Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 2003, p. 26

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26-The Canadian ChamPio, Fniday, August 15, 2003 QueenO0f Jewels lives up to Po(nia n od nq *-î On onday evenîng Quen (3Of Jewels paid traîner CamnHie back for montbs of frustration with a flawless victory in her first Gold Final appearance. Througbout her two-year-old campaign the trotting filly displayed endless ability, but was unable to pull it al together. This season she bas sbown steady improvement that culmjnated in Monday's impressive 1:56.2 win over a soggy Woodbine Race Track surface rated one second slower than normal. Leaving from post one, Qucen 0f'Jewels and Milton driver Steve Condren landed in third spot and sat con- tenîedly as Clarice Marie and favourite For The Luva Mvioni laid down a :28.1 opening quarter and a :57.4 Heading for the 1:26.4 three-quarter mark, Condren popped the King Conch daughter to the oulside bebind - ~ Excusez Moi and then hit the accelerator as the fillies trotted down the stretcb. At the wire Queen 0f Jewels was tbree-quarters of a lengîh abead of For The Luva Pho 5y FF MCOLL Moni, wiîh Wescott closîng well 1o finish third. Photoby JFF McOLL Carmran is really easy bo work tor. He said, 'Gel 1ea.r ing roin he e t svat you can and sshatever she gels is good,- sad ,Lea ni"n fro the best Condren. who engyineeredi the wtn for Cruinan Hie Stable fic,. o'Rocksvood. BuirfingI <n .,Gary Smth Mltonians (from ieft) Sheiby DeSausa, Joy Wicks and Rabyn McCaiI OuiniPeer pfrr ly lttn- ok enjay same heipful hints tram Toranto Blue Jays siugger Carias Delgada Tue iiî bervastheflysscn irih.Secpue during a fundraisung cIinic for the wamnen's natianal basebail team tin he wîmnatss ast fily ccnda 156.efot S f taptre Rayai Yark Juiy 30. The three lacal girls were amnong abaut 60 Yaung br eimitbat Cndre wn n dta aing c lommnof' players who attended the clinio. the race was never ncally n te cirds l'or the $1 30(X00) Age Change Relerence Chart for Vie Hockey Seauo Beulnnlng in 2003/2004 ivision Birth Ysr Aue lVka 1000w or useq.iut airs 7 làUnder Noie 1895 or subsoqueoyers 8& Undar Min Atem 1964 eorsubsequont vears 80là 0.1er Atm 1M w osulhsequnt yows 1lhmunder Mm oPeeWae 1M w suhsequet ya5 l1186Undor Pfhihe 1991 or subsoquont yoors 12 8, Undor MM mio Bitn 10 or subsequent yoars 13 IL Under Bantu,, 1980 or subsoquent yoars 14 etlInder M Mi ldget 108 or subsequent years 15 IL Under Milut 1987/88 or subsoquont years -17 j I& Undor Juvenilo-1 1085/84 or subsequot vairs 10 & Undor Notes: The player'saue le detarmlnad for the currant plîyin season hy the phler% eueen oecamber al of the currentseason. Fer laformueon plaise rater te the IM Maualetoaffons or visE tea MmIwal, siteut Mwwwoha.,wt. _ Ho ofBeat Final. "There was no tactic change or anything, that's just the way it set up and it workçed out well. 1 didn't think l'd be able to cut the mile anyway," said the Milton driver, who was making his fourth appearance in the race bike behind Queen 0f Jewels. "She usually chas- es home pretty well. 1 didn't know if I could get there. but it worked out that we did." Quen f Jewels mproved her record to three wins and Iwo seconds hrough seven stars with the victory, which boosted er 2003 eamings to $1 31,216. Woodbinc fans sent the filly off as their second choice behinid For The Luva Moni, and she reurnd $760 t0 in. $3.60 to place and $2.90 t0 show. Ontario's talenited three-yeakr old trotting fillies iioss efjoy a ses en-\veek break trom OOntanio Sires Stakes action. Their Iourth Gold Series goes postward September 28 ai Flamboro Downs. Woodbine bosts eliminations for ils Gold Series of the 2003 season Monday, wben the two-year-old trot- ting colts ro)ll into tosso. Ilibiell Il MI Mill àý Team # Dau Date Time Team # Dam Date Time ovice ov ce -ru-à un _LI-Auf-01 10: 0: 5-55ep-03 6: PX-7:30PM ý 0.4e -10-15 6. PM-7:30PM Mon 25-Aug-o3 7 30PN-8:40PM 11:40AN-1:00PM .30PN 8:40PM -3 6-Sep-03 I IM40APA .00PM 4 Sat =10-Aug-03 9:00 Min Atom AA 1 Sàt _L3-Aug-03 10:1 M-1 1:30AM Min Atom A I Sun 31-Aug-03 10:15AIA-91:30AI4 2 Sun _L4-Aug-01 11:30AM-12:45PIMA 2 U-S -Sep Ô3 O-OPP49-.OOPPA 3 Tues _16-Aug-01 7:30P 1-8:40PM -3 -î--sepos 9: -10:20APA - -iit- 30-Aug-03 10:1 M-11:30AM Atom AA 1 Sat 23-Aug-03 11:30AI4-12:45P Atom A I Sun 31-AUg-03 11;30AM-12:45PN 2 Sun 24-Aug-03 9:00AM-10:15AM 2 Wed 3- P-93 O:OOPN-O:OOPM 3 7hu-rS 30-AUg-01 7:30PI4-0:40pm 3 Sat 6-Sep-03 10:20AM-11:40APA 4 $79 _LO-_Augo, 11:30AIA-12:45PN Min Peewee 1 23-Aug-o3 12:45PIA-2:OOPM Min PeeWee -1 SU 31-Àug-03 -12:45PN-2:00PM 2 Sun 12:45PN-2ýOOPIA Thm 4-Se -03 - 9:00LP4-10:00pm S Mon 8:40PU-9:50PIA Sat -t--sep03 -L. PIA-2:30pm 4 ai 12:45PW-1:00P 2 Un -i- "e M- "op" PeeWee AA 1 _FI 23 - A 2:'Op"- Sun .15 -AUL03 PeeWee A 3i-Aug 03 2:00PM-115PPIMA OOPP4 4-Aý -Ui i:OOPM-3:15PPA -03 10:00PM-11:00PM 2 Thurs 4-Se 4-11. OPPA-9:50PPA 3 Sat 6- P-03 .30PJW_4.OOPM ues 26- u -04 se 2:30PM-4:OOPM Min Ban AA 1 t 23-Aug-03 3:15PPA - -4:35PId Min Ban A -1 u- 1-Aug-o3 3:15PM-4:35PM 2 run- -F-AU903 6: 1-7:40PPA -2 Ùt- -i--Sep03 -4OOPM-S:ISPM 3 fùe-s 26-Aùg-03 9:50 1-11:OOPM -3 -rS-ep03 -I.OopM-t..3opM -4 -ia-t -FO-A-ugo3 3:15 i-4:35PM - 1 Bantam AA 1 Sýa-t -AUg-03 4:35 [-5:55PM Bantam A -1 -n 31-Àug-03 4:35PM-5:55pm 2 SUn -24-AUg-03 3:1 9-4:30PM -wg - -6-sep03 -i--15PM6-.30PM - - -- -F 3 Rol - --Augo3 9:50 1-11:OOPN -3 -Tu-n "- ý-Se03 2-30PM-4-OOPM 4 --il- --io--A.go3 4:35 1-5:55pm --i t Min Midget AA i a-i -i3--Aug03 5:55 4-7:25PId Min Midget A -i -inn --il -Aug03 5:55PM-7:25PM 2 un _i_ _i_ _i_ -F- -i4---Augo3 4:3 ai _UP.03 6:30PM-7:45pm -Y- 3 hurs 4-11:00 Înn 7-UP-03 -- itmg:n_ 4:OOPM-5:30PM -iý9 30-Aug-o3 5:55PM-7:25PM Mid et AA 1 t _jLAMLý3 7:25PM-9:OOPIA Midget À __ILA_ 3 7:25PM Sun UL-O_ -9:OOPM 2 Sun 24-Aug-03 7:40PM-9:OOPM 2 Sat 6-Se -03 7:43PM-9:OOPM Wed _n:MËË_ 7:3opM-9:oopM Sun 7-Sep-03 5:30PM.7:OOPM Sat 7:25PM-9:OOPM Juvenfle AA Sun 7-Sep-03 7:OOPM-9:OOPM Tyke AA__ -1 ý TBA 2 TBA 2 TBA m TRA 3 TBA 4 . TBA -ru à 1 ,P,4-,:Oopm Iatner

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