T16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 5, 2003 Localsquash star dlaims Pan Arn gold Tur-ner- he/ps Team Canada girls prevail By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Thei-e's ant deCold sayîng that if you c in't take the heat, you should get ouI of the kitchen. Recenily Alisha 'lurner did iîust the opposite -- ot only cîîrpttng anitd oven-l ike condition',,but thrtving in them as v cli. And wait- ig at the end of' a ssceck-long sweai-lest n sun-scorched El Salvador was Pani Arertuan gold. 'viilion's 16-year-old squash ace admits plaving s', thtît the luxuiry ot air conditiîîning n 35 degrce tempetatures toîiktmore than a minir adîtsttnet totit butpart. I ut bc siting there s',aîttng lfor rny match andul'Id bc sssatitîg. recalled the local tcun. s',liii receni- y earned junior female aihîcte of' the year hontîurs ai L.C. Drury llîgh Schoîtî. h"fias a totaîly dfil' furent environmrenî than s', at 'm used iii.- Buit Turnur mitre than adapied iii bier sweliurîng surrounidîngs - as well as the style ot play createul by that intense heat. -Thbu ball geis .a loi hoin iter vs iîh high leitopet al iuo's t nd nikus lor longerî icbs. smsot) really got to siay locuiscul. sIte explainud. Es iufntly that vs asn't a piobletut Displaying the same ski]] and patience thaî's swoln tut iiany a high-protilu muedal - ncuîding sils ur ai thts sprtnigs Canadaî Winîer (lames -T'umrî.sseni uînheaten tn tour siraighî matches ai aist nttnth s tnternational shos', case. In doîng so. she lielpud [earn Canada 's t nder-1I7 girls sulad rei.gî sîtpicmie. 1 The local squash star uased into Pan An competîion w'ith an ernbarrassîngly easy 27-0fi tte- wash of an Argentia adsersatrv svhosu tuam was blaniked 3-ffin round onu. I-rom theru. she prevailud tn a inust-win situattont over Mexîco's Imelda Salazar. Wiîh Canada and tuîp-seudeul Mexico splitting the fîîst lvii matches. the Turner-Salaeti show-' down svould ducîde the second round- and no doîîbt pride niuch-needed mornenîurnf'or tîhu iuiiiinufer ttifle conitlltitiiii. I tîsptred bhy tîat noîtion iltlîcr tItan inttrnidaited by it, Turnier pet- ses eted ihroUtgb a lengihy and dfraintnig elcouier iii pres ail 3-1 ()-. 7 9. 9-5, 9-2). Sfic baiiled back litwsn tn he fîrsi set, and iben hung iough l'or the os eraîl vs ttiy. liere \Vs', sOsu rnuibprsýsutIIe uilîh evurvonu V atchtng, but I ink I rually luarneul liiadjusti n ihai second rîîuInd. 1 s',as patient and rnixed up my shois wull.- Buating Mexico in pool play ssould surse asý a catalysi for ibeir ruîuîrn engagement tor the giild s',htub follovssd atiother cks l oser Argyentina in ihe surniinals. Wîîh Canada downing Mexico n the firsi is'o matches, top booiLrs ss ere alruady sucured beforu Turner uvuri siuppud onto the couit to once again ladce Salazar. Nusurtheluss Milton's Pan Arnerican rookie capped the sweep vsiih il2-0 (9-3, 9-7) triumph. Mlexico ssould exact a measuru if rus enge laier n the day k' huai- ing Canada in the boys Jmals. S'îiv 'LefB/îniî i nhi'i ui iudi Jr. Mystics edged out of titie Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Alisha Turner proudly displays the Pan Arn gold medal she recently earned in El Salvador. juntits itiirgu I iibal tualiitflIlî ls i l ofîtu ffetf iiî lis lsft tit il il l t le laqîs i îifî h I'ltiis SpirisPark. Sbu.\sss nituhed Illeu 5-I recorid iltus \ utti ast Biritc. llitai ie\t', ol e prcîîîîî uiît îuîîî iti Ibluiiii in fîIre vay le fliiftsi fiillîýin îgile secîinu oaetf' gamnes itil',27. Wuitl a rilns againsit ic breaket tîsei f iiidet rmnie te tiserals îcîoîy. ite hosis conceîled ibuir uftanipiîîsliîp Ioi Soîuth Lundons and had iii seule ti-ithe broînzeti- îshing buhînd silvur-inudalisi Clarksîin -vho lbarded ilium their only loss of the sweekend. That 7-4 defuat was the rusuli of a horrible staît. Down 7-0 by the end of the third inntng, tbe Mysîics threw a legitimate scare int Clarkson down the stretch but could onîy muster îwo runs on a bases-loaded- wiîh-no-ouîs situation in the sixth. Eryl Morgan shut down opposing batter', îhrough the last four frames whiîe lber teammates offered a bal- anced attack at the plate to keep comeback hopes alive. Milton prevailed at every other turn over the îwo days, including in their final showdown agamast the eventual champs. Morgan delivered ber second coin- lits 5 Vi I ]UitItiiiIIIsI' -t l tîpllîSouthî IiLondon 3 I huu uL u tfi lu nuL tu-s11)il Ilt e 1hu lth imnîtîitIi \cîl lie s1slîi I11 l îlmî1sititimus ite t [uit Ie cine .Sîtets lutte LuîtimL Icn sIi\\ io , i L I ilu uî u IlleîthuiROI3 ss,îs t \is ill i Ij' Ile, Olti:I sititte i-9' int tel i imiminnt tieciuand 1-6b iftir- iîîg da\î I' it. ttîruobin. \îia U U, .ifuLel 1tutu t iiti) I isi ,t lI. git tIse cdistanîce oni ile nîtstsîf andîl3-f10r-4 il itle plite I tihet tîsec bit elfîos sscru proid îeuf k Sar-ah \iiiuttcsandu Alicia Tay lor, vs Ic Leslie ss oi .a perfect 4 lii4 tus îsusss r tIse latter s icîtry tiser Kituchtter. Also fallîng ai the Mystics' bands ssuru Tuîs tsend and Alexanuder Park- who ss'eru upstaged 9-5 ,înd 6- 4 ruspucîivuly. Milton needed extra tnnings to guit paît Alexander Park, wtth heroics pros'ided by Brown, whosu sacrifice bunt cashed in Laura Anne Sheuhan. Along with Morgan, Lindsey Harrold ansd Katie MacKrory offered solid pîtching throughoîit the tour- namnentThe Mystîcs close out their season August 15 tel 17 at the provincial championships in Kars just out- side Ottawa). Al eLourunce 1; Baskets,,,9,aj Sale. 7 for$29.9e or SuhMr Sale enda'Ibes. u.1 10 for $39.99 GREWAL GARDEN,ý, .Who1esale & Retail 6626 Trafagar Road, Horr (Between Britannia & Derry, 905-878-7107