Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Aug 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 19, 2003 SCOMMENT Milton showed what ~ MIND ME NO it's made of last week TEON ANY jý Miltonians should be proud of how they pulled together in the midst 1M ~ S o t of 'Blackout 2-003'Thursday and Fniday. I E S O To help gel peopl home sately Thursdsy, ordinary eitî7ens directed traffie at intersections in the blistering suni In neîghbourhoods Thursday night, people checked on each other and offered assistance where needed. And busînesses did their part. In particular, the Fifth Wheel Truck Stop provided free food and drinks. tU K I41 And our police, fire and ambulance per-sonnel worked long hours to GicS TM 1NII, ensure everyone was safe and secure. MIZ. PR MI R But it's still not over yet as there's more work to be done. Residents are asked to r-educe energy and water consumption. Actions include adjusting aIl building systemis to conservation mode, iincludingo air conditioninge, as well as reduc m ihins 1 knsr office equipmnent ks off wheis not n uise, curtailing lai . maintenance and keeping sprinklers and outdoor water tounitains shut offt Businesses are being, called on to make sîmîllar adjusIments. If we ahl work together we can reduce the possibmlty of turther bla.k- outs and the associated aggravation. O UR READERS WRITE Lack of support for Zellera upsetting: reader Last week's blackout brou ght out good Dear Edlto: Peopte bave te rmembe-r tIi Zelers and bad in Milton resîdents, savs reader Ii rsfonse te Sonya Sheppmrd's leter won't sufer as mucb as ti s mall busi- regarding the openng of WalMart, l'ru appalled that for someoe wbo was born and raised here she does't support ber own community. For those who don't know, Zeliers is a streng supporter of many causes such as Halton Women's Place and Cystic Fibrosis. 1 flnd it upseuig that "n wonnmcabadnouth Zeler, wich 1'm sure has fiftedthe needs ofher children at one fuieor another. Zellers bas created many employnien opportunîties in our commity, offening jobs te hoth parets and cbildren. Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classîfied: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver As.ociate Publisher Jili Davis Editor-in-C/ief Karen Smith Editor Wendy McNab Adcertising Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager nesses in tiseiseart of Milton As a cormmunity, we shoul teet tise mterests of everyor thse small store owners who'l once W ~ar arrives. 1 think Ms Sheppard omes te Zellers - a store tdm ha for ber and many others ove If she's not satisfied witb i faciities here, perhaps she sider a miove te, a tewn cl shopping needs. The Canadan Champion, pubished eonny Tues( Main Si. t., Mitoe, Ont , , LT 4N9 (Box 248), is Dear Editor: Id try to pro- In igbt of the recent power fail- ne, mncluding ure, 1 feel compelled ta write about 'il feel thse hit bath roses and ragweeds that 1 ,s a apoogy observed wbile oui and about town. as aen apolo Roses: 5 I)Cfl thre Tank you toalal tbe drivers who tse shoppin kept their cool and approached dxise Ion-UI intersections witb case and did the 'ser oudcon four-way stop routine - taking loser o ber tums witb patience and understand- KWM R» ng. Karen. Tbanks ta the merchants who did Mitn aIl tbey could ta seil much-needed items ta customners, sucb as Angelo DeMedicis and bis unselfisb staff at Home Hardware for providing DT > T service above and beyond wbat's 1'L'..'L already excellent service. Well done. Tbanks ta the local police far sday and Friday a 191 focusing on the tasks at band witb- one oi The Metroard out being toa picky about the small Printing. Publishing & Distribating Ltd. groop of saburtan companies ntiich inciades: AWaPickerms SNews Advertiser, Aliston Herald/Courier, tanrie Advance, toiten tnterprise, Bramptonn Guardiani, toniington Post, turlington Sihopping News, City Parent, City of York Goardian, Collngwood/Wasaga Coonection, East York Miror, tria Advocate/Countny Routes, Etobicoke Goandar, Famborough ifeven, Foreven Yoang, Georgetown Independenit/Acton Free Press, Halton Business Times, Hononia Business Tmes, Lirdsay This Worm, Markham tconomist & Sun, Midard/Penetarg- ishere Minno, Mtno Shopping News, Maississaoga Business Times, Mssissauga News, Sapanee Guide. tassaoaweya Sews, Sewmanketlyunona Ena-toonen, Nortumberland SNs, Sorth Yonk Miron, Sakoilie teaven, Sakoilie Shoppng Sens, Odtmens Hockey Sens. Oilia loday, Oshawa/Whitty/Cinogtoni/Port Penny lhis Week, Peterborough This Week, Prton Coonty Guide, Richmond HiIi/TornniniiNaugiian Literai, Scantonoogtr Mineo, Stootfiile/Uobridge Tinbune. Adiiedising is aciepted on the condition tinat in the event of a typo- graphicai enno, that portion of the adoedîisîng space occupied iy the enno- 00005 item, togetter nîth a easonatie alionance ton signatune, iii 00ft e changed io, bSoth1e ibalance ofth1e adveeeîsement nl Se paid ion aithtO appli- cabie rate. The publishen esenons the right to categonize adoertisements or deàineý Tire Moiten Canadien Chamepion s a Reepoiebie Preduci stuif. Tbanks ta the emergency response teams. I live near the bas- pital and 1 know the number of calis you people got. Finally, tbanks ta tbe people of Milton in general far proving tbat we can aIl get along in tbe dark. Ragweeds: To the occasional driver who took bis/ber tum at thse traffic ights out of order. 1 hope putting yours and other lives at risk was worth the extra 10 seconds you gained by blasting througb the intersection. To the cuiprits wbo thougbt it would be a good time ta get away witb tbings tbey normally cauldn't. Sbame on yau. To whatever level of govemment is respansible for allowing a iraffie ligbt on Dundas Street and Postmaster Drive in Oakville ta functian even wben tbere are no bouses or feeder roads far this stu- pid interruption in traffic flow that does notbing except waste preciaus electricity, fuel and add ta the already bigb air pollution. This is bad even wben ail is normal. As an observation in general, I bave ta ask, since 1 actually trav- elled tbrougb town easier and quicker witbout exceedmng any lim- its, wby do we bave so many traffic contraI ligbts in the firsi place? It would appear that we're taking tbe.approacb tbat the only way ta control traffic is ta bring it ta a stop. Seems it would make more sense ta, adjust the timing of tbe igbts ta comncide with posted speed limits allowmng drivers wbo obey tbe limit their free flow tbrougb tawn. Michael Labencki Milton E-mail your letters to the editor ta miltoned@àhaltonsearch.com. Pud by Steve Nease *THE CANADIJ4N CHAM OL 1

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