2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 22, 2003 -Milton children's dental health is the worst A By JASON MISNER The Champion Milton had the highest percentage of elemnentary school-aged children in the region Iast year with non-urgent dental needs like loose fillings or gin- givîtîs. And Halton His wasn'*t fat- behind. A report released to the Regionis healtb and social services coin- mittee earlier this mnonth showed that 16767 Halion stuclenis in k indergarten and grades 2. 4, 6 and 8 were screened in 2(X)2, an)d the percentage of kids with non-urgent dental needs was. 5.5 or about 930 kids. Specitically. 1,6t09 Milton studenîs were screened and health officiais found 7.33 per cent of thein or about 117 kids- had non-urgent dental conditions, nearly two percentage points higher than the regional average. 0f the 2,411 screened in HIaton HuIs. 6.97 per cent- or about 168 kids- had non-urgent dental needs. 0f the 5,870 screened iin Burlinglon, 5.-33 per cent- or about 312 kids- had non-urgent dental needs; and of the 6,877 screenied n Oakville, 4.83 per cent- or about 332 kids- had non-urgent dental needs. Ail elemientary school students n ilaton are screened cvery Fu o h hl i-rw MoolaC LES O eM 1 1 E OT O MM NH IH$,10D W -49MEGTAV .-.ICUE Fue Funf o ten: wh .3Ioe 5pgCitycr7.IL1km 4pl PERER MONTFOFOR848OMOHS S WI $4,27210 DOW$ ýj 2 4 ""a .-cyln4ey, 157 hp3Ohp. DONC. ol'e, Vîr.i eAgimr -i4-ooe A aÇMSo to transmissio wi. ,.d;v.- Mf C C sstt wth6 peakes i c od g, P,, , wnd'K osîloof,'cOkis. p îî l . * b Fuel co*su pti' ,.Huy O.,U, (03 ,415)G/C/tCity 1IOON,,, k4 oo8gig : CamryFSE FR5 9 FRTINT AND .E...INCCUDEO * 2U LMSIP j 4i0. -yide,17hp OC 1Oîoî . L', .og,.4-îp.îdoiî , 1h, a , lv, VTiegoe-Ar odtoin geootrv Dw * ood16" lley wCees.- Powerwindowy, ocks & miOors - Cfisedcontri. Keyles entrt. 6,40 spld ,0*d,000,i200.Eg,.Laî,io.use oraîtto,'g R, îîi $.41 (prmnhadgltmtctasiso FFuel consuopton:HHyy8.91/lOOkoni44MPG))/ICytyO..LLIOOkm,(<7Opgp*) * If you're in the market for a new truck, corne & test drive one of * Milton Toyota's great trucks at aur exclusive new centre located next door to Milton Toyota. *Highlander Tacoma TudaRv & ayMr TOOT 14 ; 40 t e e v n e 9058M-L 0 ý ww.ltnm t.o nuuMdra Rav4 year. Dr. Robert Hawkins, a public health dentist with the Region. said there's no delinitive reason tor the Ili ghe r-than -average nunt ber of kids with non-urgent dental needs in Milton and Halton Hilîs, and noted assessing these kinds of factors weren'î part of the screening report. But a key contribuîing factor is likely lack of adequate acces'. to gel dental care, 6e said. "lligbei access lii care mîigbit nîit be so easy in Milton and 1-laton Hilîs." he said, niting its "a cause (or conceru."I He said there could be transportation barriers that make it diffi- cuIt to gel to a dentist. lFor exanîple. there is limited bus service in Milton and none in Halton Hîlis. Dr. Hawkins also said the location of dentîsts in the two rnunic- ipalities could be a hindrance. Perhaps some families living in the rural areas may not bave access to a vebicle or bus 10 gel In a dentisî's office tbat isn'î wiîb- in reasonable walking distance. he said. There are 18 dentisîs in Milton, 27 in Halton Hilîs, 1l2 in Oakville and 91 in Burlington. Financial assistance programns available The Region has estabiished a number of financial assistance pro- grarus for families in need that don't have appropriate dental cov- erage. They include a program for kids 14 years of age under called Cbildren in Need of Treatment (CINOT). Funding is spliî 50-50 between the Region and the Province and a family must apply antd qualify for subsidy. For more information about the programs, caîl the health depart- ment aI (90)5) t(26-bOtX). Meanwhile, the Region isn't sure when bt will have ready ils report deîailing wbether Miltons well waîer should be fluoridated and the process required to do il. "A limeline basn't been established," Dr. Hawkins said. Originally il was antieipaîed to be ready in the spring but was postponed because the healîh department was busy dealing with SARS. The hope was 10 bave il ready perhaps Ibis montb but that won't bappen. (Water fluoridation wasn't part of the recent screening report's findings.) A report reieased by the bealtb departmenî last October showed a link between a higher prevalence of tooth decay amone kids in Milton- on average the highesî in I-lton- and non-fluoridlated water. Sortie 33,(X))) Milton residenîs are on well-based systemis that arent fluoridaîed. In the înid-'70s there was a referendumn that asked residenîs if they wanted their waîer fluoridated and the majoriîy said no. .lo.siiMinier Cati ie reai-lu'd at itiisiiei-(,,-.tniloii-atiadiiti- ci Oipiot.'oi. -Toronto man killed in crash on Steeles Ave. A Toronto mnîts tead a:ier i e lost cotîtrol of the car be stas divsing and bit a b'.dro pole on Steeles Asentue Sutîday afientoon. Reza Maljeh. 43.,ssas protîounced dead aI ibe scene just aller 3:30) pin. He \,\as, dising a 2(X)2 Fordi Thunderbîrd convertible eastbound oit Steeles Asvene. stest ol Perui Road. ss ben Ilile vebi- cie crossed a set of train îî acks and becaine airborite. Haltoît Regiottal Police saîd. Tite driver losi conîrol ol the car and il cIl lIte road. colliding ss 1h a \s ioden hydro pole. police said. A female passenger was taken lii Mi ltonî District Holispital ss ei e sbc 55 as ireated for mîttor i1iijUrie. anîd releascd. The vsicie CZIused geU rs uo li nake contact ss lb lise hydro, wires and a sitall tire erupted. cuttiig offpower t0 the aiea. police said. Hydro cr-ess s quickly resolsecilte bydro outage. Sîceles Avenue bet\ý,eeni Trentaine Road and Indusîriai Drive was closed foi Oive-aitd-a-hali bours ssbile the Regional 'Traffic Bureau invesîigaîed the cause of the collision. Police said speed may have been a factor. ht was the 11 th deaih on regional roads in Halion Ibis year. Any witnesses are asked 10 contact Del. Const. Paul Dâvies at (90)> 8254747. ext. 5056.