Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Aug 2003, p. 17

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 5, 2003-17 -E ~CLASSIFED H(RTIN: 905U7500 CLUSFDURS: Modto Ma .«0am-.«0pm "0 In BONUfh ,I a ClasiiI v uA _ _ _ _ _ _ _a 100 100 185$ Ral imato Ra tte For Reffi EXECUTIVE hacksplît apprue 2dsgftt J Bdrm' 2 t/2 AVAIL. Sept 1515 1700 sqht bath, oarge duo, ktcher tfamip rouru & rec. ruom 5001 25' 3 hdrm bungalom, Mlo lui $345,000 218-213-2412 mvoduhrong stove, rdmd trs. open concept kit MILTON- loelu 3 5dmrr inmature trevd amîlu niohhor SI OOGiui iii905-699-7695 houd, num mndomu except uay new lîdîng duor from r tc deck, cea, and c/v prulssoaiiy mudeied basemeor c but BRIGHT, nemip decurated 416-706-7551 or 905-693-8708 t Sdrm apt. Smîo North of Mohamk.1Nv pets/smoking S900 ic, uval iydr ltoue, 10 1 4 irige, asherdryur vi Coii iaci Commercçial îmudîareiy cali 905-854- Industria Indu#îl l2083 GUELPH Linv SuriS of %perw ropedy401, 2 Bvdruom bouse, 2 REASONABLE ludustriai Unts tutrunt. t,600 -3 200 s ahiS5895 +umali dîscount fi Loadîug docks & drive-in. Phone 1-905-277-9347 ut 1- tut 1,551i manteuance 416- 905-275-6834. 787-1125 or 416-781-9410 190 150 150 Townholum ofic ffc For Rent Spuceie Space Buin. P 3 Budruum tumusume tut runtin Mlton. tpuai oid. OFFICE Spacu Nu umukiogîpets. Avaluhie Air condition, oumtp ducorated..905-864-9604 Septtut si. 500/mouth 1____________________________ Fîrut & last plus utlîies 905- 16 160 469-3223 B bl Basir«S AVAILABLE Augut 15. 3- budroom. sngle car ga- oppolunies O p«Wntl« rage, air condtionîng Wul maîuitaîuud. Putureucus ru EXECUTIVE OPPORTUNITY TO CREATE WEALTH. guîred. Cali Kerr Pealtp 1-877-234-6057, mmm duvulopngmeaith.npt Management Ltd . (905) _____________________________________ 876-0407. LARGE 2 hedruvm, Octob- WAN ED O P RCH SE. et lut,4 appliancus, hard WANTE TO P RCHAS .. moud bots, park lîku sut- Prof itable Business tngArlngton Blvd.90S- in H ltonareaTOWNHOUSE tut rent in Eiter nvovedwit prntig ad pblih- Hamthorne Village.Avai- Elîer nvine mlS rînîn au pbiîh- abie Sept t 53 îng or dependant spon promotion and $1450/montS Cail Sue publicîty or deliverp 10 homes in area. 958721 164 THE ULTIMATE munep maker is nul MLMî il's a Stand nec ostcm calied EMMI Baru up lu 10K Wcekiy Tnp il re 1-888-669-9735 165 $S Money $$ 1 00% lo t, 200 and 3rd Morgages. Bad credît 0K. Cali Ontario Wîdu 1-888-307-7799. 170 AVAILABLE SEPT. t 2 bedruum. Stovu, ridge, skliîght, duck, ruuervud parking. modemv building central Mlton, Retrunces îeqvred. Frt &hast.10o pets. S965 plus hydre, 878- 8123 BEAUTIFUL country a/iart ment Share sanpt e- aued, dlean hume cilS ecu- logiî aiip mînded protession- ai. Garden, frepace, le- mule pruturred, Avait mme- dîarelp 5500 905-693-1129 GREAT aiea iv Mitvv sait- abie tut morkîug couple cîth riu pets. main level muo hedroom f rush decoîated apr 5865 teat incladed. Feerences 905-878-2737 170 Fx %nt IMMACULATE une large bedruom aparîment, iv Mlton. ilS omu untrance, Laaodry laclties ana une parking spacu, Avalable îmmudîatuip. No chîld- run/pets. $800 ail inclusive. Peferences Plase cail 905-875-2940 or ccii 416- 830-9864 for appoînimeni lu vîem. LARGE 1 budroom base- ment aparîment avalablu îmmudîateiy No pets/chîld- run, 2 appliaucus, A/C $675/montS plus tlties Cail 905-875-3418 Selmeun 5 9pm LARGE 3-Sudroom upt country min, v tomn. S1,100 pur mo neat inc Avalubie îmmedîatulpPRet. regaîred 905-854-2294 LARGE. ove hudroom cîth ducS uon-site auitdtp Close ru al umenties Avablbe Sept t S$925 i îîti 519-581-6561 8 ILIEDRIVE 1&2 Budroom Aptsl Cls Otusuo omntomn . I Bas stop utl SOS5) 876-1249 mmm ruaisiar.cu MILTON, Augut 15th. t bvdruom $825.. 2 uudrvom S945+. Cal! Mars (905) 299-0625 Rent if today in 1he Cî1fil06911lCîîtoî IMMEDIATE ,,ccupancy. Mltun-nonsmoking temale- turnished, carpeted large hasement roomn $550 05 month pus utîli- tes Cali 905-693-9802 ROOM for rent, non-smok- er temale preterred, $450 ail inclusive 905-875-3949 LARGE master bedroum, non-umoker preferred, mut lke dogs, $500/month plus r/3 allities, cail Jim or Mike (905) 876-4861 Aller 5pm SHARED ACCOMMODA- TIONS in downtomn Mlon. 2-large roomu mth use ot ktchen. Lors ut Parking. $55000 pur montS plus Sy- dru, Asadable Sept. lut 2003. Ask for Conrad Idaysl (905) 639-8777 & ai- lerS6 pm (905) 693-0780. 25625252528 Coming Events ComIng Events ~~lnMmrus l mim nMewus Stuphuns, Hornhpendors 2cueCol$0 ot and registrarion Don 905-866-4463, Dace 905-924-6228 or Joan 905-877-5797 Z7' "7 DfttheDal. TAYLOR. Dennin James Passed amay unepectedly ai tSu age ot 67, due lu complications tollomîng sergery, aI St. Josuphus Hospi- tli Hamilton Ounnîs leaves Sehîud Aune, hîs mite ut 40 years resîdîng in Campbelliîllu, Sîs sîster Iris, brother in lam Ted, tour niecus and mine grand-nîuces and uephems rusîdîng in England Oenîis startud hîs mork- îug careur as a muchanîcal eugîueur, and in mîd-lite mode the smîtch lu horse fermer ai tSuit Camphellvllu tarm, an occupation mSch allomed hîm t10 nulge Sîs love ut aiiiais Ourîîîs mas arr acijue vsiuu tuer for mout of Sîs lite in actîvîties mangiug from animal meltare, thurapeutic ridiug, prutessionai and cîvic commîllees. Humwas meil kuomn in social cîrcles for Sîs guîck mît and repertoîre of lukus, At hîs requeul there mîlI Se uo Fa- curai ounations in hîs mumorp may Se dîrectud tlutSe Mîdiaud SPCA 15979-Box d8, Midland, Ontario L4R 4K3 Peut io peace, Ounnîs, peu miii Se mîssed. Ar- rangements thruugh She J.SCOfl FUNERAL HOME. 21 James St.,Milton (905) 878-2669, "BUFFY" HAWKINS- A VERC SPECIAL CAT Or. Oebbîu fHamkius, ut Hamkins Animal Hospital, is vury sad lv annuvce tSar "BuOy Ste Hospital Cal, passed amay, ai hume and in DuSSe *s armu vun 1he uvunîngofu Wednusday 30th Juip 2003 Shu mas seven years o10 55e sullured a huart autack. aller a short pu- rîuod utilîness We knowmtSut nrany ut vur clients Ioued Pull/i su much, and many could lust come in ru uap hello uSo er .Cli- unIs utten hîvuoSI Sur gîlls, and chîldreu moulu send Sur cards, and dram pîctores ut uer She mas try loued hy su maoy peuple Bully's character mas unique. Se mas very "iu charge" and ruaiiy Selieved taShe umned the place. Pvery evenîug mv SaCd lv hîde ailthte catnîp tops aud catnîp hiankuts mhîch mure ounSthfront countler tut sale, as sune Selieved thep mure aiftut Sur Onu ut Sur amazîng spucia i gîhu as Sur abîitp lu cum- tort pets mhen thep mure su Ili On au alirout daîiy ha- sis, Se mould lie alouguidu a canine patient on a pour surgero recuveru hiauket, and nul moue viriluShe thuughl 'evurpthing cas aligsh "WSun. ou thosu very sad dapu, mu could have lu put iv siuup a sîck put, Se could haruiy through the smîng doors lu the trualmeut roum and console tSu patient, rubbîng thuit Suad milS Surs. She mas încredîhlp intuitive. Manp clients have wîtoussed thîs speciai moment, and lîke us. have uven verp uvery mnoved Buffp mii Se g/van/ isvd Xeçmembering Jacoba (Coby) Cookf A great f7Vom & fFiend 0911111946 -0810412002 Il's been a year since pou'ou been gonu, though il fuels Sire yeslerday The dapu seem louger and the nîgul fuels cuIder. Words cent describe hum much you are oued and mssed, You'Il always bu the strogeut person 1 knom. When you were diagnusud milS cancer 1216/2001, sur lises mure shattured. Cou foughl hard & Sept slruug but ilS uuery ounce ut tîghl pou lSthe baflle su 08/04/2002, Cou mure 55 and ouo y0u09 lu die Cour loue, dedication, support & patience lu pour daoghturs mîlI neyer bu trgnten. Raisirrg S cllldren un your omn mas luugh Aller Dad passed amay in 1986, pou rased daugnlers m5u are hardmurkîng, carîng & cumpassionatu aud are proud lu uay pou mure the Seut mum. Mlon Sas ot au incrudîble wmrnu hu as dudcalud lu nelpîng chldren lears, Selpiog peuple in oued and uotuuluerîog in the SoupiraI CYour legacy in scSools and in pour daugllters mîlI atmays bu churîsSed Loue Marcia Cok Memory is ites sweet gift (Rocky) Carl Barker Augusi 7, 1976 Jack Barker May 12, 1978 Don Shea Jane 26, 1996 lmemorypofour tamîly OfThws Of Tm We lest canted lu take tiîs uppurtuuily tlv lhank everp- une mho heu hlped our famiy tut the lest 2 pears. YoueIl neser knoc SowmumcS pour kînduesuS as muant Io us Thank-py u oal Se nurses et M.O H Chronic Cure Unit. The compassion, love and rendshîp tSar you havu dumonstralvd tlvuven ur ificul situation mîlI aicapuS e cherîsSud and Seld deep cîthîn our hearîs Cou are aIl angels in our upes Our gratitude cao neyer be put intomords Lsa, Marcia, Wundp, Oeanna and Sluphauîe Couk DAYCARE ovailabie iv My home. Full & part ime. Heulhp muais & snacks, ectîutîes, tenced peat ages t and ap, CPP, close lu uchouis & DO service. No pets, non-smoking. Peter- encus Staîl Suptember. 905-876-3536 RAINBOW VILLAGE Oap- care bas speces avalebie tut chidren 2 1/2 pro o S5 pru. 905-878-7552. Vîsît us at mmm ranbvmvilegeday 310 For Sale 9 Pc. Onng mrmsuite, ued dark oak $800 Culi aller Spm 905-876-0858 A Knrg Pilvtp Mattrusu Set, New in plastic. Cout S1600 Sa ýitîce $450 OK 95-567-C9459 can dulîver 860 Amazing Sargaîn. queun orthopedîc piiiotop set. nec iv plastic, carrant/i $150 905-567-4042 ciii delîver. BEDROOM set. 8pce chut- rpwovd Peu cheut, dress- et. mirroi, nîghi stands Oovetaîl construction,1ev- et upened..Coul $8000. Sracrificu $2400, 905-567- 4042 CARPET i have suvural t,000 rus ut nec Staîn- master & 1001,.ulon car- put Wîli dOuiivngrvom & hall for $389. Inciades carpet, pad & installation l30 yards) Steve tiO905639-2902 1 310 DININO ROOM l3pcu. Cherrs. 8 chairs, ballet, hatch, semver, dovetaîl cou- struction. 5h11 n boues. Coul $11,000. Sacritîce $3.000. 90$-567-9459 MATCHING couch & chair. $150 905-878-5125 NEED a Computer? Don't Haae Cash? IBM, Galemep & Compact PCs as Lom es $1. a Oayi No MouepDoumni Ceil BrandoNOmi t-800- 6 56 -8 36 9 ww.dollaraday.com "VILAS"mapie taruiture original finish, excellent condition table (2 leavesi, 4 chairs and ballet $900 000 90-7-341 509 Dr1..rs Drivers / Owner Operators Ne eO mc 04p * 2200-3000 mi/ek * Faltue oedîcated1 * 0ad]buse pluIes & permit/t * Pli bridge til paiîîi $96 or riecer w/Taîl dec asI i louii sleepei rep o (800)467-6016 1~ n Memoriams n the form of donations (o The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreoiated. REMEMBRANCES n the form of donationa to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated Building sepply yard requîtes DZ DRIVERS GENERAL LABOUR HELPERS Sieur litin vo remdDivers must provîde cuitent drivers icensu cilS Sboo ck expurience un amser Wu 5mavi00 a mmpetîa stauîtng cage and connery beutîrs. Patene Building Supplien Ltd. 7449 Trafagar RoadfAuburn Road (nouth of 401) Hornby -(905) 875-0279 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Regoîrus CONTRACT DRIVERS elivering fIIPst& papuîs 15 .1ouf1carriers Wednesday, Frddy & Satcîdup Must be avaiuable 6 A M- 2 PM andvduea VIizsevadn and cullulur phone charIenehaII@oakviIIebeaver.com Greystone Golf Club-Turf Crew Full and Part Time groundskeeping positions available immediately. Sabinit resames lu: Doug Daviduon, Superînlendent 9689 Dublin LUne, Mlton, On LOT 2X7 Milton Springers Gymnastics Club s hiring part-time coaches for their new facility 8h18 fa11! lnlereslud upplîcanîts may feu ISuir resumne lu (905) 878-5596 attention Janet Campbell, ur cati us ai (905) 878-5030 OAKTOWN COLLISION Here we grow agai n: Reguires tSe lllocîng iudîvîduals in vur Milton lacility Prepper Technician We uller exceplional morkîng unuiromunt, Compensation and benetît packages, Please cal 905-878-8883 GENERAL HELP Monday lv Frîday day shift. Local Cafeteria. Must have omn transportation and bu reliabie. PIeuse fax resumie to 905-876-1519 Attention: Cafeteria Manager interested in busînuos clearing mure thon $200,000 in affluai profit. Ail inqiries treated in confidence. Please tormard information to: Box 2133, c/o OaicviIIe Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON M6k M 1 1

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