The Canadian Champion, Friday, Augusl 1, 2003:-11 Some residents flot too craz'y about track proposai fromn HUGE on page 1 -Vve believe ihese îbree acdcitios (a hotel eoif Oi 1 105,ii lo.~5JdgSsi- svard uith somne conlfidence that we couid mieet the reguýiatoî-y requirements of such a deveiopment.- Il wouid be the first deveiopmeni of ils kind in Canada combin- ing horse wagering, siots. a hoiel and a golf course, Mr. Caceiess said. Under thic expansion proposai the horsetrack and siots would operale the saine way as ihey do now, he said. A public meeting was held ai town couincil to hear the plants. Couincil didn't vote on the projeci since there are other technîcal studies thai must beclonc 10 properiy assess N'ohawk's applica- lion. The application uliimatcly equires a vote from counicil ici amend the Officiai Plant ancd a zoning change ici permit the golf course ancd hotel. Mohassk-hired consultant Peter Van Loan told couincil the increaseci amcîunt of ss aier ised by the eselopment ss iosldni'i reqîtice a change ic ilis 55alec iaking pen-nt \w iliheli Minîsiry of the Environmieît. The tsso ss ils Msîlass k sasaer tcom aie sufici entI han- Ile the extra volume of w ater. lie saici. Also, a treaimeni system s proposecl ts bc but un the suc Io banche asitional wasîe from the slevelopmeîiî. The elîluiett lss ocilci be tceated and cisîniecîed ancd lelc iniia cecsnsructesl lagoumn Some of tlie effluenît soulcl be ssed toîr irrigatng the golf cotîrse. white the lest \'wocilclbecischarged mbit a nearby strearn. ibat los lots) the Sîxteen Mile Cceek. Mohawk \vas choseîî fsr a possible expansion,.MMî Careless said, becausc Woodbine is already well est,îblishecl with ils sesen million annual visitors who bet on horses ancl use the 1,7001 avail- able siot machines. "As Missîssauga ancd Milton build oui,. il makes sense for us to make these strategic decisisîns ai this stage." Mr. Careless saici a tcchntcal report from Town staffcocîld take between six and nine months Io complete. Issues to be examined include enviroomentîai and agrîcuiturai impacts, traffic, servtcing and market demand. Because of the lengîh of time the Town wiil need bo evaluate the propîssal. Mr. Careless said it's preinabuce to specsîiaîe when gani hi" les ,nîs .st t i r sirilable c11ts,îgtuai Iprsîs ding a stivi up claie) ai tlîîs stage." But nearly a dozen cesidents toidc ounciliors they 're not tstaily comfortabie witb the proposai. They saîd the deveicîpmenî would create traffic strife and waste problems ancd risk impacting well water, among a nîîmber of issues. John Lawrynow icz, who lises near the racetrack, sai he\ svsîc rieci absout the use ol pestîccldes tsi take care ol ihe greens ai the gsolf course. "I'm cîîncerned abouît the use of' pesticides ancd what tbcy*re goîng Io do Io the basic waiershed.- Phil Vanî Aistyne sai the csînent traflic aI Mohaw k cissipates at arositîc 2 or 3 a.m. ansi bas helpeci leasi b a sirop in properby value of bis Guelph Lîne home. "This dsesn't sut seil in a rural csîmmunity." be said. -How maiîy names are requîred on a petîtion tsi gel csîunicl ti vs/te ls d i55e5< lIi;55t 1 o w 05)i \iýilitoil ss,Iso i ceceling six million dollars a year (in slits revenue).- Mr. Careiess said Woodbîne would atempt to mitigate as best as possible resîdents' coîcemns. IWe are not ircesponsibie people. We draw water from ibose weiis and we waîît to ensure the waîer is nainîained properly." he said. "We're going to be wcrking wîtlî the Towvn of' Milton and the cifférent regulatory authorittes to ensure there are no problems.- You can view the proposais by csnacoing the Town ai (905) 8787211, and ysîu cao send yîîur comments about the develop- ment tsi planning staff by niail]sic e-mail at plannî Jasoî î/s' o unhe rs'asc'd o niiu(tijîîsîido 5 io/ipioil.s S//i Règ istration DaysO#mm The Canadian Champion Fali Registration section that wilI publish August 22, 26, 29 and September 2nd. To kick off the fail season, we are offering you a special incentive; buy 3 ads at regular price and get the 4TH AD FREE. SCali Your Sales Representative to book your space today. 905-878-2341 Taking care of a loved one can be rewarding- but tiring. FInd out how home and community services can help. When a loved one needs your attention ail day every day, it can take a lot out of you, physically and emotionaily. Maybe your loved one needs 24-hour care. Or maybe ail you need is a break now and then. Home and community care covers a broad range of services. They can be as simple as havmng a volunteer relieve you while you run errands (known as "caregiver relief"), or as comprehensive as a room in a lon'g-term care facility. Your local Cominunity Care Access Centre (CCAC) can help you decide what options would work best for you and help you arrange -for the services you need. To find out more, can 1-877-234-4343 and ask for a free Home and Community Gare for Seniors brochure. Or visit and click on Seniors' Gare. for y" Ontario m/i