Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 2003, p. 30

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O0-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Augusf 15, 2003 nn ý 1CLASSIFIED HOTMIE: 905-875-3300 i 4 1 l "~ ~' .!L * ~CLASSIFIE HOURS: MondaY to FMaY 9:00 arnm 5:00 PMn wwi I I naiancam io. 200 2% ive home oppren 2690 ~ sqgb, 4 bdrm, 2 1/2 bathe, NEWLV renevated cottage main ftovn famîtp rover and @ Saubte Falts/ Soubie deetlarge kitchen, /G poot, Beach. 3 hede, kiches, oversîzed lot 5395,000 905- tamîty rovm, large deck, rie- 878-5774 et veea Mut be sees CEDARSPRINGS RD., $39,900 eased tond.905- acre, eprnsg fed pend, poot, 875-9446 or 905-854-9817 4 bedrovm, 2.5 bath, 2 lire- ptaces. 905-336-888 $429,900 DISTRESS SALE B an k Forecosures. Free ist 0f Ferectosune proper- fies. Receive a free ompuîerized prier- ouf. Free recorded message 1-888- 2 66 - 34 96 11)#1042 Remue etue Sprngs FREE bouse, 950 eqt approx. nery geed condi- tien. Muet be mene by Sept. ltt Breste/Oukeitte 905- 878-4310 PRIVATE SALE 4 bed- rovms detached te Dorset Park, A/, ON, 5 new up- pinces, uarge treed lot, quîck sate $250,000 Mitron, 905-693-9301 FOR ease. Shep bermeen Actes & Rockwood, HSVY 87, 2400 sqff. Office, aasb- roem, onerheud doer 1. 866-786-6688 or 519-501- 66888 STORE tor rent. Deantean Mitres 1800 sqb A/O Ptease catt 905-878-3643 0oW you can brows Ze -S0SSL8n 1&2 bedreem apuriment ENG GEM NT vaie Sept & 0cr. ENGAG MENTFrdrte & Steve. Iuundry itucîlties. No doge 519-853- 4374 open 7 days/weetr same day apprevut J ADORABLE ose bedrrom guent heuse ie Oampbettvîtte. Patio, jacuz- zi, 4 appliances & AO unit. Fîret & last, No smok- ing/pets $865 + autiiies. References recfuired. Avait- abie October lot 905-854- AVAILABLE SEPT. 1. 2 bedroom. Stene, Frîdge, skytight, deck, reserved tir tedtIrebDavid ïIhusntn-n qraeýtpuvtn are parking, modemn buiding pletu d te announcthe 1eIvitggletitn centrat Mton, Reterences v]t Wr datighter requîred. Prst & last. Ne Stepbanie Thiessen 1 pets. $965 ptus hydre. 878- to 8123 ScY akrw c IMMACULATE ose large bedreom apartment, in theSo iv ri ti ced un hank flkrurs..cz, Mitron, wth own entrance. iprik_ /i/vtiiriediga Laundry tucilities and ose parking space. Avalubte i_____ mmedîutely, No chitd- -- ren/pets, $800 ait inclusive. B IRTHDAY References Ptease cuit 905-875-2940 or ceti 416- 830-9864 for appoînterent on-ste tuundry ctean, quiet bulding. Avait Sept 1, $90000 mcl uti.519-581- 6561 1 Bedreem Apte, Olose teoeDwntown. IBus stop uit (905) 876-1249 ~ouoe: Se4d,~ 444f "e,~ujue.rg. avenrealtrr o MILTON large 1 bedreom XOX&X*basement aparrmenr avait- aSte îmmedîarely. Ne petsichildmen, 2 appliances, NO 5$675/montS plus tîti- ies. Catt 905-875-3418 between 5-gpm log IseMILTON, Augunt 15th, 1 ~ » ~bedroom $825+: 2 bed- &41l B $k»eoem 5$945+. Catt Mary OPPOhgl#« OpSt#r#W$ (905) 299-0625 MILTON- country 1 Sert- rover mainfteer artS deck. WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Avatabte Sept. 1 $750/menth atîtties înctud- Profitable Business ed Non-soker-no pets in Halton area 905-876-1158 NEWLY renevated ose Either invotved wiîh prnting and pubtish- bedreom Sasement apurr- ing or dependant upon promotion and ment in quiet home. ire- publicîty or delivery f0 homnes in area. place, separate entrunce, Intereated in business ctearing more laundry Sutabte for sngte Ihan $200000 in annuat profit. protessionat temule, non- veroker $900/month inctu- Att inquiries reated in confidence, ive. 905-693-9389 Ptease forreard information to: ROCKWOOD, 1&2 Sed- Box 2133, c/o Dakville Beaver, rover apte 5$650/mth and 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON 16K MS4 p. tectudes apptîances. utîtties & parking. (519) 856-4900 EXECUTIVE OPPORTUN- SUPER Choîce Mortguges ITYO COAE WALT, elS2n reîdetil mrt ROCKWOOD, tueury 1- ITY O CEAT WELTH ls & 2d rsidntil mrt- bedrovm apartment, prieure 1-877-2346057, www.de- gages, commerciat & furm main fteer entrance. vetovîngweath.net morgages. We have pri- 400sq.bt. commercial/office vate funs5te ctose pour space. Mainenance per- deut. Cati Mark (416) 836- ses requîred. 519-856- 8133, Bill 416) 999 5569, 40 2sd ose 3rd Mrtguges. Bud credif 0K. Cuti Ontario Wîde, 1-888-307-7799. S$MORTGAGE SPECIALISTS$. Business boans, lies of credif. flexi- ble credîtecome. Bank rates. 416-735-9848 MONEYt Goed or Sud credif colt me fîmst. twitt ied &/or finance nenaon used cars, trocks. traîters, recreatrosat vehîctes, macbinery, etc. Buptng et leasing colt Gary, pour #1 Funder 905-306-7315 1 beuroern apartmenet for ent. No smoking/pals $800 inclusive, Parking, aundry, utîttien & caSte. 905-876- 4561 1 bedrovm, quiet area, ces- trattp tecated is Mltes. Parking, yard, please No smoking/pets. 905-844- 9340 2 HOMES frrent, 1 îewn- bouse and ose detached home te Mitres. Anaîtabte immediatety. Contact Jire Kerr 0 Kerr Reatty Man- agement 905-87-9924 3 bedrovrn bouse unaitabte îmmediuîety te deanteme Mitres. No pera. Reteresc- es requîred. Culit 905-878- 1403 3 bedroora ouse avaîtable n Miton ASAP $11 75/mo+ utîtties. 3 bedroora detvched home $1200/mvrîth plus huil utîii ies, Avait. October 1. 3 bedroomn detached home $1200/montS ptus utlties, Avait December 1 Att in Mitron Cuit Anetera VrIlic ut Cen- tury 21 Reatty Profession- uts 905-875-1110 ext. 247 A new Mlton meo stery semî-detached Greeopark 1500 sq/ff brick home, 3 Sedroom, 3 washrovm, 5 apptîances, air cendîtîenîng, fireptace and garage, Minutes te go Train,. $1.500 +utîltfes. No pets, non- smoking. Avaîtahte September 1t 905-332- 6375. BRIGHT, newty decorated t bdrm apt. Smîn.North of Mohawk Ne pets/smoking $900 iOct heur, hydre, steve, ridge, wusherdryer. Avait Immedîatety cati 905- 854-2083 FIRST TIME BU VERS Why rent ahen yuu cun onseFree tst et homes avaîtubte airS neoereney dean. under S 1300îernth. Free recorded message 1- 888-266-3496IDero051 Femau Blue Serings FULLV renevated 2 bed- rovm aîth veeaof pend. Is- cludes washer, dryer, fridge aed stoee Avait Sept. 1/03 $995 Month ptus hydre, Catt and eave message, 905-693-2273 or 905-873- 6900 MILTON 3 bedrovm bunga- low. quiet location, No pets. References requîred, $1200 erenth. cati 905-878- 2151 or 905-876-0065 NORTH Mitres, 4.5 acres, 3 bedrovm. 3 car garage, 5 upytrances. hardaood ttovrs. stubtes, September $1650 cati 905-330-9860 AVAILABLE Auguot t5, 3- bedreem, sngte car ga- rage, air cendîtîenîng. Weit muîntuîned. References e- quîred, $1295+ utîlttes, Cati Kerr Reutty Manage- ment Ltd, (905) 876-0407. DERRY/THOMPSON tut- nîehed, prieure bath, A/O, caSte, tetephone, parking $500/moeth 905-876-0353 or teave message Large lumîshed rovm airS refrîgerator, prîvute bots- reom and ehared kîtchen. Att inclusive. Femute pre- femred. 90'î-876-0620 ROOM ton rent te quiet non smoking femate. Cai for deta s 905-878-977 Casfted Hours IMonday toFridayl 9am to 5pm CAMPBELLVILLE tarer Ceuse. Futip tar- nîsSed/modernîzed te share. No smoking/pets $500. Cati 905-854-0959 ROOM for rentshee bouse, Downtown Mitron lo- caties, ait amenîties. Calit for delaîts, Avait Sept. t 905-875-3321,- Femate pre- ferred. THIRD Perses te chute ea bouse Mitres, minutes 401 and GO, 15 minutes Misiseauga, Oukeitte, Bar- ingres, 905-693-0907. YOUTH readîng gtasses in a Grergie Armant back case on Court St. N 905- 693-1023 BABYSITTER needed 2 evesînge a aeek for pre- schovter in Sherrant Park Area. Oas transportation needed. (905) 876-3113 CMI LDCARE avoulable Menday-Thursdlay, Our Lady et Vctery urea. Ptease cuti Cheryt 905-878- 9482 CHILOCARE requîred in Campbeliîte Ages 4, 10 &11. Monday att day, Tues. & Thurs abler scoen 905- 854-0066 DAVCARE anaîtubte in my home. Futl & part ime. Healthy meute & snacks, octîvîfres, tenced peur. uges t and up. CPR, close te schoots & GO serice. No pets, non-smoking. Reterences. Sturt Septem- ber 905876-3536 Daycare ovoîlobie. Levîng, safe envîresment, cra080 Scoel drop vfs. Potîce check. 905-876-0620. LOOKING totoa sale, errera- ting, heoithy and tan home dapoare for pou chîtd7 Stop ut home motS- et et three wîtt prevîde lots et TLC for pour ltinte eneii Hawthorne Vttage 905- 693-9330 NEW home chîtdcure open- îng in September, occeprîng 6mes.-5peors. transporta- tien anaîtabte for Jr & St. kindergarten. Spaces tîmît- ed, 5E.t nfant & stan- dard CPR, nutnitîeus lunch- es & snacks, eutdovr ptay, crabe and daîtp routines, Pieuse cait Kim 905-693. 9915 RAINBOW VILLAGE Day- cure hSe spaces avaîtabte for chîtdren 2 1/2 pre te 5 pre. 905-876-7552. Vîsît us ut wwa.ruînbowvittogeday- cure.cee VOUR cOuld con team and have fun tov in the country ut Appte Orchurd Prescbovt and Ohîtdcare. Regîstered Home Chîtdcare. Cemtifîed Etementury Teucher. Ages 2-12. Heure 730-6:00 Cen- trot location for Mitron, Ac- tos, Spepoîde, Limeheuse, Georgetown South Com- mulets. Minutes te the 401. Cali 905-875-6893 prompt service te, Mitres urea. Tueîsg reputre, otd pianos recosditîoned colt 519-836-2471 RJ. Lengstreet Milton Christian School for Milton Pieuse loin us for the neet meeting ro be hetd on Mon- day August lSth 7.00 PM at Knox Church 170 main Street hast Milton. Ameng other things, we witl be dis- cuesing soeeoe the specific sent steps that wîII need te be taken in the coming weeks and months to bring forer and substance tn the vsien. le erder te faciitate maximum attendance, en-site chitdcure witt be anaîtubte. tf peu wiIt need en-site chitdcare please teave a message fer Etten Hughes ut the number betow gieing yeur name, tefephene num- ber and age(s) ef peur chitd(ren). This is se apprepe- ate accemmodatien con ha made. cati Jeff & Sara Bergsmna et 905-878-6541 er Jîm & El- les Hughes ut 905-878-7529 if yeu hune any ether questions. - * ti 1 s111 r*1 .coimsu i CLSIIDSO H ITRE à 1

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