People trapped in elevators quickly brought to safety By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Chýampion Two people were trapped in. elevators and required assistance front the Milton Fire Depaatment when the power went out just after 4 P.m. Thursday. Both caiis came to the tire department jusi belore 4:30 p.m. One incident occurred ai a Millside Drive apatment building, J where a woman in ber ents was heading to the basement of the building when the power svenî out. Captain Jim Finn said sshen fire- fighters pnied open the coors. îhey found the cievator had stopped between the basement ani firsi finor. About three fcci of the top of the elevator was visible (romn the firsi floor. Capi. Fino said. "We sent two felias down. WC were in contact wîîh (the woman) ail the ime.' he said. adding that the elevator became quite humîid. Fîrefightcrs crawied îhrough the portion of the elevator above the firsi floor and boosted the woman Up through the narrow space. An ambulance was on siandby -because of the womnan's age but wasn't required. 'Shes an oid iarmn lady. so shes pretty iough." Capt. Fino said. The entire rescue took about 2(0 minutes. The second incident was ai the iwo-storey piaLa at Derry Road and Bronte Street, ssherc a womnan was trapped. 1101I.-i]glRd said thîe cornan 55 .1 caim whenfiîrefighters arrived and mainiained her composure as fire personnel cailed and waited for an eievator technîcian. Witfiin a haif hour the doors werc opened. She stepped out and was very happy," Acting Capt. Hoiiingshead said. expiaining firefighiers otîco call techoicians to open l cevator doors- insiead of prying them open - to prevent damage. Besides these two incidents ani a food of catis reporuing fire and car- bon monoxide aiarms goîng off Thursday nighi, it was pretty much business as usuai for the Milton Fîre Deparimeni. Stephaniie T/îieaseilvon he 1-caîIîed ut tiiie.seii(a,ilomi(*aa dianî haînon.î 001 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday August 19, 2003-5 FRAM GEL FILTERS YOUR CAR REQUIRESÎ !Safety Checks Hîdden Htch Brakes Exhaust 214 Wheel Algnment -4f Suspension Service 61 Cooling System Service .!ie Rtton&Blacn M~~~ ngnsMGeneral Tires M1 Quaker State OilLube & M Transmissions & Service DRIVE Fram Oil Filters Metrîa L Tun CopeAysîs MAir Conditionîng Accredited Test M TneUp MShocks & Struts & Pepair Facilty Auto pir & Tire Comtre For al YuAuto Nedsi 390 Ontario St. N. Unit #1, Milton "0%0%5 HOIJU: Mon. - Fti. 7-5, Sat. 8.12 =,tw d, 7. . .5 PLUS AN EXTRA - PURCHASE FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS. ON VIRTUALLY ALL 2003 MODELS. * WHEN YOU BUY, FINANCE, OR LEASE VIRTUALLY ANY NEW 2003.* ECHEVRLETUGLDSMGILE883: See Dealer for details OAC. Main SI. Detry Rd i 10 lffli