22-mhe Canadian Champion, Tsesday, Auguat 12 2003 -- Mýý Co aib i omployeesa and givinag rbem every opportnicy to grow with us. Thans wby weve created au enviroumen where everyoue fins lu, ferla comfortable aud 10 iuvited nu contribute nu our overaîl success. Su donft settle for beiug jut anonher face lu the crowd. Juin FedEx. What sets us rnsur Aa rtbri-sogether SENIOR VEHICLE TECHNICIAN - MISSISSAUGA There's something about you than sets you apart. Perhaps its your srong knowledge of the use and operation of ail aunomotive and esing eqnipmenn, gauges and tuaIs normally associated with the trrubleshooting and repair of gasoline, diesel and propane automotive equipmenn. Or maybe its your seven or more years of fleet, auromotive or truck vebicle maintenance experience and applicable licences/vocational training. WXhatever ir is, yxîu've got an edge. And thats wby we want you ro provide timely, qualiny maintenance for the FedEx veicle fleet and ground support equipmenr, iocluding prenenranive nmaintenance, roubleshootng, repairs, modifications and documentation. In addition ta the above qualifications, you bave a complene set of baud tools, including metric sizes, can lift and manoeuvre heavy vebicle components up tnt 70 lbs. with the belp of appropriate lifting mechanical assistance and possess a Glass DZ licence. Please forward your résumé, quoting file #SV-03, by August 25, 2003, to: Fedlerol Express Canada, Atin.: Human Resorces/ Senior Vehicle Technician, 5985 Explorer Drive, Missisauga, ON L4W 5K6r. E-mail: positions@fedex.com No faxes or eephone colin pinone, For more information on Fedbx, vîst fedex.ca 15 LONG TERM POSITIONS AVAILABLE!H Milton/ OakviIle /Burlington We are Iooiing for experiencod WELDERS e GRINDERS LIC. FORKLIFT OPERATORS Please seîd pour resumu ta cansultant830t @todays.com or fax: 905-681 -0827 Experienced LiftTruck Mechanics or Mochanics looking for a change Io work on lurklis. Lcense not reguîred Excellent sages 9& benet 1009g Fax resumne tuý 905-319-3530 Body Shop Excîlîng upportueity no wotk in a nos beavy truck collision faciîty n Pakille. Painters, Badyrnen and Preppers needed lullirme Competîtîxe sages anS a dlean, new workîng environ ment. Contact Scott Howard, Tel: 905-339-1638 Fax: 905-339-0799 Autemutve Deuail" Fat paced budy shxp needo self mtîeated delaîler Automtîve koowledge & valîd drivers lceose te- quîrxdý oued sages & bief its Cal 905-089-528 BtiUtINt xemo.pria vMe ex rnîYS M îd rne4i NUIfl,2ia,?ta Masal oft aWngir ensua. a eu PART TIME RECEPTION position upenîng up iv Suptembur for evnie/v and rutat- îng Satuedapu. Experiencu requed Drap off resumne In persan at Recuption Dusk Attn: Sales Mgr. Burt ingon Hyundai Brant Street & Plains Ruad 905-633-8815 FedUs2: Express 'e nj3'~O 'e cii c~ c-> Thousands of new jobs monthly! The Cotiege of Applied Lînguiorîcs ru offering a 5-day intensive TESOL Certîfîcate Couroe or Sheridan Cottege Aug. 2th-24th Evenîn s - weekendj 905l -8-4-17 FUwINLcLecIME DAYustcARE. leasn equFax 905-878-9 7238.MM Our unall local client Is wll-ustahlishud, untrepreneurlal aid uxpurienclng rapi growth. Thuir cordial staff ruquire a new tuam playar. CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. This os an eatry levet position and ideai for as ouI- going persenatity wîth a olroag, flexible work ethîc and who can do or/et ertry, inlerWc with cuotuomers, and fight tires as requirtd on a veto busy sales desk. Dîpiomacy, multî-taokîng and superror computer okîtîs ate essentiat prereguisîles, TH1E RICHTERRAYMONDUGROUF Em i:rlchterraymond@on.aibn.com Emi:or FAX: 905-48-3793 COMPANY ROUTE SALESMAN Canada Bead Company Ltd is a leading Cana/ian manufacturer oftltovr based producis wth suies and distribution acruss Canada We ave aosuitîo avait- vbie in the Hamituon aiea lui a Cumpany Roule Sales- man This position siii invuive toc oui mry (via truck)i distribution and merchandising oi bakery prousiscto ru vii stng base ut cusismeis This posi- ti citers a strung curepensarurn and nenelîl pack- ave l1 0ý cocnsider plirseil a oyriareic anS erergetie self-starie, silh ex e1rllcomniceimraion skinus Sun piease l,'sard or ~r. sc neMust be a 3tf or ngPl shif1 varly mrrieuîaiS Pavc ire vit/y ýudrive a 5 to ruckr icrFPiose nrience in a ru le/ sales eviireriet swild bu ai. asset bbitrno iuçi.iivd mi Canada Bread 6645 Tomken Rd. Unit 18 Mississauga, ON L5T 2C3 SALES STAFF PTIFT HOME FURNISHINGS STORE Ityou are responsîbte. uxîistîc. enthuoîuotîc & ambr- tbous se soui/ rire to heur trom pou. Reisted sape- nence necessapy Fax resume ta: 905-693-0428 (,VON Haîton Branch H/RING PSW's, HCA's & HSW's For Casual & Pari-time Positons Burlington, OakviIIe & North Halton Fax resame le Cherylor Joanne 905-2-3Q !A 2 mon & truck. $1 9+/fnr, travet includedl Na minimum" axailabler Reliable, Insured. 1(905) 79375651 SLESe Reqa red by Leadng HotlTsb Relailer for our Oakvile Showroom. Strong base salary plus commission, bonases and health plan. Fax resume 10 Doug @ 905-565-6845. iýmfm IF000 SERVICE MANAGER excellent knouse/ge of gerîatrîc nutrýitionl & M TLC standards as wxii as an abîlîty lu work in a mallîdîsciptînary eooîroamxol & eeng-txtm cote exp. Must pesseso current membership in the CSNM, excellent erganizatienat okilis and iedepfh bremie/ge of food productixn & muai service. Please fax resu,.s: 905-669-6724 -AESAE GARAGE SALE Salurday, August 16, 8am - 12 noon 1631 WaIdie Ave. ikes. movios a mach more (Derry + Trudeau North) YARD SALE FOR BREAST CANCER Salurday, August 16 8am - 12 noani 552 Brock Court (Southeast of Woodward & Ontario) Designer clothes, books, magazines, dishes, toys. furnitare, craits. ishop Reding Clothes & more! Coftee & maff/ns wIl be available SPECTACULAR SALE GARAGE SALE Salurday, August 16 Saturday, August 16, 8am - Noon 7am -12 296 Pîne St. Ail brand name childeen 5 dalttes 519 Sunnydale Cres. (girls). headboards, crib, sofa, tables, Golf equipment, housohold items, swivel chair, Little Tikes large cars. movies, clothes. pool table & more! & lots more! You dont want te miss this nee/I GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 16, 8am - 1 624 Moorolands Cres. Chast of drawers. docks, chairs, books, household items & kids staff GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 16 9am - 12:30 784 Graham Bell Court (Off Cabot TrnI) FEDERAL EXPRESS CANADA RUINULPIFRMAMFNT PART-TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Shrader Canada Lîmted, a manufacturer of proprietaiy automotîne chemîical prodecto, has an opening for a tîtînguai Customer Service Representatine. The position is permanent-part-tîme, wvotring 9:00 a.m.ta 200 p.m. Monday through Friday The svccessful applicant wiii perform data entry of incominq orders, prepare invoîces for mailing and match shipping documents wîth the invoîce and file cutomer purchase orders/invoîces. He/she miii asmo do telemarketing wîth French customers ut variovo tîmes of the year and handie încomîng customer cuits from French customems Yau brinq ta the table 3-5 nears related experience, a high ochool dîploma, and proficiency wîth computers and supporninq programs (Excel, Word). Experience with an AS400 systemn would 0e an asset, Il eau are eiingual (French/Englîsh) and enjoy a challenging, dynamic position wîth a Canadian company, then forward your resumne ta Hunsan Resources, Shrader Canada Uimited 830 Progress Court, Oakvilie, Ontario L6L 61<1 Fax: 905-847-0738, E-mail: crobinson@shradercanada.com No teirovone caiis pieuse Wr rhuau,&/itereted appicants hosever orîiy hose ta bc ,nterveseeO miil e contacted P/T-F/T GENERAL OFFICE Weii estabiislrex company in Mlton, seeko a candi- date te loin their team Faiiowîng are the requiremento: Go/ Telephone Silua Basic Computer Okints AiR. A/P and lnxalsing Knoaleolge of AcPac Plus Self Maoliateel, feuibe an able lx o okn a mati- tasiing oanenteel ensirrnment If thîs iruoI intereuttîo yau, pieuse mail, E-maiar ta your resume wth salary eapectutians ta: 5312 Trafalgar Roaa Hamby, On LOP 1 BO Fax: 905-875-1511 E-mail: infa@PAOHORTtCULTURAL.comn Fast Paced Restaurant seekîng Shift Supervisar Must be able ta mark eveninigu and weekiends. Restaurant expenience a must. Also lookino for Fuit and Part-trne Tearn-mates Please bring ei Resame or titi oat an application Harveys 50 Market Drive, Miton SUPERVISORI MANAGER (2 positions) Energetic, cusiomer motivated person ieoking lo develop in a food service management positioný Strong cooking background and computer eeperience is neceosary Formai food service edocatiorcquired Menday-Friday, Days. e-mail resume ta: Iewistnnds@ lewistoods.ca LOTS 0F RASPBERRIES!! RED AND PURPLE LOTS 0F... Cucumbers, Seins, Boots, Tomatoes Poau.Cabbages Red & Green, Garlic & Spanlsh Onions, DIIHerbe, Zuchinnl, E99plant nme Poppmrs THE FARM De Paoli Pick your Own Ready Picked (p/ese cati) 905-873-2050 905-877-7976 Mon-Sat 8-5 and Sun-Hol. 8- 12 Cati for availability Trafalgar Rdi.. to t th Sidieroad (Stowarttownl 1 km West, 1tst Farm on Nort Side 1 Classified Phone 878-2341 e Classified Fax 876-2364 1