2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 15, 2003 2003 HIGHLANDER 0 2003 RAV 4 NNER PURCHASE FINANCINO ~ ON 2003 TACOMA, 4RUNNER, HIGHLANDER, RAV4 AND TUNDRA203T N R OMA SMMER _ Bwff ml RqUmN W EFORE WE RUt4 OUTO 39 / PURCHASE FINANCINO 2003 ECHO 2003 CAMRY $0 SFCURT DOSiT oliALL 2003'S ISTHE FINAL COUNTDON0 03 6qÎvl*TOYOTA mue 905 875-17 E www.mltontoyota.com 7purosane tanicng fplans fom Toyota Financal Sevce OA00* Finance example. $20.000 ai 19% Pet annume ruaIs $57198 pet munIS for 36 monfhs CGoB s s$591.28 for a total obligation o $20,591 28,19% no lit urchasa financn for p to 36 mont s avalable on nw 2003 Tcom/fRunnetAighlandetf9954/Tundra.* Finance erample $20000 at 39% pet annuel euaio $589059 per monte or 36 montes 008 09 1,225 24 for a total obligation of $2122524 39% nu lîmif oocfas fnancinu lto u o 36 monf5s ayaiiable on "~ 2003 Camnuy/Echo.W5le quantifis ast. See dafer for dtaifs Crime tips down, but drug seizures up By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Fewer tips received, fewer arrests made and fewer cases cleared. That's the picture upon thse recent release of Crime Stoppers of Halton's statistics for the first haîf of this year compared witb thse same period last year. Crime Stoppers received 34 per cent fewer tipo from January 1 to June 30 tbis year than last year. There were 17 fewer arrests and 18 fewer cases cleared. But not ail of tbis year's numbers dropped. There was a Isuge increase in thse narcotics seized by Crime Stoppers -a rise of $1.2 million - for a total of $3.5 million seized. "Tse numbers bave dropped slightly in some (categonies), but tbcy've increased in others,- said Halton Crime Stoppers co- ordinator Sgt. Ray Bruce. adding, -We blew away last year's statistics in narcotic recover-y." Sgt. Bruce said Ise doesn't know exactly why Crime Stoppers hasn't rcceived as many calîs as thse first Isaîf of last year 201, down from 269 - but that hes flot concemed. "I tbink the statistics will fluctuate. Next year they might becIsigber. and the year after they might bc lower. Anything over 200 (catis received) b'm happy with." Quality of tips is what matters He added tbat it's thse quality of tips, flot quantity, that's important. "My opinion is thse decrease in thse num- ber of tips is flot a reflection on tIse pro- granm - we're more concemed with quai- stiil there."usc He satd a few factors contributed to the large amnount of drugs recovered - some good factors and some bad. Thse dmug bureau deserves credit because of uts crack down on area grow bouses ~ nottlSgt. Bruce said , Is ter edaedaledento I ctth at hthermeda more grow houses around now. A figure Sgt. Bruce said he fmnds inter- esting iu that in thse first six montho this y ' year, only one of thse fine approved -I- rewards wao collected. Out of the $1,500 approved for rewards, only $200 was paid amP out. "l'm sometimes shocked when people ~it give good information and don't eall back and dlaim their rcward," Sgt. Bruce said. "Thse community can be proud of the fact that rewards aren't thse motivating factor." Crime Stoppera provides a 24-hour toli- S free hotlime for anonymous crime tips and pays up to $1,000 when thse information supphied Ieads to an arrest. For more infor- mation about Halton Crime Stoppera or to report a crime, eall 1-800-222-TEPS (1 - 800-222-8477) or check out Crime Stoppers' Web site at www.halîon- .Jl...i crimestoppers.com. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sIesIIIItIIpý4achmpo-cm 2003 4RUI 2003 TAC( CLEAROUT 400 Steeles r (, ', elý-' b'toyevA j