Gremwing Canaden Industinal Coatinga Manufacturer reqaresaa CHEMICAL BLENDER ,s,àvej vi , uvuntreîqvîrxs adli housuli u ruclua, hghiu mtivaled indîvîdual whe peavevues a ulrveg nense of xrgency attention to detail, axd bau a pruven track record for exceeding eepectatixns. A minimum grade twelxe educattue ta required. Previ- vus bendingaoatch proceaaing experience, WHMIS training, Ixlift expenience, and excellent mathemnatical sklîs wxuld Se cxeuidered aaeta. Ths Mnday lx Fnduly posatoe pmxidex, SealSh bene- itsi, profit aharneg and CISer bonu prugrama in addition v an Sexily wage of $14001(40 Sevra per weekt flyxe fuel o can lutfilti m challenge, piexue mail, fax or emai yxer reoumne lx the attention of: lion ha immediate openîng for Unleusb your pxtenil thl PET VALU, a specially Quait CmntolTehn,,e atler ofuality pet prort cnswthvver 340 Tochnîciana mth v minimum of 2 yeara experience. MTO experience neilI be con- idered an auuet. Must pouaeua excellent organizational ukillu. communication akillu and be computer literate. Reaumea 10: Mike Beatty Bot Construction Limited '~Oakvle, ON L6L 2X4 -, Fax: (705) 522-0845 cînaii: mroeatty@t MMadison Chemnicats Industries mnc, We thank ai candida Attention: Manager, HR. oeronyts e 490 McGeachte Drive, hwvro/ hs Milton, Ontaroa UT 3Y5 Wi becc Fax (905) 878-1449 btender@nudisonchemîcaicom I As a leader in tempurarp administrative staffînq, Qakoile Cerîdian Of Oticeleam can ofler a wîde array ut asîgnments pyxtep.adgv I We are correnty recrviling for carl xmond glo J Bilingital Custoger Service Reps nkîîîx a most. I iing.aal Receptienlsts HR evp, an usuel. At! ndidat muobve ainiubu neaut hrmeal rsampneî Addt inimstave a sist o nyan of rnataxmnet evyvrience, pusseso excellent communication skîtts, or fax 005-847-0711 in Engis and French, and have basic Word & Excel laeFFCEý- -A Specalized Adminitrative Safflng« Ph.:905-331 -0456 Fo. 905-31 9-209 buriinglun@olfîceî Vîsil us: uttîceleam com Momtmsri School of Milton Flexible hxxru. Fax revumne lx 905-812-9276 or 1 E-mail teo Qzg Rxgers.orxm dates for Choir interest, seiec/ed for an interview vontacted, WANTED KITCHEN MANAGER for neai downiuwn res- tarant, Expenexnce nec- esuary Fu-lime. Fax re- auine lx 416-760-0874. PUBLIC sivrage lacîiiîes ixcaleetin downtown Milton. trvm 30 Square lent and lrvm $40.O0 per mxnlh, Coul Kerr Reairy Manage- ment Lid. (905) 876-0407. Now Hnng -COOKS BngWesIoT55 OarioRSt. N 1 nn Frex:e lu57-508lav I 1 Fax 905-870 3508 M. 'i The Canadien Champian, Fniday, July 18, 2002--33 VON NALTON - a reimenous uppurtuohty avatable ali as aksîtte store, lucaled at 2427 Tratagar Ruad. PART-TIME SALES AssOciATE This year-round Position enînys flexible sheduting (21-35 hrslwk), competitive wages, emptoyee discounts, annuat reviews, nu lte nights, and un-the-tub trainnog, Candidates should: " be capable ut moderatetp heavy litihng " have prevîxus cash/customner service experience Tu appty ptease fax resumnes lu 905-257-6166 ur ornait lu Pieuse indîcate pour avaitabitîty. Resumnes witt alsu se dccepted autheorue, PET VALUe Your Neghbouehood Store Wlth SupeS'oPi es Nationat Markeeting company a 100oking for laD Prfornnnu Sale gale for a very aucceaufut direct marketng campaign. *Excellent growth potentiaV/ advancemont OPPorfunity- Self ng teading brand * Commuasion and bonusx " Muat be able to worle eveninga & weekendu " Eacellent communication & preaentatîon akills " Students welcome * Traning provcded Fax resume ta Sharon ai 416-352-1989 or e-mail to -v" OJ'JIIDI Canada lf b1t RTI1 Of THE &*Es OVER 60 PERFORMANCES on 3 OUTDOOR STASES. SHERYL CROW, GEORGE CLINlU & PARLIAI'ENT FIJNKADEUÇ, GEORGE THOROGOOD & THE DESTROYERS, RICHARD THOMPSit .CO»I JAMES, JOHN HIAiT & TUE GONERS BLACKIE & THE RODEO KINGS, THE BLIND BOYS 0F AL~AAMA, KELLY 11F PHFI S.fDAVIDf INN FliYvTW RDfmrDT rnv Av Aw Cafeteria Help Fult and Part ime Cafteria Hetp days and afternoons required monday to friday. Experience in cxoking, cashier, food preparafion and serving expertence necessary Send or amai resumes ta: Maple Lodge Ferms Ltd. R.R. #2 Narval, Ontario, LOP 1 KO ExibtinPlceeJuy 327 e2 0 e e g a * - s e t c m i -9 mîtteu o0 pîuvîuîg cosl effective high qualily heallh caîx lv resîdenîs xl Halluel Responsîble for the marketing and sales xl bealth care services lx client groopo ix Hallon Regîo This includes pîospeclîng, inormation gafhering, maferiats pîepaîa- lion, personat selltvg and sales preseofatos. Denelapo marketing and business plans for healîS care services, nursing, home! persutat support, welness and lent cure for the bruoch. Carnies olt sales and marketing detîns for heatth caîx services. Monitors efleclîveneso and efîcîency uf resource attîtoatton as il pertaîvo lx mar- keting aclivilies *Cuttege Level diptuma in marketing or business. *Demvnslruled expertise in marketing. *Abîlty lu represeol VON in a Prolessionat and positive mauner. *Demuuslraîed abîily lu plan and uchieve desireel resalîs rom marketing stralegies. *Drivers htnceveand acceos lu a vehîcle, *Knuwtedge outhei health cure eviromeol on Hullun fegion. Quaified individuaals may apply in wriling unti! Fride ~Ausi . ZMla: Manager, Fend Development & Marketing VON Halton Branch, 2370 Speers Aoad Oakville, ON 161 5M2, Fax: 905-627-3390 Email: We thank ait apphicanta, however, on/y those seiected for an interview will be contacted. VON Haltan ix an equal oppartunity emnplayer. HOME HEALTH CAçtE SUPPORTIVE HOIJSING ENVIRONMEr " HS2-HS3-- PSWas " Needed lmmedîately " Longer Shifts Avaîfable *Benefît pkg. avaîlable *Team mwork atmouphere Pai-aMed is Iooking for trained staff *Budington area *Vehîcle an asuet Mail or tus vour resumes Att»: Roberta Dunn ParaMed Home Health Care 1515 Retiecca St., Ste 301, OakvlIle, OU LUt 568 or Fax: 905-847-1038 A leader on community heallO & support services (We wetcomv ait apytîcauts, ouwever ootv thuse gseted for a interview witt be contaciedt MON 1 1