16--The Canadian Champion, Frday, Auguat 15, 2003 School bus orientation sessi on s set f or Auui2 'l'le lîrsI dav ()i stituîtl 1an he a jalning or eseis scars' experience tir stirre youtng children, so hoth scîsool hoards n Halion aie teamîng, up iii ai leasi lake iii ýmysiery ou flire thttii'.rideý l'lie ,iîtia lsîl lBits(hilt iiiiîiIDawil bc helostetl b\, tlicpubhictanîd i aitolît stîtuîtil hoards tand 5 rilîi',St liititlbu.tUi paniesý SaiUrday. Au,, 23> Sessions are free Tht Irece orientationts astns.re geared Ioi put junior and senior ktndergaten pupil., antd their parents ai case abotut bus salet'e issues. Starsing ai 1) a.in. aistîtî îîti .hitîlý across the region. schootl bu5 tom-pans, saty off-icers andI bu, tii ver', ili îtlL j( groups of children ahotr ttitie u n iantl oif a bus. plrîpe; bhba\tîtîiLi 11a bit'. tîlîssnt tIle Streeti i4) gt taluebit' aid eciet il Sthiiil bits salt A tip 'heet onîi 1l t hu ii, te~siib' dîstribUtetl ai tihe llrl'ttionises 'Thert'îîIlals<î Il' tîtissI1i1pr~n, tions. 'ThtetiSeinars ,i tare ill itilst Bishop Reding Setniîia- tot To registet stutient. liii aî spectis lm sînt cal (9015) 877-2251. 20 ACRES, CM BLVLE atsi o home ai the end of a long laneway, tucked away amongsî E mature hardwood trees. Casual living /greal room!kt.m e combo. Beautiful mood inior & pine ioors. An esceptional propei-ty. SEVENTEENTH SIDE ROAD AT HWY2 tis ,'a Jra om s m 'es sated or) a eaituylnd apo crpoe- su,o,t' dava'tee tse lui, crgarge cies wco haia e pi1'- ar- i os, v51 , st aebe, eiýie n r ate ou e lst ae esection ini îuesoay's i.anaoîan Champion for tme lest real estate news. In addition to sur residential and commercial listings, we offer borne improvement features, advice on buying and selling a home, recipes and more. ~t~t ~Cdh1bhU -CIjainptoll Cail Diane Wolstenholme 905-878-2341 ext.224 ~~ 5J Are you connected to your communuty? Getal du ore m m wMUt o >- a kdqlfitm nd vi mmtxwing 247 OE9MOWT2m13& #ouW204' Hop On Board With Sehool Bus Safetv. Whjle youtre on the schou"l bus, follow thest simple sflty rules: " Remain seated throughout the ride. " Keep your arms. hands and head inside thet bus. " Keep your belongings away trîîm the aisle. " Do flot distract the bus driver with toud noises or sudden movemnents. 8% ýA