Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Aug 2003, p. 17

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The Candian Chmnton uesriu Aîiîîuy IQ 9lu, C - quelS ' T aylor tames Lake Ontarlo Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Adam Finkbeiner huris one in while Steve MacDonald (below) beits out a hit during game two against Erindale Sunday. Milton dropped straight 6&0 decisions ta the Cardinals. Sr. Sox bounced by Cards By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Senior Red Sox made a loi sutnoise on ibeir own diamond this season. Unfortunately. the samne can't be said for ibis past weekend - wben ibey were aIl but completely silenced aithie plate and iook a raber quiet exit from thc COBA playdownx. I-oting gamex one and two of a besî-o-tîree tipentng-round series against the Erindale Cardînaîx Sunday ai Brian Best Park. Milton just couldn'î get it done offensively and suffered straigbt 6-0 defeats. The hasty depar- ture fromn playoff action takes ai leasi a littie of the lustre off die local seniors' firsi wining record in more than two decades. Whil an Zetile was shelled in tbe sixtb inining of gaine one - when he surrendered a handful of runs - he was well above par until that point, as was his defensive unit. But a meager three bits offered litile to no hope for an initial victory, and left the hosis on the verge of elimanation. The Red Sox exhibited a bit more spark ai tbe plate during their must-win second showdown wiîb Erindate. But the one or two cluîch bits that may well have squared the series managed to elude îhem once again. A huge rundown ai home plate in the sevenîli innîng - iniîiaîed by iigli fielder Dwaync Johnson and puncîuaîcd by catcher Ryan Davixoît - xxas îhoughî by many Io be the momenîum builder need- ed to îum ithe tide. But the Cardînals would add îbrcc more runs in their nexi at-bat, wbîle Milton went bitlesx in the eighîh and ninîh 10 bow oui wiîb a whimper. Adam Finkbeiner piîcbed bis xxay into tbe eigbîb and wasî quite impressive mosi of the %xay. Mant Dickson closcd tbings oui. while alxo xeeing relief work on the day were Josh Campbell and Murray Loveti. Taylor Lawton, Pat Mastro and Steve MacDonald bad two bits apiece for Milton Sunday. While the visitors were far more effective ai the plate, their base-ninning also factored heavily into the series sweep - which granted themn passage to ibis weekend's COBA final four toumnament in Burlingion. Meanwhile, the Red Sox still have a chance to pick up some hardware ibis year. They'll compete ai the dou Ontario 'B' cbampionships in Cortwright over the Labour Day weekend. Milton won the provincial 'C' and 'D' titles the lasi two years. Steî'e LeBlane s'on be reaclîed or sleblans'@hal- tonsearch.cout. But 51 -km swim takes heavy toit By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion G 1 avl\or \,\,Ill never x iiA tlheterni 1'nopain, G io s2ain, nquite the saine wv . Th tcoldcxt xiaidctîild et local xxn iltiLIttor CaîîîOlc \lurTaxZ1\ x a î FavNo liiccarnicthe v iunies t maletc tI\cxc Ci,s Lake Ontai oTtuNtx tc 11.111 CunplC(ithe ic51 kîlurntics hctxx cn iit anr a -ic ieLakc antIlilie ('Nt-adtiaccnt \latitx n Bell Park ai about 5:30 P.111. nBut lits 19 atd-a liai tli otr cnttcaxoui cam atncxxiti an aux tut tx higtiprîcc. FLakce()ntarttîx tlatcxt conquertutvas barcîN donc x itIh a tcxx poxi-xxx ,,ni media iter\ cxxx sx\titienhc xx as ruxhcd lii Torotou Wcstern Hospital tii a number otflicalili conccrnx. Along x ili scx crc cliafttîcanti musclc dtcirioratioti ii hix rght armi.flic htgtî- cndurancceiccu xas lound to bc sutterirng t'rom danerii,,rl liitih hlood toxins rcxulîmno troiî a lack (ilnutienîx cotîxumcd duritig lc mîarathontiui xmi. l)odged bulle( "Tcewas a possibility thai thc\, xoulti have had to put me on a kidnev dialx sis nmachine, but fontunaiely my blond tixins carne down,- cxplained Taylor. xxvhoxc *Swim for Cure' bid xxas ini memory cil bis great utîcle Cliflord Mtller, xxbt died of lung cancer four years ago. -Aciually 1 didnt' really stan lfeeling bad until 1 got to the bospital. I gues Iwax till numb. My hands were xbark white wben 1 got out of the water and 1 was really pruned.- Released trom Toronto Western the toI- lowtng afternoon. lies still bcîng moni- tored closely by bis lamily and continues to have trouble j .usi getîng drexxed. Rut Taylor says ibere's tuile be could bave donc differenîly ibat wtîuld hiaxe made for a smootber swim. And wbile bc bardly acbieved bis Lake Ontario crosxing unscatbed, the lifelong Gregg Taylor adirtiton. xwimming enibu- siasi contendsilu xxax att wortb tl. -l set a wortd record. sti vcab. l'Li say loni happy.- Taxîtirs .sttis- facîttin wîtb a ttîxxcrîng task mei -and the dcsîrc tl tlook tir do so i xx, as on]tv sur- passctl by hbis gr a n d mot1be r 's Stucxscd 'Mutrray. -Thc oxiiinxvas labu- tuu.TItis iiung boy tlîd suclia greai. great a]] Vic'c itusi xo proud tiI btm.- Thc Sxx ini tor Cure campaigu raîsed rottglil\ S-20.00 frther cCanadiati Cancer Soîciety. Miltiti 'sMenitor -xwbere Tax lor's sîncte ClifI Mur-raN xxorks -xxas a chel'sptonsor. contrtbuttng $3,0M( to tbe ca1use. St' I <'(Bloiit n eli'duîu/C t f t/t Ila( (i(MuI i. Oakville 's Twilight run set for Sepit. 6 Miltonu aîd surrounding area aibîctes are bein(, asked Io get in gear for the annual Bronte H-arbour Twilîgbî rsîad race in Oakville September 6. The event features a 5-km mn and 2-kmr walk. botb of wbicb follow a scenjc route tbrougb the historic Bronte Harbour. Advance entry ix $25 per person and $30 on race day. Tbose interesîed in signing up can do xo by calling The Running Company of Oakvtlle ai (905) 815-1952. For more local sports, please see page 23. iJI Milton's first company dedicated to educating youth on the total theatre experience. Students will learn the art of voice, drama and musical theatre in a professional and fun environmenî. Workshops in the first term will develop performance skills for both beginner and advanced students. AIl studenîs will participate in a live theatre performance. For information please contact: Kim Belvedere 905-875-7674 miltonyouththeatreproductions@hotmai1.com The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav, Auciust 19, 2003 - 17

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