Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 2003, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Fiday, JuIy 18, 2003 IMMACULArE one large ATNpoeînîpfr badroo aparmenî ith îhed badroom & privai e osi artrarce, LaoitrY Orsuife ir dur. ! r-r-i diairi/ Ns cPildrniev;vs. $800 ait inclusive, rater- encan & credît chaque fa- qiîsd. Pleaeacai 905- 875-2940 or cati 416-830. 9864 for eppoirfmsnî f0 vism. LARGE 3-bdrm country apartmeni eveiebf s Auguni 1sf. 905-854-2294 FELDE OWER1 82 MILLSIDE DRIVEI 1&2 BedromrnApsI Close toDomnonl I Bus stop eti (905) 876-1249 mmm reastrca MILTON, Augusi 1mi, 1 bedroom $825+; 2 betI- roora $945+. Cati Mary (905)299«0Z2 ROCKWOOD by park, bright, dlean, 1-bedroorn apariments, indludas onrk- ing/uiiilias/ appliances. Starthng et 8696/month antI ap. 519-856490 ROCKWOOD, luxary 1 - bedroorn apartment, pnivte main Itoor eattrance. 400sq.ft. conimerciaV/offlce spaca. Maintenance par- son reqirad. 519-856- 4900 SELF containad Bechelor1 suit avitabte Aag. lut. $550 par mo. heat ttc. 906- 864-0851 WALKOUT banement apartîr-enî avaitebie Augant 1sf. Ail incuive. ire- place, asndry, cabis $900. 90"-75-8666 on 905-878- 7824 ton/10 min. to Guelph. Beatiîfuf courtrysîde, pond, very privais. Avait. Aag 1sf, 81000/mo. plus afiilies. 905854-0990 3 BEOROOM basse avait- aSie ASAP et $1250/morih plan utlities.3 BEOROOM tomrhoase $1300/monili + afilties. Avitebia ASAP Boih rn Miton Cati Ansiora Viic ai Century 21 Reltiy Professiorets 905-875-1110 ext. 247 AVAIL Sept lSth 1700 uqff 3 bdrm bungalow, Mlon, moodbuming stove, hrdtI flirs, open concept kit. $1300+stii. 905-699-7695 AVAILABLE Aaguss isi, gîsai reighbourkood rn Mî- ton. Saîfebte for non smok- ing couple mith no pets. Second ansil of hosse mth 9 font ceiiigs, 3 badncioms or 2 mih dînîng. $1100+ atîhîfies. Ralerences re- qaîrad. (905) 878-2737. NEW 3 badnoom bosse, avaîhabis îmmadiaiy; 5 appliarcen, A/C, Milton, 51500+ utîhtîes. Cati Par- nando (905) 878-3067. AVAILABLE Augasi 15, 3- bedroom, sngle car ga- rage, air condtoîîrg. Weli maîtaîred. Refenances re- quued. Culi Kerr Reaiiy Management Ltd. (905) 876-0407. NEW 3 bedroom tosu- bouse. cartal location. No smoking. efererces. $1350 plus utilifies 905- 878-6437 Clasoified Hours Monday (o Fr)day 9 arn to 5 pm îî_ý -6 Ows. Nv-smokvr, ciii suit mature piofssirui tarnais. Inciades use of famiip îoom. $525/monih ait inclusive eacapt calte & phone. Parking for ors, frsi & f ast moîfli isquired Plus rferarces. Cati 519- 853-0952 BEOSITTING room, sea- rais erirance, bathroom, kitchar. Siestes/James Srow Pkwy, country st- tir9. No smoking/pals. Avadlable immsdiaisiy. Cati (905) 876-4112 CAMPBELLVILLE tara- bouse. Fuiip fui- nishad/modemized to share. No smoking/pets. $500. Cati 905-854-0959 HUGE quiet seciaded aduff modem country home. Large badroom, shared facilifies. maie pielerred $425/par montb 905-8M54- 0359. SHARED ACCOMMODA-1r TIONS sn domntomn Mion. 2-large rooss cîth use of kitchani. Lois ot Parking. $550.00 par montt plus hy- tIno. Availabie Sept. lui 2003. Ask for Conrad (tIsys) 905) 63"-777 & I- tan 6 p.m. (905) 693-0780. SINGLE lamais looking for a singl e lamais f0 ubere a hoase locaied on e beaufi- fut ravins/park like lti close f0 domnioma Georgetown. Rert is regofiebie-besed on cilirgneso to heip mth hoane antI awr main- tenance. Pisas conac Marg ai 905-878-2337 eXUL3 VERY large iak& wite long bied cat. Deciemed, arused ici traffic. Remerd offered. 905-878-1865 DAYCARE uvaîtabie Fait or part-urne spots. Sammar & echool peen. Excellent ref- ererces. 5 pin eap. Healihy foodI, oufîrgn, % crefis. Cati 905-876-2886 or 905-691-8442. RAINBOW VILLAGE Day- cars hus speces avaihebie for chitdren 2 1/2 yrs ici 5 yrs. 905-876-7552. Vusîf as ai www.inubocsilegaeday- caîe.cam A Kang Pilîtop Mattreso Set Nec in plastic. Coni $1600 Sacrifice $450.00. 905-567-9459 car daiver. APPLIANCES Frdga, 2 door, Stose, Mayiag au- iomaiîc casher, dryer Asc, apartmaît set. Urder War- rarty Fîrancîrg avaîtable 905-637-8328 BED Amazîrg Sangaîr. qaven orthopeduc plivsiop set, nec n plastic, sarrarty $150. 905-567-4042 ciii deluver BED, Amuzirg Sangin, qaeen vrtbvpeduic piloctop set. Nec n plastic, saîrar- ty $150 905-567-4042 ciii deluven. BEDROOM set. pce cher- rywood. BetI, chasi, dress- er, mrror, nîgbi stands. Dovefaît construction. Nao- en opered.. Cost $8000. Sacrifice $2400. 905-567- 4042. CARPET i hava severut 1,00 pds. cil r a ir master & lO00a ryon car- pet. Wîi do lvingroum & hait for $389. Inctuden car- pst, pad & insalltifon (30 yards) Steve, 905-639- 2902 DINING ROOM l3pca. Cherry, 8 chairas, uffet, huicli semver, dosefaît construction. Sit in boaes. Cosi $11,00 Sacrifice $3.000. 905-567-9459 FRIGIDAfRE iPoe NEEO a GOirpIvif Don t Hareo di 1M, Gateway & Compact PCs 40 Lys as $1. a Day! No Moîey Dosi! Cal N IN BîandsNOW! 1-800-656-8369 wws.dollaraday.com SUPER Sala Casiom sphoistsrng. No OSTi Savîrgs up W W 10 30%a on decorefor fabrca. Sofas mih fabrîc from $788. Chairs ih fabrîc fîom $249. Filds Pmitare & Fubroc, 9- 9 daiiy: (905) 875-4427. S A FAUIBKNOK, 888-Wanted -ait chine, slver, cry s e cpsR ,4 Jm oya(l Doulor, Scerconski, glass, îemsitsry ld4 s clectibles U . 8l 1 , 100 esiefes. Cati John/Tracy, 905-331-2477. GARAGE 10 store ctessîc car untl4e d c ber ie S M b Liu ecceso required. 905467-1187. drna-frn Evann CHILLUAN would like t0 announce the birili of is baby istar, Jarno Meesa. Bom at home May 5, 2003 weighing 7fbs 15 ozs. Proud Grandparents are Bill antd Lindla Chiliman and Oonny and Georgina Franklin. Proud Greatgrandparents are Bob arid Violet Denis. GRAYICAMERON, Jamey and Fona of Owen Sound, ON are thnhlled f0, announce the birth of their daughter Grace Shona Cattherine Gray, on Fnidap, JuIy îlih, 2003, at Grey Bruce Regional Health Center, Owen Sound, ON, weighing 8 lbs. aI 6:18 P M. Welcomed by Grandparents Daniel & Sheena Cameron of Milton, ON, and Bruce & Cathenine Gray of Espanola, ON. Also welcomed Sp Aunts & Uncles Shona & Craig, Jo- nathan & Lnda and Cousins Lennvn & Cameron; Great Aunt Moira & Great Urcle Steve, Great Grandma & Great Grampa Betty & John Garceau of Serpent River, ON LYON (nea Marchand) - Glenn andI Carnie are lhrilled foi annouace the birth of their 1 sf baby, Connor Aexan- der, bom Jane 15, 2003 ai 406 arn weîghîng 7lbs. 7vz. Proad Grandparenfs Allen and Mary Marchand cil Georgefown and Clîfford and Annie Lon o Grand Bay- Weaffield, NB. Admîrînig Great Grandmother Norane Marchand cil Georgefown. Special thanku ivODr, Paul Zeni, Or. Gunarafnam and ail the OB nurses ai GOMH. PERRY - David and Linde (nea Butcher) of Oakvile alorg wîfh big brother Steven are pieased f0, annoance the birth col their daughfer Ens Nicole weîghîng 7 1. 8 oz. ai Oakile Trafalgar Jaiy 7, 200J3 ai 12:06 pm. Fi5h Grandchild for Paul and Shirley Buicher of Sauli Ste. Marie and sevsnih Grandchîld for Davd and Manlyn Perry of Lowvilie. Thanka agaîn o Or Morrow and fhe O.B. staff ai OTMH 92 BUICK Regul Lid. Mechaîîcuiiy very good. Vîew and check hislvry ai Master Mchaîic 905-875-3333. Sea Roli Askig $3300 SCOTT, Robait - Passed away quîelly ai the Milton District Hospital on July 1h, 2003 in is 72îd peur. Ro- E leis ssurvived Sp is looîrg wilv Joycv andtwomv e- loved daughters Alson and Deborah, Lovirg Grandpa 1 f0, Roliert J. aid DanîilC. Born irBllast, Northero Ire- laid. Robert moved to Canada rn 1872 Saiiling on Go- derich, Oitanso untîl moviig to Mitron in 1878. Robert was a Techoîcul Illustrator, workiîg for sarious frms aid as a Teachîrg lîsiructor ut Sheridan Collage ontilis refremesi, Robert eîîoyvd mary peurs ut the Rotary Club in Mion, senviig 7 peurs as Chairmniof the Easter Seat Campaîgo aid seriig 7 peurs Drvtor ai Credif Vliapibrin Oak for young adaits who are physi- cally dsabled. Frerds wutli e received ai tha J.SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Si., Mion, (905) L CIEPLUCHA, Stanley - Otet Peacetlfly on Wednes- day Jaly 16,2003 al the age of 80. Beloved Husband of Sophia, Loving Stepfather to Sylve & her parrner Met; Rose & her busband Tom; Dise andI her busband Stuart. Greatly loved & somely missed by his Grandchif- die Lake & is partiner Failli; Caleb, Aaron, David, Gabrel & is wife Margaret; JotI & is wife Nadine; Chiera, Rachel, Jonathan & Benamin. Great GrandIs- mher to Elias, Austin, Milia & Sophie. Visitation at J.Scott Eanly Funeral Home (905) 878-2669 on Fnday, Jufy 18, 2003 aI 2-4p.m. andI 7-9p.m. Fanerai miii be hem lta Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Charch in Mifton on Sal- urday July 19, 2003 @ 1000 ar. Kuflikowatci, Eugenla (Jenny> Peacefaiiy ai Allendale Long Care Teni Facility in Mii- ion on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 ai the age of 93. Pre- deceased Sp her husSard John (1995). Lovîng moiher of Jane and Aies Stremecki andI Natalîne Middleion. Balici to Aldonna and Richard (Rîck) Blouin, Wendy and Stephan Siremecki, Liane and Bill Robierison, Kelly and Derrck Mddteoî and Lomis ard Brad Middieton. Pie- babci f0 Caîley yod Mackenzie Robertson, Robyn and Samant ha Siremnecki and Madeleine and Nîcholas Blouin .Piedeceased Sp sisiers Angela (Nelie) Hebor, Rose Nieiadomski and in Poiand broihers Antony, Jo- seph avd John. The famiy woaid lke f0 express ihaîr sîncere apprecîstior f0, Allendale, especiaily the care- gîvers ai Marinî Hoase 2nd Floor rends wii Se re- ceioedaai the Ridley Fanerai Home, 3080 Lakeshore BLVO W, Toronto (beiweenIlslîngton and Kplng Aven., ail 4th Si., 416-259-3705) on Sardap from 2 f0 4 & 7tof9fp.m.Servceinihe chapei Moda al 0a.m Intermeni Mi. Peace Cemeteip, Mississauga. Memoni- ai donations fo the Canadîa Cancer Society or the Heari and Stroke Foandation of Ontaro mould Se appîsnîated. Messager of Condolence may Se placeci ai w.RideFuneralHome.com 'God's Gardes Must Be Beautîful. Ha Only takes The Besi' The Saundars famiy could like f0 express oui heart- fait gratitude f0 ithe paramedicsanad amergencp room staff ai Mîlton District Hospitai lii saftiendrt f0my cîfe/moiher on Jure 22, 2003. We are aspecially gratefai f0 Dr Fauiknor, f or liai nwift action and caring rature. Wa credif pour diligence and piofassional iniegrly in nasîsg her lite. Mary Thanks NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail daims agarsi the asiate of vone Marlory Christie, laie uft haTown of Milton, Gutano, wlio ded os or about the Ofli day of Mardi. 2003, must lie filed with tha un- dersigned parsosal rvpresvrrarîvon vor hetora lia 21 sf day of Augusi, 2003 alter chich date tha asiate miii Se dîstribafad Pavrg regard orly o tha daims of which the Estaf e Trustee ilier shah rhase noticv. GATED ai M/lton, is Jsiy 7h, 2003 Shirley Asie Zanvita, Douglas Warren Chiristie aid Harvy Rvgrald Chrstie listai a Trustees with a Wil Nîchols aid Semvos Barrîsiers aid Solicitons 207 Mary Street, Boa 249 Milton,OGtario L9T 4N9 rn iovîng memoiy of oui dear Oad andI Granpa who pussed away Jalp 21, 2002 Oui lises go or sithout pou, And roting is the same. We have f0 hîde oui heailache, Whev someone speaks yoar rame. Sud are the heails ihat love pou, Sîlent are the tears ihat fait, Living oui lises wthoui pou, s the hardesi part of ail. Vos dîd ou many thîrgs for un, Voar heurt mas kîsd andt rue, And cher wa needed someone, We coutd almays court on pou. We hoitI pou close wthîn oui heaits, And ihere pou shah ramaîn, To walk with us thîoaghoui oui lises, Untlme meef again. Oad, pou mii iapn yS esa part 0f us for pou have leh us mîfli a precîoas iegacy of memnories. Forever ioved andI missed Sp pour tamiiy. KEANE, STEPHEN n lasîag memory of a dear husSard who paused amay July 21, 2002. Via have gone ucrosthe river, To the shore cil asergîeen, AndI i long tf0 ses pour dear face, Bai the rivera flows Sairneer; Somedap. nometime i shah usee The face 1 loved 50 meil, Somedap lIlI clasp pour liard, Aid neyer sap laremeli. Pat Winneîs of Jane 19/03 Shelly Maroli- Chrîs Brner Prît, Ken Lumb- Golf Clubs, Fraîkisco Tccogna- Bernard Loufes Prînts, Peter McCaîg- Golf bag, Cc Laneridge-Mrs. Mer- iy s CD/biook; Tony Focteram-Golf shirt; Ken <estes- Vîntuge 1894 Pîctuiesque Canada; Juliar Reed- lm- pressed i Mlton Brick, Shirley Dîllis M.H.S. Member- shîp; Lîz Chaliior- M.H.S. Membership, Tony Foder- arn- Chîlds doit Thanka toalait ho supported oui fundraiser 87r8r266s, or Monday aaiy 71stfrnm lt/sm unfîl ire fîme of sermiceatai11 am from tPe Forerai Home Ctnsp- et. in tiusof focers, donations fi, the Deborehs Home£ REMEMBRANCES Building Fard, for thie pbpsucaiip disabisd second home fi Se Suf or the Miton District Hospil Fourdetuor IFoundaio in the formn of Iol ____________________the __________In Memoriam donations donations to f85 onieao t. to The Allendale The Milton District Hospital InMenoirn i tefom fdoaton o he 1Mian, ON L9T 2M4 Fudto 90 _878-4141amsuxth 8505dmoundaioTPaîFoundation are appreciated. Canadia CancerSo905-878e d414f aMvia0505 1are tru)y appraciatad. Profassioral Campaitl- .î50e arr rr r-r-udr oi- r clsdiig oit paîrtîngs & sculpture. oparence not reqairad. Pregnant mortels ceicome. Must lia 18 pears or older. For information Pausa contact Tom @ 905- 854-3646 or E-mail: fig- urative-art @cana- da,com. ri dnver wustad îm- mediately to deliver country rouie. Tuesday & Frday delîvery before 6PM, Muni have own vehicle. Culit Sandy or Diane 906-878- 5947 DELIVERY DRIVER Construction Rentai Company raquiras F/T permanant truck driver (Ciasa D). Soma lifting raquired. Self-starter, rasponsibla, mechanically inclinad. Must suppf y driv- ers abstract. Uniform/benefits/ pension/ profit sharing. Forward resumes to; 1363 Cornwall Rd, GakviIb., ON L5J 4Z5 or Fax: 905-844-5122 or o-mail: bwaalqgton@ dlroctMWqAlmt.ca owHiring ir a fast paced refait an- virosmeni. Saccensful applicani must ponses a Dz Licersa, ba wiiiîg f0 worh fleaible shifts, ha peruonable andI aSie 10 handie physical la- bour. Pieuse drop off resumes and abstract f0 Adam Mosy ai Rona Cashcap. 700 Main Street East. Mlton, ON LOCAL rouiing company loukîng for ronfer/laborar cîth vaiid drives icerse. Min. 25 peurs of age. 905- 875-2888 io CI r . 1

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