The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 18, 2003-21 'Champions ort-Literacy During its annual general meeting at Hugh Foster Hall June 23, Literacy North Halton presented 'Champions of Literacy'awards to several commu- nity members for their work supporting literacy. Here, Literacy North Halton executive director Dympna Dewar (centre) presents awards to Ward 3 Councillor Cindy Lunau (Ieft) and Champion editor Karen Smith. Other recipients of the award included Bruce Whitehead of Arts Milton, Pauline LeBlanc of the Milton Public Library, Kim Truman of Coles bookstore, Kathy Milis of the Centre for Skills Development and Training and Carol McPhail of Knox Presbyterian Church. WATERMAIN CLEANING PROGRAM FOR 2003 Attention Residents of Milton on the Municipal Well-Based Water Distribution System With the commissioning of the manganese filtration system at the Kelso Wells Pumping Station effective June 17, 2003, the Environmental Services Division of Halton Regions Planning and Public Works Department, and our contractor will be cleaning the watermains in the Milton well- based water distribution system commencing the week of July 13, 2003. The 2003 Watermain Cleaning Program represents the final phase in resolving issues of discoloured water in Milton. This work will continue for approximately 6 weeks. When we are on your street or in your neighbourhood we regret that there may be some unavoidable inconvenience related to the cleaning process. In particular, discoloured water can result from the cleaning process, and to avoid having it enter your home/place of business please follow the steps noted below: Do not use water between the times indicated on your blue letter, which we will provide to you approximately 2 days prior to working on your street. When we are flnished for the day on your street (times indicated in the blue letter) please tum on the cold water tap in your basement and let it run until the water is clear. To keep informed of our progress, check the advertisements in this newspaper again and look for our blue letter in your mailbox for the dates welIl be working on your street. If you have any questions please cali the Planning & Public Works Department at ext. 7704, 7705, or 7706 and Regional staff will be available to assist you. Give Our Lake a Break! As a lakeside community, Halton Region has an interest and a responsibility to keep our lake great. Residents can help by not putting any material down the storm sewer that you wouldnt put directly in the lake, including motor oil or other automotive fluids, pet waste, fertilizers or pesticides. For more information on lake health, visit the Lake Ontario Shoreline Algae Action Committees info booth at Midnight Madness this Friday in downtown Oakville, or check out our website at Halton Roglonal Mtljng Schedule: August 5 - 9:30 arn Health and Social Services Committee August6 -9:3Oam Planning and Public Works Committee August 6-1 :3Opm Administration and Finance Committee I1 1 1'11 e nt Rad Oaviiv O LM Le 82-600 liltre 1$t64H LI N (186 42586)TIY 958Z-93 Cha:rman Joyce Savoline 0t"10sane esuva Open Saturdays, Sundays, Civic Roiliday Monday & Labour Day. JuIy 19 to September 1, 2003. 10:30 arn - 700 pmn Discoimt Passport to Merrinmt Valid for the firrtitree weekend of feasting and merrymakrng. WAdults admitted for $1400 ($1695 reg) 'Ë Seniors admitted for $ 13.50 ($I15.50 reg) 1*Kids 7,15 admitted for $800 ($895 reg) Reifeem tIis coupon day of event at tickoet bootli For Cosiijmeut& rodqiSascaff 1-800-734-3779 NOTV',LID WITHAA TOTHER DISCOU \r OFFER. OR IF COUPON IS REPRODUCED. NO RA1.,CHECKSINO REFr \DS. PRICES INCLUDE ALL TAXES. NO PETS OR COSTUMEWEAPOS PLEASE. Only 15 minutes from the Airport on H WY 40J. m ~ FRÉE PARKIN§ S*mm 4 01 & Trafalgar on Eighth Line, wh, of Trafalgar Rd., South of D"rr Rd., North of Britannua Rd. MC-01/03