Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 2003, p. 10

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r lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 15, 2003 Father Curtis to release latest CD next monthi Launch wil/ihe held during Sept. 20 concert at St. Paul's Church llll By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion n an often dark \vorld fu of' uncertaintN' and nîistrust. kFaher Mark Curtis longed to brin- his lovai lisiener-s a see of hope and securiîy. So wxhen i camne tnie tb make lus 1611,l recording. he decided to mox e lorv, ard kv iooking back. turnmng Iotiid standards tiî.î evoke menonies iii sîmpler iurne',. "Since Septernber 11. ieoie are lîooinu, t0 (hear) comliort son-, .and xildeî rîateri ai:" Father Curtis said. And so 'You nend %1v Heart s as boni. biending much-ioved hyrnîns anti cherished favourites with original songs. The CD wiii be iaunched ai a concert September 2(0 ai 7:30 p.m. ai St. Pan!". UIniîed Church. 123 Main Si. The everît wiil be co-hosted by Jim Paulson ol radio station AM 740 and Mayor Gord Krantz. Looking forward to concert Father Curtis. aftectionatei3 knoxxn nation-wide as 'Canada's Singing Pries,: said bes iooking forward 10 pertorming ini the large Miiton venue and is especiaiiy excited about performing witb bis Oive- piece band. CINEMAS 5GUELPH STREET 873-1999 OAMERICAN WEDDING aîiy 645 &900 pm. Wed. Sai. & Suri.200 p.m. Seutai content Coarse anqttage 0UPTOWN GIRLS Daiy 6:5 &9:00pm Sat. & Sun 200 pm G CLOCK STOPPERS 2:00esday 0 FREAKY '~FRIDAYM Wed Sat & Suri.2.00p.m. Theatre Parking Available et Rear .'ithougthe il'CI) duleiniils lha', ait cit' muent ofi Falji iailler O uiii'. st bie aie ailsu soilni se'iîîe lt ' llcis lec'. Vue - st' it uîipoi .ieti sîlile ilt'îer i'.pel liavis atndtîsîtal I.saîi l'iulirO i.. xii lias heeo îît'î'nlo n d rcc.îotl imetîîtlîi oi nire thili20) seai- s A'sntIli alich Cuîîois sai lt'peî '«ii alIs ssanIet Io Io tlîa CI) uî "ci iîitistîne" il ss as îiî oa îecîiiî hast'tloin whlai itîluoid "i't'iîiîîtl pia eople art' iuiukiît oi sýet'tirii\ andi iî1îo ii c in ridtihai seeiiîis h aoile. i chotse siîîgs iluai bruîuglitbac k chiltibooti nemories.- lile saîd lie hope'. a ss i age ranlge ssii) lîsteîî lu tbe CD. "Tisis sgoîng Io bring bacC niemot les lor those iii their goldien \ cars,- lie aii addîîîg tuai be lîupes il \s ilI aisti "ssaCcu the coming generation tolite ciassîcs andt ieir bLauty."« Faiber Curtis saîd te tille of- the CD was iospired by a poster in a citurcb that reaci. "Lortd, bend my beart as weli as mx Cîtees." "My' source of' inîspiraîton s aixxays te Lord. 1 n'y to retecet that îbrougb my songs" bhe saîd. Faîber Curtis' CDs bave been picked up by a major distributor. wbîcb means tbey'li soon be avaiiabie in Christian music stores across Canada. OIE BIB1 FMANT BELIEFS HGW CAR WE FIND THEE BISET UONE? The Milton Chrîstadeiphians invite youbtoa Bible talk. SIJNDAY, AUGUST 17"' 2:OOpm God Willing Hugh Foster Hall, Brown Street, Milton (Next 80 Town Hall) www.biblelightorg i'aiheî trti s ,spiCe olfte niaii cter'. lit".eel !cioitaliuiiigsirie. 1)oflu 1wli' bas is t l.si uithetipeolue. On lt ua,, sait! lie xxa'.usi xxeeký,shriîofi euiîit haîîkîuLpi xx hen lie lîîîti iiîsell ai ttocert iîelped hun it îîl w, lit' rtîtîid and lie iîiîw itits a i ti îîîî-iiliîîîîî tiîiiiîr htî'.î îl es'I.. "Tiiere". ai spiritual im lîensionîî xxhere people Lare tîîîîî Liti itereîîî les e! that t knoîtîxx iiiiiiî a boltit." lie suid iof iii l'ailier ('tîrtîs 'aid lit' \s cxx'. IliirseII Las a "liiesseliger of joî\-"nd îîtiîîeîî intîs bîîîsell siîîgin niichuithes ib.îî lack îoy. "i tex III irîno ihai spark back,:' he sait). ['aibeî \Mark \Ai]sootn bc'giîi perliîmîiîi acruis'.Ontario .and Ness York iii promtie hi'. latesCI). Last major tour'? He sait! he expecîs ibis xiii bc the last lime he embarks oii a majoîr tour On aver- ageliue perlormrs 2501 imes eacb vear. "Ai niy age. î(tourinu-) demnands are bard oan nie, especiaiiv the ime axxay trom îuiy laiy: e said. Faîber Curtis bas îbree cbiidren, aged i12, 16 aod 201. He said bis i2-year-oid wouid raîber lîsten lui AC/DC and L-ed Zeppelin iban bis singing priesi dad. He said antîther reason bc plans to stop iiiuriog is lie xx anix hi îles te mrtilme Io munîicipal polies. He recenîlv antiinced tlîaî bes running tor Milton counicil. As far as nexi mtintb's conicert. 'alter Curtis said be bopes ibere's a good lumout. -Onse consequence of being weii-known n a smail lown ix that people sec me ail tbe timue in ibe stores and stufi. so thtey wonder wby tbey need Io sec me periorm. i hope people come outu.- Tickets 10 the CD iauncb concert cosi $15 ftor aduits. $12 lor seniors and $8 for blidren. Tbey can be obtaincîl by caiiing St. Paul's United Cburcb at 19(151 878-8895 oir Jack Wite ai (905) 878-6807. Stepliaîiî' Tlie's.su'îi(lnOi lx'ix al/ed< stii'sseiCa.iiiltoiaiadiaiiiliaiipioii. 'onî. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Father Mark Curtis wilI release his Iatest CD - You Bend My Heart - during a concert at St. Paul's Unitedi Church Septemnber 20. Canadas Singing Priest says this could be his last major tour. -'i -"'-' Lt! YrQI~ CŽ~ONTAIo MORTGAGB CTON CENIBO~ 19 "Honest Mortgage Advice You Can Count On" " Purchases *Pre-approvals " Renewail/Iransfers eTelephone! " Refinances On-line applications Visit our offices iniBbMLo Manager Jim McDowell Pino Mucci Manager WWW.OMAC-MORTGAGES.COM HEAD OFFICE 131 WHARNCUFFE RD. LONDON i J 0O.A.C. RATES SUBJEOT TO CHANGE WITH, Milton Mail Shopping Centre (905) 875-2333 Shoppers World, Brampton (905) 453-6622 HEAD OFFICE 131 WHARNCUFFE RD. LONDON WWW.OMAC-MORTGAGES.COM

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