WailMart looks to locate hcecrs at Steeles super centre tercd The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 1, 2003-5 WlMan., the world's largest retailer, is close to signing a deal to open up a store in Milton. The retail chain is looking at establishing a store at the massive retail power centre at Steeles Avenue and James Snow Parkway, owned by Mississaugabased First Gulf Capital Corporation. A signed contract 'lis imminent' said First Guif president David Gibson. The power centre development- which couid also include a movie theatre, a hotel and a home improvement centre - was approved by town counicil Monday night. There is a 30-day appeal period. There are currentiy five WaiMart stores within suitabie driving distance of Milton. Multons administration and planning committee had passed a recommendation in the spring for a zoning change and Officiai Plan ameîîdment. This week, councillors officially approved those changes, as weli as a draft byiaw that sets out the sizes and types of uses on the site. The department store component of the centre cao be no bigger than 135,000 square feet. and must be one that currently doesnt exist in town. The Town has also cappcd size restric- tions ot a movie theatre at 35.000 square teet. and stores can be no smailer than 3,000 square-feet. A grocery store is also zoned for the site. The power centre eould be operating in Milton in as early as two years. Reports to counicil suggest the depart- ment store would be the first business to open on the site. Its being viewed as the biggest retail centre to he estabiished in Milton since Milton Mail was built in the '70s. Milton s planning director Mci iovio told counicil the power centre wouidn't nega- tiveiy impact the Centrai Business District (CBD>. In tact. h would be -complimenta- ry.- Town officiais have said the CBD ix an integrai part of future economnie growîh for Milton and want 10 sec it prosper. A study condîîcted hy SMOKING what'5 aie point? Someday you'Il be offered a cigarette or be tempted to smoke. Betore you start, lhîsk about il : every drag you lake screws op your body Smoking cas cause permanent damage ta your body. Once a person stars, t becomes extremely tough lu quit. And did we mention ail ttiat cash you'Il be blomîsg in the process? Sa, tf youre tempted ta start, ask yourselt, "Wha's the poin?" This message brought ta yau by: Canabian Ch.jampton, cýo.Iîîdcd the OPelOiOC 1)1of Frst Glf Is needed as a "catalyst" to Increase spending dollars, in Milton. Without the expansion, the report states "the expanded CBD can be expected to experience deveiopment delays and/or leasing constraints." Previnus studies have indicated Multons population is expected to grow to more than 73,000 people by 2011 and that will warrant the need tor an additional one mil- lion square feet of retail and commercial space. Studies have concluded the lack of cur- rent adequate retail space has forced Miltonians to shop outside of town. taking with them their hard-earncd bucks. The Town sees the proposed retail centre addressing some of those issues. Mr. Gibson said after the meeting that the approval is exciting. see ZELLERS on page 12 Tliveilonger By wakng ocross the road the chicken go ted a hea lhier hear and longs ond apositve attitude f 500 Steeles Avenue, Milton 905-878-8511'Ï *Full service off-site eatering avoulable for any number of guests Il Parties up ta i120 an-site e Fresh live aobuter Dail>' Specials HOURS 0F BUSINESS Mon owed. li3Oom 9SOOpr a. Tbursdoy i :30om 1lOOpm Frdoy Il 30om 1il OOpm iurdîy 5)OOpn ii.Opm Sosday Closed ï â *Sîundayî soîaloble lorsiai ookngi Information on Daily Specials, Special Events, Catering or Reservations Ccail 905-878-8.51ii ViSit Our Website at S www.stecchinos.com ienever you'rie crMvne and wherever 'ou're UOn MCKaeAnita Cutaia (905) 878-8109 (905) 878-8871 485 Main Street East, Milton Ptb~faturf.omthe Wiriî the days getting shotter, the autrln season is just around the corner. Along witls the usual new begîîsnings in lise fal. sucb as relurning to work or school, the Town of Miltoîn ix pleased ris announce these new beginnings... lt*s now simplcr than ever ts vixit the'lo)wn's website with its new easy-to- remembcr actdress. IF cou Isavesi r vîsirtesi te t since the start of the îsew sear, ils rIie lu check out tise new designî and enliancernents. lîsîerested in an agnda oîr minutes for a'Ilown Counicil meeting? Need to find ou[ more about installing a posol in yout backvard? Looking for transît information? it's A rI îlne aî wxxw.miiîsnca The T<wn xiii bc launching ils new Milton Online Registratiosns service this faîl, xxhich wîllI atlîîv sua lurigixler for recre.îîiîsî prograrn couIrse.s Ml ii utcethe lîsxx'îîwebsîîe sor îîsîch 11511e telephoîxe svsîrî. jj On@itn lis niarîs lorfe coriveniess ît afsîeî rîs.îroîîîîcl îiîses - .111 frîsnî the cîintî,rt of xoîr oss o snîe. Th licts pha.sc ut this newwsrvIce wii bc lîrnsirecius aqîlalles prlsgrarnis for the tîli sessîîîî latinc h. ilbc nc xt pîîasr svili nciîîde regîslîaricns for morte recre.îîion prîîgrasîxs foto l is nicr sessin. t1 noire pilases oni lic. iîsxs Il eecîroîsîc scrccs xii llio\s("cil 11i01V:o l:criicii.i5Icjiissol is ........... a dclsîs licelîse or s îbîaitiiing; bluilding Ipernmit. Start using Milton Onhine Registrations in September Getting smarted Obtajîs ais Aîîouesî Iersonal Identificationî Nurniber biîîousîr PIN) ru îdentify suit faniils accîsîist and Client ar uosxexs r each fainilv nienîber. If vîsu have regîsîercd for a recrealion prssgram since.anuan, 200)2, ' issuxviiaîratially rcceivr cîsur accîsunt informnation in a cusmprchensive infurmation package comsing your wav bs' mail in snid-Aiigust. If yoîî havent been regisrered for a prograîi dîrîîsg this trsse. sinspix' vsit lowîs Hall or tIse Miltons Leisute Centre dlcring regcîlar operaîiîsg houtrs l set up voîîr aecoliisî. Tb7ree new ways 10 register in September i. Register on the Internet \'li îei sî % ebsite aind click un the \liîîi)îliîse logo oi thte hoepage and.lx'îsvoit ii enter the electrîsîic garexwayv luthe ( unrniînirx. Srvlces l)eparrmient î I ere 'oîîc ais regster tfor lecrcallun prograns courses. Start bruwsing as caris as Augoist 22""înd register for sortie .lqua.sco urses sîarîiîîg Septcimber 20" at 9:00) so. fosr Milton residents. lavnients ire i breeze wirh Vissi and Masterîard' 2. Register b>' telephone Sturring ~Septinber 20" .11 9:0t0 arn., Miltoni residents csn eau 9015-85-541)01(Llîssg distance: i-801)-418-541)4, ext. 2430) 10 register by iue1hoise »u'îîb vour accounit IîItorssiarioî aîsd course isussbers close à a î.sd, siimple follthsx Ie easv-ro)-Lxe sîscc pronmpts ro register fosr cousrses aind osake passnieîss sing Visa oir Masterc.îrd, 3. Register in person i buee xxiil lie oaîxesx x il k us reiîsi raI lîsî esis iisiiiiiion Sepîcînhei 20" (Seprernîer 24:ifoi nîin-îesîdtcnîisî: 1()ii Hlli (9:0011a..-1:01) p.nî.) Mlilton L.esî(cisîs nte (9:001)a.- 8:00 pisi.) lhis special regisrrItiisn session wvilicssîie eversoise, xitb or wirhoîîr Insterner acces, xill have aIs equî,l opplîrtLins n register for reereation îsrIgraîns. A w,îlk-îî sssilsn isails scliedtiied foîr wiîîtcr îcgissrarîuîs. Visit the Town websjîe this fali for more details on Milton Onlmne Registrations! This nexv ecltissîs xiii be deiîvcred tbroiighoîiî.Miltons onîsAugusr 22-j As aixvaxs, ibis puîbliscations xi lIbciîhock a hisîck full if reereatiosi prisgraîsî derails andt coîxsssiinfoiîtirmastions. Ltrxvll also itîcitde extensive insformnation on the'iowns new Milton Olîline Registrations service as well as importantr course coiles l'or Insternset aîsd telepsoîse registratsns. Cali 905-878-7252 or TTY 905-878-1657