26-The Canadian Champion, Frday July 18, 2003 HAC to host national Young Guns off to provincials The YoîiiLe Cons ciot i 0 \a;nmedoeI f t1 I marneni recordIof' 18-0heafing it 1hei The Halton Athietie Club Under- 19 boYs basebail team wili play bost 50 the national women's squad tonighs as Maplehurss Bail Park. BAC - which competes at tourna- mnents on both sides of the border each sunme and includes top players from acrostheregon-includes Miltonians Nick Mazzorato, Shawn Sbadlock, Steve Spiers and Josh Wagemann. Tonight's festivities begm eat 7:30 p.m. and admission to the park is free. Proceeds from the sale of food andi drinks wiil go toward supporting botli prograrna. This marks the second strigbt year that HAC has hosted ils national female counterparts. no\\ h15 .11 i jIpo[LI ILllsy o ai the provincial level next month. An Ontario championship quali- fier last weekend in Mississauga met with topnotch results for Milton's unheaten bail hockey squad, that amassed six straight victories to best the 15-team field. The Young Guns cemented first- place honours with a 5-4 overtime win against York's WolfPack. Toumament MVP Cory Leigh provided the hcroics in sudden death, while rounding nut champi- onship-game goal scoring were Brent Van Loosen, Mike McPhail, Jeff Mitchell and Tom Baynton who collected 13 points overaîl and and Blair McTrach picked up top defenceman and top goaltender honours respectively to add to Milton's award-laden weekend. The Young Guns tumed back challenges from the Hamilton Blues (2-0), Toronto Storm (11-3) and Toronto Panthers (4-2) in round-robin play before toppling the London Vipers 4-l in the quar- terfinals and then Toronto's Davenport Stars 3-1 in the semis. Along with Gent, John Nadalin and Chad Merritt offered excep- tional defense in ississauga. Overaîl, Milton's talent-rich squad boasted an unblemished Monday's 5-I decision over Oakville's Wolverines kept the club's perfect record intact. The Young Guns, who've already clinched first place, close out the regular season at John Tonelli Sports Centre Tuesday at 9 p.m. From there they'll look 10 reign supreme in playoff action as well, and then tumn their attention 10 the provincial championships in Hamilton Augusl 15 10 17. Making up the rest of the cham- pionship-conlending teamn are Steve Szafer. Steve Roy, Luc Redditt. Jeff Seeds and Chad Wrigglesworth. -Milton cyclist solid at nationals By JON KUIPERIJ The Champion HIe had hoped f'or better results. but Miltonian Roh Cheskey won't ever forget hîs experience at the recenl national cyclîng chamipionships in Hamilton The 49-year-old year-round weekend wanior %vas impressed wîth the -sensationally- organized event and enjoyed compeîing so cloîse lii home, finishing sixlh in the Maser-B'individuial lime trials and l9th in the road race. "The tîme trial was really thritling, said Cheskey. who finished the 2 1 -kiloînetre course in a highly cred- hIbe 31 minutes and 2(1 seconds.'-A hig section nI the downiown area was closecl off and there n'as a ton nf' spectators millîng airotind." [loping f'or a podium finish in the indis idual lime tri- aIs. Cheskes' ssas sornesshat disappîîinîed n 1h his placing. especiallv silice lie linished a mere tour sec- oncîs ouiI 01 lOUfI1. MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING AS 0F 14-JULY-03 1 SOUTH SIDE '1 13 13 0 0 26 2 MILTON BIBLE 10 9 1 0 18 3 NEW LIFE DEAF il 9 2 0 18 4 ST.GEORGES 12 6 5 1 13 5 NEW LIFE"A" 12 6 5 1 13 6 SOUTH SIDE'2' 12 6 6 0 12 7 NEW LIFE'"B" 12 5 5 2 12 8 HOLY ROSARY 10 4 6 0 8 9 KNOX il 3 8 0 6 10 BOSTON il 2 8 1 5 il ST. PAULS 14 2 il 1 5 12 GRACE 12 2 10 0 4 V/e are Your «Y(AiR* -RlmOUND coMFoRr' Dealer Mon.- Wed. 8.00 amrn 5.00 prn Thurs. & Fd. 8:00 arn- 6:00 prn Saturday 10:00 arn- 2:00 prn à I couldve made up some time... when I was clos- ing in on the guy who started a minute ahead of me," hie explained. "I had a misconception of how weillI was doing. and it wasn't on my mind how near the fin- ish 1 was. I was definitely going hard. but 1 think if you real- iLC youre getting near the finish, you try and summon aIl the extra energy you have." Cheskey, who finished third in time trials aI a nation- aI championship event several years ago, said the hilly course nas advantageous 10 himn but any familiarity he had ssnfî il nasn't a definite edge. Meansvhile, Cheskey said he wvas in contention until ihe final lap of the road race, n'hen a long climb up Efiingham Street proved too much to handle. I finished inood cuîmpany: hci saicf. I nould've liked top-lO or hetter. but Ihat's ihe nay it finîshed oui." Show and Dance teaturing the Galaxy Ail Star Orchestra A salute to the miaie super star vocallats of the 2(M cent £wy Big band extravaganza salutîng the stars of the big band era - Gien Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Harry James, the Andrew Siaters and Frank Sinatra. GEORGETON ItormaSor ot te, GeorgnMetPlac éCinemas 3, 285 Guelph Street ACTON -Tyler Travel Service, Highway 7 East MILTON 'Zak's Pharrnacy, 70 Main Street East TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOR SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE For more information 905-877-7166 Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Georgetown and the Kinsmen Club of Georgetown. Proceeds wilI be donafed f0 the Hallon Regional Police D.AR.E. anti-drug program. \E ol El 1 -ýPES e 4 direcied /ýv M 1 LES J'( 1 1 V R ;, ;tioiwllî. ir L JULY 9 to AUG 99 2003 lo SaturclaY al 8:00 pin, Coronation Park, ( )AN-ille Oiz Stkige Noiv! TICKETS 905-815-2021 R BC GGOF TÔDAY J> 1 10PI DAI 1 CH Finamial TEIRRY ROWEY Showroomn at Mechanical Inc. 925 Main St. E. 8817 Unit #3 ss L17