Halton gets high marks for its business p'ra"cýtiïcp'e BY JASON MISNER The Champion room. Any time politicians are recognized for helping taxpayers save money, they will inevitably walk with their heads held higli. Regional counicillors warmly embraced survey results from the Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association (GTSWCA) placing Halton Region as the best and most fair place for contractors to, do business. The sul-vey included responses from 143 contractors from eight municipalities, including Peel, Toronto, York and Richmond Hill. 'You did a great job," Jim D'Orazio. director of the GTSWCA, told counicillors after he slapped hands with the six politi- cians and three staff at a recent planning and public works committee meeting. He explained the greater the number of competitive bids, the lower the prices for the job submitted and the better it is for res- idents who pay for these kinds of things through their taxes. An exact savings couldn't be providcd. "You're getting excellent value for your money and you're getting the best prices possible," he said. "And it helps keep con- tractors, like myself, honest." The aspect of tendering- awarding contracts to businesses to build expensive things like sewer and water mains - might be lost on some. But tendering is a big deal when the Region's money managers budg- et for certain projects every year. Yet the survey results did more than rec- ognize the number of bids put in. It also looked at how efficient the municipality was when awarding the contract and the requirements that went along with il. That's a big reason why Halton topped the survey. Patrick Murphy, the Region's commis- sioner of planning and public works, said staff put in a great deal of time and effort to ensure the tendering process is understood by the contractor while protecting H-latons bottom line. Also, the Region's overal process 10 doing business with contractors is predicated on two key things - design and payment. The design issue is relevant because regional staff wilI do things like pre-deter- mine the type of equipment that's needed to do a job, and is one less requirement for contractors to wonry about. Frami, ly Pliysicîan in Milton i n accepting new patients. P lease cati to register. Also, Mr. Murphy said the Region pays ils bills on ime. something everv business was tickled pink- and somnewhaî relieved watennain pipes along regional roads in by the results. the older sectionN of Oakviîle n ere Put on .1 L IDL(iII ,, li ild. ffiù l el. I Oakville Regional Councillor Keiîh Bird expected when miles of' older cast-iron ,/,I\U!1i/ i O (('1 ((III l Il /11((il 1111.1 tneî-(anilton'anaclianc(han,1,îon v(ont. Got a hot scoop? If $0, please give Our newsroom 234 1, ext. 234. Your GâI1inýer Ford Dealer presents 1bight 110W e 2003 lsrd lîoc Sport 1% 1 NXlIT CASH PRICE', .8 6 4.01L, V6, auto, A/C, pw, pi, moon- roof, tonneau cover leather/comfort grd siverc .X3GÉ 2003 Ford tstýe'r 9.dýee ct Cah CASH PRICE *19.87!1' 3.L 6 uo /,Flareside box, sWlmtnipaie sonic blue c/c. R3007 20CP3 IordI CASH PRICE '25.2e I 4.6L, V8, auto, A/C, CD, tach, wheels, sport pkg., black c/c. F3099 2003 1tordl Iqisttiuî 6T Couîertail CASH PRICE '33,394* 4.6L, V8, auto. A/C, pw, Pi, CD, zinc yellow, black leather. M3006 2003 Ford 1Th'iidsar Lx IItility VeIn CASH PRICE '24,163* 3.8L, V6, auto A/C 7 seats pi, tropc green, c/c 1>3034 200>3 lord W CASH PRICE 2 5 3.OL, V6, auto, A/C, pw, piabs, tog liyhSto owed/tiltchrome yeiiow, c/c.S3 J6 20031lord F l-150 fie,4 Cab 4x2 6 CASH PRICE $23,766 1aium 4.2L, V6, auto A/C, CD, aim. wheeis, mouidiny, speed/til, oxford white. c/c. F3047 2003 1lord %Ifîas(ûfItjCof pe CASH PflICE '23A499' 3.8L, V6, auto, A/C, pw, pi, pony ~~handling pkg, satin iliver, C/c 2003 lord %Viuîdstair Sport CASH PRICE '28.796' 3.8L, V6, auto, A/C, 7 seats, epeed/tilt, pw, pi, priy, glass, VHS/TV, tropic g reen c/c. W3035 '20 1 idI154) Supe)tr Cl.IN CASH PRICIE 26.065 5.4LV8 auto lariat pkg, A/C, W Pl, sjteed/it, iëD, leather trim, fosw pkg two-lone paint, bik & sucver. c/c Èâ034 2003 lord tV-350 CASH PRICE '3l1.872 6L, diesel, autoaal tLt pkg, A/C, pw, pi, elect shift, leather trim, tow pkq, two-tone paint, blk & grey c/c paint. F3106 for The Canadian Chamnion Tiit-qtlnv hilv 99 9nrl-q--ln iesaay, juiy zz, zuw-15 17 Vl- r