Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 2003, p. 4

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4-The Canadiani Champion, Friday, August 15, 2003 11Plan to download roads to four C-<q Pet Food &i Supplies 27 " Ciothing, Footweair " Bird e Perd * Lawn à& Garden *Giftware ZIi *Farin Supplies wsà.~ *Propane MSLTrON Coutry Depot dM9 28 Bronte St. N. 905-878-2391 Wr By JASON MISNER The Champion Milton il absorh 17 extra kîlornetres wortll of' rtads next vear afier regtonal couricil gave il,, staiip of approval Wednesday. Regional cottoctl gave the green light to a crucial agreement stgned by the CAOs of Hahton Regton and the tour municîpalities of Burlîngion. Milton. Halton Hilîs and Oakvtlle. It designates who owns certain roads. The agreement means the Town of' Milton will take ovet 17 kms. or 10 strcîch- cs, of roadway tronm the Regions control- To help mîntmize the cosis of assurntng the roads. Milton wil reduce over the next three years the $96.(X> it pays annually lor the use oit lire hvdranîs. It C, il Stop) nakîng ibose pavints cone 2(X)7. But tO Make up th;îî dibcte i l OCnrcs dents îî wil ii se heu C ater aîî s atexiater ratcS risc oh (ýper c cili: c\crs se ir hciC ccii 201()4 up Io iatd iludttîî'1(X>uý. [bat ainuins Ioan aietag (l icariv 3pei vear However. that tîcrease is.ili hc in addî- lioni to a potential 8.5 per cent rate tncrease slated for next year as parti<of the Region's 2004 budget delîberations. If that hike is approved. and combined with thc 0.6 per cent rate hike to pay for ire hydrant usage, the average household rate increase would be more than $46. Also, to help Milton finance the roads' costs the Town wiil receive more money from provincial court offenses, like unpaid speeding tickets, through an aggressive collection program. It wiIl total $750,000 and could come to the municipality in ful by as early as 2006. "Milton came out of it reasonably good, but the bottom line is it's downloading on the two north Halton communities. Halton Hils and Milton could've stood up and screamed Wloody murder but a decision could've been Iorced on us. We didn't fare too badly, in my opinion.", MAYOR GOc D RAIIZ [rosîn C( \) 'Vlatîs 3clsecrlia', ald of that lotai À il fltMl]one to t immneciatels nii ear. l'lie 1-ve (AIls have been meeting regu- adrl\f Ill te ft our ycars tiidetermine what cofstttutes a regional road and a local roa(l based on characteristics like volume and whether the road is bcing used to move goods and services throughout Halton. Milton regional councillors, while not ceiebrating the agreement, say the transfer- ring of roads wasn't unexpected.MTey say they can live with it because it couid've been much worse. For example, there was the option of del- egating ail roads to the given municipality and in Miiton's case would have resuited in as high as a 12 per cent tax increase next year. Mlayor Guird Krantzi saîd he supporte() the agreement "hesitartitly but strcssed itîs simply another fIof iidîîwnioading -somethîng local polittetans hav e critt- cied the Province for îiîtg the List liait- dozen years, he satd. -Milton came oui of tl reasonably good. but the bottornine is t's downluîadîng on the two north Halton communittes,' he satd. -Hlion Hilîs and Milto)n cîîild've stood up and screamed bloody murder but a deciston could've been forced oti us. W/e didn't fare too, badly. in my opinion." Wards 2 and 4 Regional Councillor Rick Maîbocuf said it's another example that lower-tier municipalîties bave tii bear the brunt o> extra service costs. -That's always been the argument about duiwnloading and the fact is local uîuricils havie to dcal %itîtilt- he said. The muntcipalîty muisi affecte(! . h li (Cîs ,,'agreernent vs Haltot illi n tîiuli CA i!ssm an addtîinal 46 kmý, io i. L.îl,c Milton. ti ýilgel Y750.(tX) i o pj[, cial tticses revenue and nîlthas ý, ipt.ire hvdrant fees comne 2(3? Haiton Hulis Rcgîuînal Counictîli kick Boinnette. C hile îlot thrilled. satd li-u Cas restgned tI the tact bis muntcipal'îs aý gotng to eut extra roads. -We're taking a bit but by the same token this t, the best deal H-aiton Hilîs cuîuld take- he said. Aiso, under the approved CAOs' agree- ment, Burlington will shed 19 km o> roads and Oakville will drop more than 38 km o> roads from its control. Roads ownership will be reviewed by the Region and the four municipalities every tive years. Jason Misner can be reached ai jmis- ner@miltoncanadianî.hampion.com. lMlon Online1 w2wmttnc Part lime Publie Skating Job Positions The Town of Milon Communlty Services Deparirnent le currentiy accepthig catk for the smmo"a positions of Skate Patrol and Public Skate Cashir. Public skating MI ltae place at the Mlfon Sports Centre, Tonelli Arena and Memorial Arena. We are Iooklng for mature, rsosbe n aMrigpol ofl the fctlow posiions. Skate patrollers are reeponsible for mnalntainlng orcler during publiceskating sessions. Skate patrollers muet ensure the user adhere to posted public skatng mes. Skate patrollers skate among participante for the duration of the public skating session at opposite ends of each other. Ail skae patrol staff are required to have Emiergncy F9rst Aid and CPR. Strong ommunication skiffs required. go" Of roy $7.72 to $8.75 per hour dluring the publieskatkig session end prepain ~aoS"mmueoy poa. CaSiifflwill be rqDM9fretg*ggo public relations wlth patros tthe faolhiy. Adl cashier are required to have Emergency Flret Aid and CPR. Cashier should have a MMtro msp of basic mat sis. SURong emïunkation ile required. $6.69 te $772 par hour IShifts for both Skate Patrol and Skate Cashier MiI be avallable on Saturday anhd Sunday aftemoons, as well as Tuesday and Saturday evening shift. #f you are lnteesed ln the above positons plea complete an omploynt appliction forni, whlch can be Ipicked up from Town Hal or the Lelsure Centre and retum It by September 1, 2003 tottie Coordlnatot 'Human Resources, Town cf M#Iton, 43 Brown Stret ,Milon, On LgT 51*. For fwrther lnfonmiamonpises contact JflDsvlclaon <905) 875-681 x 222. laccordance wth the Fresdmo f IlngabS and Prlvscy 04ot ~ k4mÉolaoetd unerte um*o #eàkd#WAt i wgbe,'d stritly W _____________S

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