-Golffers to tee offfor United Way Sept. 5 The Canadian Champion, Fnday, Augus This year's Mayors Golf Toumament for the United Way of Milton il already off to a record-hreaking start tbanks 10 the sup- capacily of 288 golters and round ouI ils tee/green and cart sponsorships to achieve ils goals for this year. Mayor Gord Krantz said hes inviting everyone to gel invofved in supporling the kick-off event for the Urited Way of Milton campaign. "The Mayors Golf Tournament for the United Wav of Milton lias raised an tncred- ible $125.000 f'or the United Way since the lournienî's inception iwo yeai s ago." said Mayor Kranz,. honourary chair of 18e United Way of Milton campaign. "Tfhis could flot halve bien done wiîhoui the Iremendous support of the communily." The golf toumnament will lake place Seplember 5 at Granite Ridge Golf Cluh, 0Iý ii, L0LIjI iMUl W 10 C0 rplat sponsors- Aird & Berlis, the Donafdson Financial Group, Dufferin Aggregaîes, Emery Invesîmenîs, Link Line, Loblaws, Maîlamy H-omes, Milton Hydro Distribution lnc.. Woodhîne Enlerlatonent Croup and O'Connor MacLeod Hanna. Addiîionalftunds wîll corne from lunch and cinner sponsors, cart sponsors and Ice/green sponisors. "This vear wse've added aî corporafe tchal- fenige tropfîv ibat sii hc aw aded b ifhe hest scorinîg f (itrsorne i n lie Cart Sponsorsfîip caiegory,' said s of unit r louinament cirectoi Haf Watsonî. Cari sponsorship cosîs $1,000, which includes golf, lunch, dinner and gifts for fouir People It ,lso incuItdos ienlae oni hu Lasi years lournament was a seiloul and Ibis years is expecled 10 tilt quickly. The price per golfer is $150, which includes golfing. lunch, dînner and a gifî. "We have found Ihal the 'hest hall' shot- gun fonnat allows for the broadesî range of- gof fer participation hecause you dont have tb he a greal golffer Io stili corne out andi have tun," Mi. Watsonî said. The UJnited Way of Mifion bas sel a gotal iii raisin-g $425,00f0ff iis year. Compatiies or individuals interested in piayîng golf orr sponlsoring the event can cati tthe United Way of ice aI f 9(15>875-255(0. !own Honda f TO DRIVE A Celebrate the proven bench mark. Drive it. Move pour crene wth confidence. Odyse'S ?HOhp engîne detivers auttnonflalioe freeay enîries and passing power. on < 8 regular fuel. And peace of rmindicoaoes sandard wiih Odysseys 4s e quadruple 5-star safety rating. Honda Odpssey. Lauded byïàpu 8 ' il IA the crttcs Loedby familles onthe go, n-oPER MOITI O.AC SA.C Georgeto wn HondaI roEIÇwpî 316 Guelph St., Georgetown 905473-1818 (à At Honda vetr îles aFe detuered wthn a lut tank. MO Ni]D A& _Hos:Mof.Wd.8am5:3pm,hurs.8am.-7:3p1,FI.Om5:3,fSte.1p<nhonda.ca ~ .OCPU8earm2«noueo nsit foriernr8rMW"0 TOaWaj em Oim a 2137-4 p eurnw . n e ocropdo, of $,19146 e apîu»trs Mn d, n sfirsUmSn# o6it" O Un..reow 0 $0iiM m ncM9 rom e MiM0M96n00ak WSam ( 20 em5y KOO etMm prafl a rpneemPmOt)t.a M X o% u teM anent mnu a Oaicetg atareo* , InC u Ua 30%rar mtîr mrce ana ift %nhl fneo $1eesOnueson ac es tlarm u eo Orn W 10rlnaenlm. ,nefa6 I 8Wt u. naeea.W Sago7 delftrww O e nam omo -oCg".ineo OA.lirllg3.8r% $2150002naln saro.yae0 30 wýai ratMnent ro ptlon60rnM«r"t 0re1W Nnettunns a*. FmUre exaily.SOM a 1%er »m e t S9.79 Pn«g ffmm bdt on »frau 0.8.tun s funttd POr M 2 one3da0I9raOrUS2 IOS 2. W .a l o asw rmwao a w Imnr m)MyDla ço l O afar ora flo.SedWMrWO d",V *W t& or ivna 009oom. Cal ode oro modeais 0345 hohsoMI soIat Flip to our Real Estate section for the latest real estate news. In addition to our residential and commercial listings, we offer home improvement teatures, advice on buying and selling a home, recipes and more. zt r(Eanabian (ffampton CaliDiane Wolstenholme 905-878-2341 ext.224 The Canadien Champion, Friday, August ;t 1, 200,3--21