Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday Augusî 15, 2003 SCOMMENT +THE CANADIAJV CbifMPION uin St. E., The Cauadian Champion, published every Tuesday and rday t 151 )T 4N9 Main St. E, Minoni Ont.. LOT 4N9 (Box 248). s nne ofTOhe Myetroland Prirntrng, PnOlisrsOîn& OstibLtng[IrouLt o feTnsuburbati companîies wfncir includes Ajax/Pckering News Adunrtiser, Olirton Heratut Courner Brre ý23 4 1 OAdance, Boten Enterlprîse Brarmptoin Orardiaii Burlington Post ifngo Shoppi n es City Parent, City of Yrk Orardan CofIingoud'Wasaga Connectionnasi Ynrk Miler. rin Advncate ' Cc itr Ronutes tntrecnkn 5-878-4943 Ouadirn Painbrnigli Reviecu Pruer Yonung Gonrgetonr IndcoendennoOntnn FreerPPecs aitur Business Oiors, Hîria Business -876-2364 Tinmes Lndsay Thrs NeekMarriiairîP'unnrrst O Son Mid aiit ,Penera lrqg mshefe Miror itonShoping evis M rsissugaBusiness Timres 5-875-3300 Missssouga Wws Napanee Guide tassagae ar Nes, Nr.iinarkc Airesi Pro Baniner Nofleernorlarru Secis.jNthiYortuirror, akvleirfr Ocu 5-878-5947 Oakviie Shoppirro Nevis Olnn, 1cnr airHocy Sers Orllia fnday Ostiacua COitCaCliariiton Pue ,Pre;,Thirs WrcS Ptirboruroi;tires iýWr IPublisher Pcu Srt rieu crirîriiieuîrViigiion il leir cuatiuila tirror Stiffvlli Uiiiri0 Trîtu rue ire' Pibls/ rru r Advefs inO ru rcepeniri mt Iiiiîfu mn,,Pi, vunt il i ;,(i)tl /2dtirr Ii' r ipliruai erri triai portioern f r iie eii5îl i CC ( rur lr i fle t ien ii reurs terri fugerrer crir ia r, soarau r r carca foir 'lîfiaf i îe iiil( 1- (itrr irarorgd fi, uter balfarcole l ait nItrAiv,01 n piii ti lthc apl Cabe rie icOheisirr r r ns friecunrlic Cm, tlp(,i' Ie ie n'npetriuîpr ichier Te Mion Carradeari Chamrpon ru a eyciabie Preducur * 4 ()fdutic r eangereenr Kids deserve better jrYou 5QUANDIEgED 4UNDID O' F MILLO1 ND~l HAVE- They're calling it Holly's Law - a public campaign tb change current Ieg- isiation that puts child molesters back on the streets. 'Me cali for a review of mandatory release laws follows the tragic slaying of 1-year-old Holly Jones in May. The death of the Toronto youngster shocked everyone across the province, but par- ticularly Holly's neighbours who sub- sequently learned that 200 registered sex offenders live in their area. Orgaizers of Holly's campaign say they have collected 420,000 signatures demanding sex offenders rernain locked up until treatrnent bas made it safe t0 reintegrate them into society. Holly's Law also cails for convicted child molesters to be subject to danger- ous offender hearings. One wonders just how many carn- paigns, laws and petitions must be cir- culated across Canada to protect our kids. Just ask the parents of Christopher Stephenson, who was kidnapped and murdered while shopping with bis mom. In 1988, the l0-year-old was swiped from a shopping mail in Brampton by a man who can best be described as a monster. The perpetra- tor's record showed ho should neyer have been allowed to retrm 10 society. But it took the death of a child to put the murderer back where he belonged. His devastated parents were instru- mental in the formation of Christopbor's Law - a regisnry for sex offenders. But it should sicken al of us that effective changes to legisiation only seem to corne about following the mur- der of a child - Chrisîopher's Law and now Holly's Law. We don't want any more pieces of legislation narned for slain children. The federal govemment needs to step up now and review ail legislation that refers to child molesters and other sex- ual predators. The Hollys and Christophers of our province need to be protected. OUR R FADER S WRITE Murray Townsend rîght about tattoos, says reader Dear Editor: Havin)g spent spent several years in the Royal Canadian Navy, Mun'ay Townsend's column in last Fniday's Champion entitled 'To lat- 100, or nol 10 tantoo' caught my oye. 1 agree with bis suggestion that tattoos are stupid, moronie, dumb and ridiculous. Howevor, he seorns 10 have rnissed the fact that they're also hypocritical, meaningless and sad. One that 1 always viowod as hyp- ocritical consistod of a skull impaled by a dagger with the words 'Death boforo dishonour'. Another meaningless offering depicîod a sailing ship sinking and tho words 'A sailor's last port'. But the winner in tho sad classifi- cation goes 10 the scars remaining afler an attempt t0 remove a former girlfriondrs name when Beulah changed her mind about a lifotime commitmont 10 Jolly Jack Tar. Bon Bezant Harrison Roaci Strawberry Fair a huge success: hospital auxiliary prealdent Dear Editor: I'd like bo take Iis opportunity 10 thank everyone who helped bo make our annual Strawbenry Fair - held June 21 - such a tremendous sUccess. Special tbanks goes out to alI the people and their familles who came out and supported us, as wetl as 10 ail the business merchants, service clubs, hospital staff and auxiliaty members who helped 10 make Ibis day thse success d ti was. 1'd also like bthank" and welcome ail the new- corners to NMilton wbo came out and supported Ibis worthy cause. Rose Ban'w, posldent Mlfon Distrct Hoapftal A uxllary No senior sho nid have to leave their hometown Not so long ago the idea of me gotmg old was downright unthinkable. Like many people in either their teens or îwen- lies, 1 sirnply couldn'I envision a timo when t'd be retired and sitting in a rocking chair. Heck, for a whioe there 1 didn't even expect 10 bit the big 3- 0. Now more Iban three years past that mark, 've embraceddibe reality Ibat I'm no longer a kid and Ibat - barring any unforeseen circumstances- old-age wîtl one day be upon me. Growing old is nover easy. Having rocently bocomo reacquainted with rny Maritime-basod grandparents, I'rn starting to roalize there's a multitude of challenges facing people in thoir golden years. Fortunatoly, some of Iboso are min- imized here in Milton. Case in point is the hardsbip of baving t0 leave ono's hometown 10 move into seniors' housing. StflI independent and going strong in Iboir ight- ies, my grandparonts have so far avoided this transition. But as much as wo aIl hato 10 admit il, the move is probably coming. And unfortunaîoly, seniors' facilities in nanny and poppa's littho corner of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia are practically non-existent. Thaî's far from the case bero. Sure we don't have an unlimited supply of housmng for tIse elderly, but Milton does bave ils fair sharo - especially if you factor in the soon- to-be-open Martindalo Gardens, a non-profit assisted living faciliîy overlooking tIse pictur- coque Mill Pond. The 76-unit complex will go a long way toward allowing our seniors 10 stay in thoir cornmunity when somo form of assis tod housing becomes necessary. Having 10 beave one's horneîown is somoîhing no senior, ini my opinion, sbould have t0 go Ihrougb.li's nice 10 500 Ibat many othors, liko -'t, Martindalo Gardons visionary KarI Re the same way. Anoîher major problem facing senio fraud. As doplorable as il is, thero are plo ouI there who regularly try to swin - roalizing that Ihese pooplo are ofie gels for monoy-making scams. But now Milton, and ils neighbour municipalities, bas a now soldier in against seniors abuse - newly-appointod olderly services support officor Gregg Davidson, TMe creation of Ibis position isn't going 10 wipe out the problem ovemighî - or probably ovor, U for Ibat matter. UP. But having an area officor whose sole purposo totîs o snuff out seniors abuso, in ail ils nasty forms, nr~t may make many people think Iwico about taking J' advantago of our oldorly. And knowing ta someone with authority is in Iboir proverbial cor- ner wîil no doubî give many seniors a littie extra eceri, fool peaco of mmnd. Being a senior can't ho oasy, no malter wbere ors is that of you live. But il would seom Ihal in Milton - - many peo- thanks 10 those Iwo good-news stories of nidle seniors Martindalo Gardons' oponing and Const. on easy tar- Davidson's assignment change - it's no more difficuît than ià needs 10 ho. ring Halton So bey, if l've gol 10 gel old, il mighî as well ho n the battle hero. Box 248, 191 Ma Milton, Ont. L< (905) 878-, 905 905 905 905 Editorial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Nei Olivier .ii D)avis Karen Smith Wendy McNahBeA( 'Teri Casas Timn Cotes Pl 1

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