Precautions key in fight Nufe: Region fromn SECOND on page 9 depat tent intntrio lit, i oked ai sciii nl-Io ll t ii iiieilimpati. 'o lfar. ii W ' 'u,,il \ s t .ik tii u it health iiepîl1i t fliCiitý and tie\ s us miii I ll te iuii ii tii redcîtItii'(le\ e ýI]eîi'iti o auliit rii- îlltii's \tl M. Wililîiî But huit si thsîîttîiîn '-the appairenit , cess oflisîtiî~ Mi. W illnit îs,îiii key message - ts liii tietu ilice Itle be.gtnntng of *pring -titat pempi tutilst take p eCautons ,againttltosquttîies .i ltt includes rernovtng standintg water; 55 earnng mosquito repeiient si tit DEET'I w îarnu ligih coioured ciothing bo thwant the pesky biters: and making sure ail windows atnd doors in your home have sereens in gooîi condition. The Region stressed it stili has the abili- ty to adulticide- the mass spraying of chemnicals imb Lite air -- and w iii (Io so if human risk of West Nule ises. The Region considers iL a last resont option, howeveî. Jasn i sn M ail <i laca The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Auguat 19, 2003-15 "The business that considers itself immune ro the necessiry for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business."I Derby Brownj t ie Milton SChamber of Commerce invites you to lunch... Guiest Speaker: The Honouirable J anet Ecker Miniister of Finance, Goveninient of Ontario iopic: -The Onitario Economy'- Tnesday. August 26th. 2003 M ~Onrssedpur 1mw. itb gnod q.alfty mmed. i ~4 *~rWc ~ T~m~ /MEDAHJoef4~ Spencer Smit.h P ir k NWraIioa Naturly Rotary Ribfest BBQ Cookoff IABOUR DAYWEEECEND (A.UG. 2.9 - SEPT. 1/0D) &rL Aagm29t]x 12: 00OPn -1- ltOpt s~aM. r<Ly Amzag3Oth 1i!ltOO 11 0 - iniO ~ stiu.ayAtg.l1 2- 0 0 - iOOpu MOWL~Y *t.1 st i11OO- 0 0 -8! 0 0 Pms Kids Day Sat., Atug. MO Daîly Kids-Activitieswth Bou" lkm1unT. onis Twn R~UidmMMuo>h More! Eaftst tag 1:30 Io 12M PrircomKarrvu 12:«) Io 120 1:30la 2:00 West Stageý 1:50Oto 2230 Z-40 to 3%40 3M50to430 Sie kickse M.thI Arts MoCe rthy Scoo 1of Den Surlington Q5rmrmgbgc ROLVVMusb dmàn tm Mugb.ân Top-dru.with compost tu impmvo ad, roduoe wds anid dooswlntsr Iury. se Naturally Green pesfddu and - = 1 1 ~7 Pet Food 11 *0Lawn &Garden supplies , Gftware S CIothIn, sFm Supplie Fotwwa * - Wrd Seed »i"-Fu 4 MILTON Country Depot U8 Brote St. N. 905-878-2391 MOLSONI~ 1 -à