24 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 1, 2003 IceHawks owner ~ eyingArgonauts Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Miton-area players (tram lefI) Steve Spiers, Josh Wagernann, Nick Mazzorato and Shawn Shadlock are part of the Haton Athletlc Club Under-1 9 bail club that won ts own tournament lest woekend. -ýýHAC.-iretnigns supre-icme locally By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Revenge in sports is always sweeî - but particu- larly so witen it's accompanied by a championsitip victory li front of thte homneîown crowd. Wîit that li mid, Halton Atitietie: Club Under- 19 basebal] players are no doubt still savouring last weekend's Gates-America Freigbt Wood Bat Classie titie triumph. On the frietsdly conftnes of Maplehurst BaIl Park Sunday afterssoon, the tournament bosts -- four of wshom are Miltonians - struck gold by outlasting te Canadiaut ltuoderbird 18s 6-4. The narrow wio served as pay-back for a round- tbree loss the previous day. as well as a champi- onsitip defeat this past spring in Vaughan. It was great to tum the tables on them," satd I-AC bead coach Steve Mousseau, witose assistants meclude local bulîpen instructor Jef MaeLeod. "We really ran against tbem. We must have had six or seven stolen bases in thee fmals." Registering two of those tbefts was local right fielder Steve Spiers, witocbipped in witb a walk, bit and ruai. The Thunderbirds tbreaîened to rally in their last at-bat belore Oakville's Matt Wood made a dynamnite catch in left fleld to crusi t tose corne- back hopes. Remarked Mousseau, "That essentially took the wind oui of their sails"- Witile Spiers was te iiggest contributor among te locals, fellow Miltonians Shawn Shadlock and Josb Wagemann offered solid spot-duty perform- ances as well. Sitadlock - who ai just 16 years of age is te team's second youngest player - delivered some credible mouîîd work in a low-scoring los 1 Richtmond Hill Saturday afternoon, and according tii bis skipper ix .imong the teaoî's mîst pronîîsîng youngsters. "Rigbt nosibes jtia kid .tod tot sec- ing that rnucb play/. but Shaisn's going tlbe a dynta- mite hall player"- stressed Mousscau. Rîunding oui i-ACsý Milton toursome ix Nîck Mazzorato, wlîo was sidelined with a banged up shoululer last wcekend. i-is teammaies kicked off the toumament wtth a 2-I nail-biter over the Toronto Hawks, and follow- ing straight defeats squeaked by the Canadian Thunderbird l7s 5-4 Sunday momning to reach the cbampionsbip finals. Sieî'e LeBlaîtc <an be reac-Ied ai aleblanc-(àhal- tonsearch.coni. Forgione interested in buying CFL club By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion M arlo Forgione is back at it agaml. Just a few short months after buyiog the OHL Mississauga IceDogs, the Oakville native and Mississauga auto parts manu- facturing magoate- who also owns the Tier 2 Jr. A Mihion lceHawks îformerly the Metchants) h as begun a btd to break toto the Canadian Football League. He's admiîted to being among those ioterested in taking over the ftnanctally- challengeil Toronto Argonauts. whose owner Sberwood Schwsarz was remnoved from power by league commissioner Toto Wrighit Tuesday. Wbile Forgione isas rumnoured 10 be a potential buyer as early as last week. he only coniroted bis intentions yesterday morniog. "li an interested partv. and thaî's al 1 cao say at this point." said the leeHass\ks/lceDogs osîner. isho up until vestetdaN bado't spoken tlireetiy sstth anv other itedia about the issue. Forgione ss ho's gradually building a sports/entert ai iiinent empire andi bas bopesý of- addine iii bis hockey c luib collection u5 iii ei piolu irt tise - ail e pet ted 1o lei u 10b (11iollit is ,ibis paist eýeek. Altbîîu2iî ibaiplan is i leti xi lb St bîsaive tutus ai. os erail ws ies tbus' ini th cili t i rppeci I 3i-vear-old foot- hall hat Iiitis1 e i aiit intact. Said t-riiciine. -bete's stili a cci of' interest tiete i odel may just bave Io cbange. Rîi-itnosi se're sîepping baek attd resisitîîîg lie plaît.- l'ie Depcx'Inlternational Ine. prestdent is aiitîng a coin-ortiunt otindisiduals looking to buy the Arq'us- not unlike the situation wiîb the lceDogs. ssbich be purchased ithîî St. Louis Blues dehencemnan Chris Pronger. Fîîrgione stresseil yesterday that bis CFL endeavours- suecessful oîr not sswould- nit affect bis iovolvement witb ibe lccHawks. i-e adilei, ""r a long-terni insestor. We hase no vision to divesting ourselves rom any property within our sports/entertamnment company." Wbile some mighî question the logic of buyîng the Argos - or for that malter iovesting in tbe finaocially-vulnerable CEL at al Forgione points to the oearby Montreal Alouettes as an example of the league's poteotial for both monetary andl on-fieldl success. "These type of opportunittes don't corne aloog for successful franchises," he noted. "With the righî business plan, this team (Toronto) could work." Sti'ie LeB1aii con bc îeac/ied ai tir'- blaîi(a/î,altons.earr/-i <-ont- ,Mavs win zone titie The championship beat goes on. Milton's bantam lacrosse team added 1t tis season's hefty hardware haul at John Tonelli Sports Centre Monday night -- toppling Arthur 8-3 10 capture the OLA Zone 8 titie. The Mavericks missed their oppor- îunity 10 sweep Arthur la-st Wednesdlay - losing 7-6 in overtime - but took no chances in gaine four Monday. Tbey jumpeil ahead early and put things out of reach witb a four-goal second period. Mike Currie and Kevin Winter each tallied twice, while sin-'. cbipped in by Richard Bayley, Joey De'Ate, Iant Goertz and Jeif Lynch. The Mavericks will look to secure one final tropby Ibis weekend aI the Ontario 'C' championships in St. Cathtarinies. CRUISE INWTO ERN wvith Our DUO SPECIALJ in store Air Liquide 310A Steeles Ave.,Mlton .90.5-693-1211 While quantities last. 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