2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 18, 2003 HHS looks to upgrade ý là ilt , Àai Bâil et fi r L.Ks tW keep SARS away -0 f _ A YS By JASON MISNER O IDi~ RI(HO 113 The Champion Fun for the whole pit-crew. okingbIo spend between $2(),00(an r Cn nh ~ CE Iat i Mltoin District and (>akvillc-Tralalgar LEAS FORandl patients, lrim future potential SARS cases. PER MONTH FOR 48 MONTHS WITH $2, 110 DO WR But construction largely relies on the f 2 1 RIH NDP..ICUE government reimhursing HHS foîr ai least $17,30 MSRP he $9g)600 ils speni ici baille the spread 1.8 Ltre,4-cyinde, 13 hoDOHC 16-alve VVIi angne -Ait ondiionig -of theere stuh4bseakrr sp'hr toryo re llnessy il sinceinethe Power ocks and i ors- Keyess entry 6£V04Splt rear seat - Osai stage driver &passenger ai ags spring- a decisiiîn no> one is clear as to rit sien ing- Outsido temperature guage 15" wkeels- 5-speed manual transmission when i will he made, Lease for an additional $14.1t2per month and get aoîomatic transmission "We're loo)king at redesigning the emer- Fuel consumption: Hea' 5.3L'tOOkm (53mpg) I/City 7. IL 100km 4OmpgY* gency rcîoms 10 manage SA RS, making sure somelxxiy who does corne tn poten- tially cl)ntaglius that we have a ssay to seg- Cdgm ry SE regate them in the emergency room (R, LEA S FORsaid HHS CEO and President J<>hn Oliver. HFIS oversees the Milton and Oakville PER ONT FO 48MONHS ITH$4,72 OWNhospital s. FREIHr ND PD.E INLUDE 12 9 -9The bulk of the proposed vork involves creating a negative pressure room ai the '26,000_MSRPMilton ER. When negative pressure exisîs, 2,4 Ltre, -cylider, 57 hp DOH, 16-alveVVT-iangin - 4speedaateontc nuousi- airntcurrentr c enterseteasroomo sion wth ovrdriv - AMFM CO assete wit 6 spakers Air onditourîderPoar door, s'uder a ichrpreventspr airborneborepar- locksand mrrors- Crise cntrai- Keyess ntry 6CV4 spli foiing raticles- lrome t escapîng es totog nthetecomriorr wrapped stan ing wheol and shift knooh 16" aismînsm alloy mOno s -Alsminom dasit accents Okil a eaiepesr om and llumnated nstrumentation -Engno immobilzer - it stenring -Rear spoiler -Fog lamps Teeaesm hne nOkil u Fuel consumption. Hwy 6.9LI/l000m (4 1MPG) / Cty 10 2UtIOOkm ( 28mpg) the bigger changes are in Milton," Mr. Oliver said. j He would like them compleîed by the lall ï, m atrixbefore the stan of cold weather. capital improvements and the money paid PER MORrH F08 48 MORTHS WrH $3.688 OOWR out 10 baille SARS bas further tightened il. m 5 FREIGHT ARD O.D. IRCLUOEO "We're ver tight on alloeating for capi- '21,O25MSRP tai expenditures," said Monique Porlier. I-HS's vice-president of finances and 1.8Lie 4cy ndert30hp, DONC 16 valve, VV-ieangmne - Air conslîîîoning -AM/FlMSteeo CDwth 4 information systems. -We'll be very chaI- speakers 16" aloy wheels- Power mnoes, locks & mrrors -Crsîse contrai -eyless ontry- 6040 Spl t lenged to prioritize that (the ER consirue- ' ear seat eaIser w apped steering mOtel t ilt steering - 5-speed massai transmison Lease for an additional $15.41 per month and gel astomatic transmission tion projeets) against other needs for Fuelconumpion Hwy6. LIIOkm(47mg) Ciy 77LIIOkm(37pg)patient care (without govemment reim- FuelconompionHmy8 O/IDkm 47mg) Ciy 77t/OOk (3mpgl'~bursement)" g * g ~ b S g RHHS officiais have been in contact with the Mmaistry of Health on a wcekly basis If you're in the market for a new truck, corne & test drive one of regarding the statua of potential SARS on Toyota's ra trucks at aur exclusive new centre located next door to Milton Toyota. retmbursement. But ai Ibis point, Mr. greatOliver said be bas "no idea" when the gov- Highlan7der Tacoma ernment wîIl make a decision whetber to pay bospitals back ail or tome of the money forked out 10 figbt the spread of SARS.' 'We know tbey're aware of the issues and we remain bopeful we will get reim- bursed,' be said, noting expenses bave been filed witb tbe Province. HHS bas said earlier that it accumulated Tuilra R v 4a total of more than $1.3 million in costs and lottes due to the impact of SARS, wbicb came in two waves between Match and early June. HHS and other Ontario bospitals were required to follow a bost of mandatory Ma7y M r directives from the Province to prevent the spread of SARS. As a result, staff overtime, extra securiîy, masks and other needs 10 deal wîth SARS infection control cost HHS $900,600. And the two bospitals alto lost $460,000 mer 1 L ON(e TO OTAin revenue from sources like parking, cafe- - ------- ----tenias and gîft shops because of fewer visi- torsto10the bospitals. 400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 HHS officiait are still tallying upth e-, final costs and losset including the second WWW.Mnii tontoyota. comnwave o AS Jason Misiier (-ail he reached at jmis- niei-C(4nitonc'aniadianc'Iîampion.com.