689-4654 p.O. Box. 965 - Walerdawn, ON LOR 2H0 Fax: 905-689-9811 oui Halton, caparity vwas beisseen 60 and 80 per cent. A water cri- sis was neyer a real concem, he said. Regional officiais want to ensure the suppiy remains adequate and have instituted a watering ban. Its been in place since the out- age started five days ago. That means no watering of iawns or washing cars and no topping Up pools. Businesses must tumn off their automated sprinkler systems. Faifure to comply witb the water ban carnies fines as high as $2000. The blackout meant that for a number of hours refrigeration sys- tems weren't working and food riskeel spoiling. Mr. Murphy said the Region wiif send out heaitb inspectors to vanious restaurants, eateries and bakeries 10 test food that hasn't beeri thrown away to determine if ils sale for consuimption. Garbage. recycling and buik item pick-eîps tin Milton and throughout Halton are on scbedufe, said Rob Rivers, Haton's director of waste management. Thc Region's iandfili site is also opcn for business between nor- mal weekday bours of 8:301 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The Region is ai so relaxing ils six-garbage bag limit to aiioss residents the chance to throw out extra bags that conlain spoiied f ood. Meanwbie the Region bas in operatton an emergency centre teamn that consists o! staff fromt the Region. its four municipalîties. policelitre, lospitaiIs and tocal hydro compnimes th il consvcrge 10 HALTON SPORTSMAN ASSOCIAT ION 5155 Steits A% ., NlIMon.(ON 90>5-854-26-lt ANNUAL CORN AND PIG ROAST Door Prizes & Huge Raffle! j ? Saturday, August 23rd, 2003 J ' P/case join us rom 6 p.m. to 1:00 o.m. - ~ Ail Frieods and Famîly welcome Admission ONLY $10.00 per PERSON Includes: 50/50 Roffle D utdoor Shuffleboord -Horseshoes- Dancing with Di 11<CKETIS XX LABLE ONi. IXA '[HE DOOR. Fo tinformatton eaui Peter Loehicin (a 905-625-6615 aller 6:0)6 .m. (N ca n Tangvis ng MB.A., cI.A. i3).D Learn Spanish for business, for travel or simply, for fun. ésmail cias> ize 'workook inciuded authentic Mexican dinner *reading, writing, isfening & conversafionai activities @on-site company casses, privafe festons &group programos avalable Please cail R. Davison at 905-876-3057. and send resources wbere we necdcd il," Mr. Murphy saîd. "We've us at (905) had an emergency plan in place for a number of years and we do periodic practices. But notbing works like tbe reai event" 878-2341, Jason Msner c'on 6e reac'hed at jmisnei-@:miltoieanadian- ext. 234. liampionxeom. INSPECTION --.,1N BAIL Flfth Whecl Milton woul I like Vo Vhank ail our cueVomerc for Vheir patience andi unetieriantine turine the power outaec. 5pecial thanike qo Vo Cation ExcavaVinm, Collier Woodi Workinq, the May Famlly, GordtinFoodi service, LoHlawe anti Waycor Truckinit. Wihout the help of Vhee people tionatint3 arb7c.ueb, foodi, li@htin, andti ime It woulti have L'een impoio'le Vo offer the complimetary L'arL'c.1ue turime the bHaok- out. On 1ýehaIf of the hartiworkine employee of the Fifth Wheel, Thank YouI Hope Vo oee everyonle aoain oonrl Troy Newton General Manag@er Sharon brings f0 the salon 15 years of experience as a barber/hairslylist. Annette enid Sharon welcome new and poSd clients to corne check out their great service and their up f0 date styles. Men's Cut ... $13.007 ~ I No appointments neceswy. WaIk-ins areWýe~oI- 162 Main St.E., M$ ton 905-878-2030 1