The Canadian Champion, Fnday, August 8, 2003-29 CLSIFED HOM:INU575400i C W if D H0VRSÎ O o Ny09~.« m .«P iedc______ -A/AJ 12 Acres-bsusertao/pas- tures/huah. Privale, ap- gosded ide Split w/solani- sm. 20W40 barmilofl. 15 mis north of Miton, 45 mis. lu Toonto. Askîsg $435000. 519453- 2512.web: meraisivooçom box 5056 EXECUiVE bachuplil appros. 2400sqf1. 3 Bdrm, 2 1/2 bath, lamge den, ktcb- an, amilprosom & ec. rsom. 50X125 lot $345000 289. 213-2412 MILTON- lsvefp 3 bdrm sn mature treed amilp segh- bohood, new windows au- cepi ba, sew sldîng door f rom dr o ludaci, c/a, asd dv, poofesîonallp msdeled 1 basemeet w/bar. 416-706- 7551 or 905-693-87086 PRIVATE SALE bungalow. Location, Location! Al brick os ose of Mitons mot de- sirable streets, 600'. Lasdscapad fesced lot, sew wisdw/ro/sac gas freplace, castrai air8 Plus, Plus! Eacellent condi- V ion, must ha sees $249,900 905-878-8493 B sîewîsg bp appoîsîmant I TIMBERLEA aea, 4-bed- rsom home, 2.5 bedroomo, presate pard in a desirable part of Milton. Cloue lu schools and al amesities, Maep recent spgoades ie- clsdîng new furnace' cen- A trai a/, boadtsom in living hE & dinîng rooom & bedroomss opdated landscaping and p more. Frîsate sale, ce $339,900 905-76-0756 r Open Huese 2-4 P Sat &Sun 8u REASONABLE Industrial Us/ta for ent. 1,600 - 3200 sq. ft. Loadrng docks & dive-rn. Phone 1-905-277- 9347 or 1-905-275-6834. OFFICE Spase Arr condition, newly deco- rated.. 905864-9604 WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Either invoîved wilh prinling snd publiet- ing or dependant upon promotion and pubîicity or deîîvery to, homes in ares. f nleresled in business clearing more Ihan $200,000 in annual profit. Af f inquiries lrealed in confidence. Please forwsrd information 10: Box 2133, C/0 OakviIIe Boavur, 467 Spuers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K MS EXECUTIVE OPPORTUNi- Ty TO CREATE WEALTH. 1-877-234-6057, $5 Mneysu s. l05+ 151, lsd sud 3rd Morîgages. lad credit 0K. Cati Ontario 5/ide, 1-888-3077799, BUSINESS, perssai ssas, prîvate fundsansd nurtgagea. Beat rates/ Cai 905-848-3256 AILABLE SEPT. t. 2 edruem. Stove, Frrdge, kyligbt, deck, reseoved parking, modern building asntral M/ltse. References resired, Fîrst & last. No peIs. $965 plus tydro. 678. B123 EAUTIFUL, newfy maso- ited ose bedroom spsrt- est. Large familp ooom vIth fîreplace, sepsoste ichead sud hoom, sep- ste entrasse. suitable for rîit son-smoking lemsle. alferences 5900/mthisola- se 905-693-9389 Asaît- le Sept 1lsi XIWNTOWN Milton coud fluer modern ose edroom unit avartable epI. 1-$735 mosthiy ru- ding test. Aiseonbrght rd fluor bactetor unit valabte 00w- $565 mo sn- drsg test. No pela Cati 054854-0401 for appt/ca. :n detarla BE ki ara Sui aiv abl Suc Sep clu thir ava clud 905 tion GREAT ares sn Mlton suit- able for workîsg couple wth su pela. main lavai Imo hadroom, fraut dacorated syt. $565 Seat nc/sded. Raferences 905-878-2737 MILLSIDEMTWER 8 ILIEDRIVE 1&2 BeduemrnAps SClose ta Downtawn I Bus stop at 19051 676-t249 wwwralsas ca MILTON large 1 bedroom basemrent spartmeol avait- abe immedislely. No pets/chrîdren, 2 appliascea, A/C 5675/masS pusastili- lies. Cati 905-875-3418 hetwean 5-9pm MILTON, Auguot 15th, 1 bedroom $825+; 2 badruem $945+. Cati Mary (905) 299-0625 ROCKWOOD), 1&2 hed- room apîs. 5650/mtsud sp. Includes appliancea, utiitres & parking. (519)F 856-4900 ROCKWOOD, iuesory 1- bedroomn apaolmeut, presate main fluor estrasca. 400sq.1t. commeroraV/ollice spaca. Maintenance par. sou equrred. 519-856- 4900 3 hadroom bouse availabie n Miton ASAP $1 175/mo , stilities. Cuit Anefora Vrtic aI Cestury 21 ffealty Frou- fessîssals 905"75-1110 est. 247 A nuw Milton two slooy semi-detacbed Greeepaok 1500 sq/ltbnick home, 3 hedroora, 3 wasboooms, 5 i appliances, air conditsnrng, ireplace and garage, Minutes lu go Trais, $1,500 + utîftias. No pets, nos- smoking. Asalable Seplember 1. 905-332- 6375. BASEMENT aparîment, prîvate estrasce,fulkit rch- as, hathroom, 2800 sgti liv- ng space 5500/mosth, ca- ble/hpdro isclsded (905) 875-2873 FIRSTTIME BU VERS 5/bp ranI whes pou cas own' Freeaitofuthomes avaitabie wrîS su mosey ducs. undar 51300/mntO. Free recordad message 1- 888-266-3496 toID# 05 Semas B/se Springs MILTON, Spoliera 4 ted- rom h acli oplt, A/C, 2 fuit hatha, 5 appliasces,' large covered deck, parking for lwo cars.Aast Aug 20 r $1400+ No smokisg/dogs pleasa. 416432-3072 3 BEDROOM 1112 bath, garage, arr, new carpet, toast parut. Auguat 15 51 200+strlities 416-435. 4054 3 Bedruem lowshome for ranI ru Miltoe. 1 pesrolod. No smoking/pets. Ave/table Sept. lost. 1500/muont F/mlt & lslplus stlirtres c469-3223 IMMEDIATE sccupancy, M/los-nonsmskrsg famafe- lsreisbed, carpeted large basement room $550 00/moeth Pls ut/li-q tres. Cai 905-693.9602 As the Sun nises and sets each day. The preseece ut hou iS wth us each day. The emotsn 1 feel is me greving wdth ime, And sous l'Il remember with the memory of mine. Your shf spoken voîce and endless loue pou gave Your mii 1 fîight, you're sncredibly The spirit of pou ru a legacy lu iii, YOu fosght real hard and gave il ail yosr wii For nom your taut o duone and Gud iv pleased,vd You hase gone hume, where pou are free. i miss ypuseveryday and lors lu pou Luokîng up lu the heasens reaching up lu you. Love Wendy S.tt1 Yuu'I/ alwapu be the strongest persun 1i know When hou were dîagnosed with cancer our lises shaOtered. YOU fuught wth every ounce of fîghl but lust the battle osAu- gusi 4th, 2002. Words cussut describe how mach you are oued and mssed. Yu'Il always ha the beul mom. DYSIEWICZ Rob and Lauri (nee Kerklaan> are pieased to announce the birth of their daughîer Lindai Henia, weighing 7 Ibs. 8 oz. ai Milon District Hospital on June 23, 2003. Proud grandparenls for the 7th ime are AI and Carol Kerkiaan of Milton and firsi ime grandparenîs are Ted and Henia Dysiewicz of Mssîs- sauge. A epecialt hanks to Dr. HunIer, Dr. BoxaIt and al the OB nurses for the great care and support. The famrlp of HoliyTownuend ru pieasad tlu assousce the birlh cof Madison Lily Aune wighisg fSîba 15 oz ai Mlton Dsrict Hospital, Julp 16/03. Proud grsedpar- esîs Murrap Townsesd, Terr & Andre Mackiseoe. Special austies Heather & Kaips. Great grandpaoests Ace Towsend, Juse & Ernest Caissie. Loved bp masp assIs & socles, Congratulatons Houpy & welcome Madison 258 m fn M*noriwns GRAY - Owen & Ruth-Anne (ne e Hul) sud b/g brut- er Opas are pleased lu annouce the sale amuial ut their sos Evan John bars Jslp 9th ai OTMH. Proud grasdpaments Sosanse & Tom HIi and Shirley & Jobs Gray aI Milon. Thanka 10 Dr. Sharma, Do. MacDonald sud the staff ai OTMH for theiro pecisi cary. HEAGLE - Keira Aune, a litl intetr for Sachet, was bars lu Rab sud Christi ne (use Schmitz) on July 31, 2003 ai1 :43am, a1bs Soz. Second grasddasghîeo lu Julie and Geratd Heagle ut Soclswood sud Karf sud Fiede Schmitz ut Mlion. Vacation Bible School Came and diva mbtc God's love with S.C.U.,A. Super Cool Unduer- SoU Bible Advesrture Auguat 18h-22nd 9:15 s.m. -11:35 s.m. Dails MlIse Gospel Hall 306 OntarioStrmet North One blodko sutof Sîseles Avenus Ages 5 sud sp Ns Cost Piuse pru-nelute Cati Kath: 905-878-5019 TRUNK Sale: A joint trsnk sale 10 bu tad se Saturday, Auguat 9 frora 8:00am lu 12:30pm 51 St Jotes, Stewarttows sud St. Steptens, Hsmhy. vendora weî- Corne. Cost 510. Info and regstration: Don 905-866-4463,DOses 905-824-6226 or Joan 905-877-5797 Rent it today in the Canabian Cijampion Who miii 1 ture lu for answers, When lfe dues sot make sense? Who wii be there lu hold me close, 5/han the pieces jusl don't fit? Mom, some days 1 hear yuur voîce And tam luo see pour face, Yel in my tsrsg..- ils seemu The souud has bees erased, uyuaPleuve know i love pou mom, n my thoughls hou wîll always be. sgg Loe Lisa For those who neyer had the jouiof ksowîng Cobp ) Cook, st e was my Mom. She wus strosg and kisd, she was gvng and grea wlh chîldre. She la my guidance asd mentor,.aseislesed asd gesuisely cared nok 5 other She was the osip persos wbo could sel mp mmd ut vase wth hem advice, She wuu an amazisg, lois9 and genemous moîher, who mii lorever be missed, but neyer lorgoltes. Love Steph I TÉHalIer-Vivan Lucilie April 11, 1952- Augusl 9, 1999 I Forever is uer hearts..and se sur arnis mds as afwaps.Be Sto dian IIappIIIIIa, MIuP <Mary> uIniovîsg memomy of a r undorful wîfe, moîher and Oma, who paooed awap ire ~ ~ ~ I Auu 19.2O had ailte wold lu gise, Id gise ip eu, admate, ýed. To tuar pour voice, oea psur omîje, Andgmetfpou althe daoo But ali cas do, dear Moîher lo go sud tend pour grave, NCES And leave flowers af loue, i of To the basf Motttet God ever made. to 1 ike 10 think wfian life is dose, >n Wherever heaven map e pitai YouIl be standing 51 the door, )ntO Up Ihere lu weicome me. ited Aways and 1braver in our huarts, Theo, Miku & Marlyn, Matthew, andt Mark. ft