24 - The Canladian Champion, Frîday, Juiy 18, 2003 __PORS R-amnes retains national triathion titie ýIl Emotionally-charged week ends with gold By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Harry Barnes no doubt has a new- found appreciation for the role mental toughness plays in an ath- lete's success. The star triathlete has had to summon up this intan- gible commodity before, but neyer to the degree that he did in Edmonton Sunday înoming. Persevering through a wcek of emotional turmoil, Campbellville's 56-year-old racer lefi it ail out on the course to defend bis national age-class title - topping the men's 55-59 division in a sensational 2:14.19. He shed nearly five minutes off of last year's time and won bis age group by seven-and-a-half minutes, while beating the 50-54 men's champ by about three. Bamnes' national dominance was in itself impressive. Add in the circumstances amid which he reigned supreme, and last weekend's performance was nothing short of remarkable. Just three days before he was scheduled to head west, the perennial powerhouse received word that bis mother had passed away. So instead of getning in a final workouî or two before nationals, he was unex- pectedly re-routed to his native Newtoundland. Recalled Barnes, "I lew home on Wednesday and helped prepare for the funeral on Friday. 1 obviously didnt have tîme to think about the race.' Stili dealing with bis mother's death, the local triath- lete had even more anxiety awvaiting him in Edmonton Saturday aftemoon. when upon amrva] he discovered that the airline had lost his bike. While it was found a few hours later, the mix-up added to what had already been an extremely difficuit week - one that didn't offer much hope for a suc- cessfui titie defense. 'I hadn't caten or slcpt for more than two hours for four days." explained Bamnes. I was just drained." But running on empty - physically and emotionai- ly- didn't seem to present much of a stumbiing block throughout the 1.5-kmn swim. 40-km bike. 10-km n u nationals. Barnes mounted an early lead with a strong 24.26-minute swim and widened the gap over the bal- ance of the race, punctuating bis decisive win with a fierce 40.1 4-minute mun. "My mental toughness really kicked in," said the national champ, whose latest gold-medal effort came during rather cool, overcast conditions. I i fgured I would break down at some point because of my moth- er's death, but I got out to a gond stars and just kept going. 1 think it (exhaustion) will catch op Io me one of these days." Sunday's national age-class victory was the fifth in six years for Bames. who'll now tum bis attention to the provincials, being held late next month in Wasaga Beach. Afier that be'l liook to upgrade the 2002 World championship bronze medal he securcd in Mexico with a silver or gold in New Zealand in December. -Capturing a world championship medal was the goal for a long time. but there's stili another step Up, and 1 think I can do it," suggested Bamnes. Steîî'Li'BIanc <an bche rced ai sleblanc-@ haltiia- .Seanli.î ont. »,Bantam Mavericks golden - -- Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Harry Barnos proudly dispîmys the national ago-class triathion gold modlal ho socurod in Edmonton Sunday. Another tournament appearance, another tourna- ment tie. Milton's bantamn rep lacrosse team added to its impressive season haul last weekend ini Mimico - reeling off four consecutive victories to secure top honours, The Mavericks capped their championship mn wiih a 7-5 decîsion over the tournament hosts, thanks largely to a three-goal output by Tyler Harvey. Cole Madansky taliied twice, while singles were chipped in by Mike Curnie and Kevin Wtnter. Harvey also delivered a hat-trick during tihe champs' 7-I mout of Orangeville in round three, Two-goal efforts were turned in by Cumie and Winter. Before tisatishe local lads douisled up West Durham 4-2 and bombed London 10-2. Madansky and Ian Goertz exploded for four goals apiece in tise second-round cakewalk, wisile netting tise other two was Currie, Against West Durhsam, Miiton's marksmen were Cumie, Goertz, Harvey and Ryan Lecky. CUISE with Our' Duo SPEFCIALS in store l icueas easecar, *ok* Air Liquide 310A Steeies Ave. Milton Whîle quantities last. Partlclpatlng locations only. AIR LQUIDE Indlustrial gnou SWoldlng produota www.airliquicie.com f[Clarke"s Golf MIZUNO BLOWOUT SALE 20%OffSAVE UP TO $300 M« LADIES GOLF SHOES Etonie, Reebok, Footjoy and more pla PING STAND BAGS 20% OFF GREÂTSELECIONr - lE 1wwo BLUE RAGE DRIVERS RF. 3 SALE 12490"~ BLUE RAGE FAIRWAI WOODS E.34' HI FLI DRIVING IRONS REG. '219', THE CANAD17N CHAMPION FRIDAY IIJLY 18, 03 a MAXFLI.Al G.OLF BALII-