The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juty 18, 2003 -31 505 euesf os6 car$ Work At Home For Major Canadian Contact Centers CaliCast REALTIME AGENT NETWORK There are immediate opentngs for Contract Agents. Find out more about this new career opportunity: Corne To A CaliICast Job Fair: Wednesday, JuIy 23rd - 7:3Opm Holiday Inn - Oakvitle Thursday, JuIy 24th - 7:3Opm Courtyard Marrioti - Airport Go To: Or Cali : 416-987-2278 WIDEX CANADA LCD is cuitent y seeking a blîngoal F/T caîndidate lu' oui CUSTOMER SERVICEI PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT o wotk in au Office atmssphete silhin a manafactuîîng plant loi Seat ng aîds Ldagepfluent is FrenchS s sucent aI CHALLENGE Pioduct knowleclge îesulsîng producl issues, assiot sales Sp actîng as a liaison wîth She client, pioduct waîtanlies and support foi clients psitaising co masulacluting. Espaîlence with computers asd vatîsus software, dealîog vilS clients and pioblem soluîng, & excellent telephone skîlîs a mcst ADDIIONAL ASETS Ahltp Io suAînndpeudentîy and as a team playet, demunstiate initative and a self-starter, abilîty to pîan and uîganize, abîlîlt l handie multiple tasks sîmotaneouslp excellent inir pesonal and communication ski/b sabtit sadlust to change within enuîîonment and sapeiînuce intha heaînp aid îndustrp an assaI Pieuse send isuma to WIDES CANADA LCD, PC Bue 940 akeiile ON L6J 2X2 attn. Mi.Marty Buttoiwoith. Chiet Opsiaions Ollîcai utorI m.bufterworth@widexCaitada.COm. Pieuse no t/ephone cal/slinquiories L uringon> UIIIsco 5110 510 -a"' G" * wMw W-O Xi CANADIAN TIRE 2070 Appleby Line (Milicroft Centre) EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE IN VERY BUSY 16 BAY SHOP CLASS "A" MECHANICS * 2 Positions asaîlable * Must posessu Claso "A" huasse * Slîung inteipeisosal Sklîs * Ability c wuîk in a team nsîtmntionn P/T TIRELUBE INSTALLER " Custometsrvice lucused attitude " Mchanical o utonatumstssbackgound " Full 'G2" Lcasse " Aalahle suanings and weekends Pli AUTO SERVICE ADVISOR " Custumet saîsîced lucussd atitude " Stîssg isîsîpessnal & salass kllo " Stîung autonativs lachnical knuwlsdgs " Aalabls asonîngs andwesekends Vie offesiccumptîlus sagas. oupîcyedscounts, henalîts and proflI sharîng allai prubaicsatypepnîîd Ptease tao resame to: 905-335-9724 or drop oft je person to the attention af Julie Witiams, HR Manager COFFEETIM Martin St. HELP WANTED Fuli-time staff Apply In person 905-878-9939 Our client located ia the Dorval Dr aad DEW area la looking for 8 GENERAL LABOURERS Yos mdll be required ta lft 5OIbs Satety boots a muat Pay S8 5/Si pies 400 vacation pay-PAID WELYi Cait Mark ai 905-276-8611 ex 230 to hear more or appty in person ai 33 City Centre Drive, Suite 660C Mississauga tRED BLACK CU ANS GOSEBERRIES, SUNFLOWFp',Ul1..e ~nmo FREE HAY RIDES, PLAYGROUND& - 'eiANIMAL CORRAL em.q FRUIT WINERY www.scotchblock. corn VVe eic aiso Susuin CieandOCr0 Lii rut e eisinoiis Sues on #10 Side Read, north ot Hwy 401, ctienen Irataigai RSsuand eus Soial 5uad 5 us 5 ) 301 301 FWorsts Floaruts 510 Wanted 'ently Looking Schooî Bus brivers Laidiaw Transit is an Equal Opportunity Employer j SEARS CARRIERS needed for door to door catalogue deltvery in Acton/Georgetown. Caîl 905-873-0103 Leave message with name, phone and address. Immedtately for refrtgerated food prooessing plant in Milton. Own Transportation Required. Fax Resumne f0: 905-878-9010 or apply in person Attention: GERRY DL'CHENE 2705 Durante Way, Milton Subway Sandwiches 389 main st.Mîtan. Permanent day shift. Competîtîve wages. Food Espertence pneffered. Apply in persan, Hran 905-875-3212 wwwgojbs.ov.n.c Zeiteis out Mau shrng arau ime assuciaies tot au areas outhne store. Tesuccessiui oppitant wii Se suornnted o erovtaina eiraurairiaiy rusismer service ana Se asaîtabie Saiurday antd Sunday pus 3 euninns a weeit Woaie aiso tainio applcatos for ouemnight associaies Pieuse brîng youa resumne toithe sers- iua esii WE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT HtRING GREAT PEOPLE l!SUPERC UTS! ÏHAIRSTYLISTS :1 PREMIUM PAY Startlng @ ý$r *Eau. benefîts pkg 0 COMM. & houss *PaiS lîceusa fees a No clientela togsired *AdvancedITaining 9 Eqsipment prosided Cail Today 905-815-3217 SALORN& AYSPAe Oakville Town Centre We are seeking high-energy and taiented teamn members. HAIRSTYLISTS & R.M.T. F/T & P/T CAREER OPPORTUNITIES complete wîth competînîne salary + commission + excellent benefît package!i For info.* cali Barb at 905-338-3333 or fax reoume: 905-338-9561 Adineuthea eassifiads bave the. pot«W t besomnby 30,000 pa.gla eR1 n Ij %r r Social Work Services Use pour professionai social -work/prngram -management skiffs wdth the Ministry of Public Safety and Security, tD establish a comprehensine social-worlv' rehabititative program lu the Vanien Centre for Womes Maplehurst Comples, a 00Wv cortectiortatuceitre, As port of a rns/tidisciplinary team, yoo miii. deveiop. plan, impiameuf, admicîster dinersifîed social work, rehabîlifation, classification services <o <mu, sida by-sîde correctinna/ centres, approsîmately 350 females, 1200 offenders; esfabiish social mork policy; manage subordiuate staff Location: 655 Martin St., Milton. Qualifications: MSW mitfî cliniîcat focos, registration wth College cf Social Workerc and Social Service ivorkrs; denronsfraled abttity 10 plan, orgouize, direct social -vork/nehabiitatine poograms, supervise stfaf, prepare lreatment piano, assess clents' hehaniosi, needo, progreso; knowledge cf retenant mental heaitti regelatory/prinacy legislalion, reialed pullules, abilify b work ro-operafinefy in moltîdîscîpl/uary correcfioual freatmeuf enoircunîienl, Salary range: $59,001- $72,625 Resumne and covering letter must be received by 4:30 pm, Aug. 1, 2003. Ouoting file CS-1108, sendt t: Human Resources Consultant, Central Region Office, Ministry of Public Safety and Security, 171 Jutison St., Bldg. C, Etobicoke, ON M8Z 1A4. Fax: 416-314-9540. 310 310 ____________________ ForSae ForSale SPECTACULAR & AFFORDABLE Career-Minded Accountants- sic 7 Corne Join The Industry Leader! Gffei elpIa; F/C BOOKKEEPER ...........M$211111 Waned ~. STAFF ACCOUNTANT .....TO$1&M - ACCOUNTING CLERKS .....M$14M ... ....Is Curr 20î Kayak pooseiilii eluuk iiand .. -Ili i 1-800-668-7564?' Ph: 905-319-9384 Fax: 905-319-2095 for Train now for September (905) 877-2251 9528 Hghway 25, Milton 3 KM forth of the 401 Hiring for sur pick-pour ovwn apple season waekend positions: Food Service, Barbeque Cashiers Greeters/Entertain ment Tractor Drivers Parking Lot Security Weekdays only Tour Guides L Piease apply in peroon Thank pou ROAO TRANSPORT VV r n qa ppru y bsieshat offesa cumpe henivetrcklad ericethougnouatEasernCanada, Customer Service/Dispatcher Reoponsibilities: , Load solicitation, booking, and coordination , Coordnate and dispatch mrisarss Qualificationo: *A minimum of 5 years îelated esperiance in truck tansportation *Pus' se coaro soacatior an asoui *Strongorn Cputer skiliu *Stîong cîgarîzationai communication skilis ClaiKEsOfferis anostîtive saisie and senelit puceage Salare ail ce bu suuon ualilîcaticnu andepsua c Pieuse fcrnard cccir etisi und issumoi stating you, salais Ieepectat.uqs tc Clarke Road Transport Attention: Gen Wallace 10862 Steeleo, Milton, ON UT 2X8 Fao: (905) 875-1t64 L Email: gwallace@clarkeroad.o CHRISTIAN HORIZONS Or -ue,9& s. roi ar i a0'icý sîirý ii ii'ua.o o I lvemei ciocî5 isac 100 'isiý iiig app1il auo 'c:Part-timte/ReIiet Support Worker for weekend and en-call positionun e :s aecclîs Bbou 09100,Miltùi aidHamiltou ateas Applîcanss souulo havs a mleanl soucalîcirutorîelatsd vouA e potiruco & a minicmm G2 driver s i cs Eu'asng artd oseend o wck îsguîsd Send rboume lu Adminis- trative Clouk CHRISTIAN HORIZONS, WestîDstrict tffice Unît 1B-29 Manitou Dr Kitcheer. ON N2C 169. Fas 519-895-2561, s-mailwslîutusCochiis ian noizans.uig 145 thautA all whu esupusdbut ms/y those qca/îfyîmp Afr ani iitervie.e'wî/l ha cuntaunsd t