The Canadian Champion, Frday, July 18, 2003-15 -1O-year-old woman to lead milestone tra ctor parade tomorrow i att,, qrnV, -- 1 age. Shes 100 years old, and proud of it. Tomorrow, Ms Schneider who was born n PiHmadc eof antique ractors at the Ail Colour Antique Tractor and Toy Show. The show wili take place ai Country Heritage Park tomorrow and Stindav heli'iinnineý ai 8-30 ai nT i. ht1k jad TT'iniciT.Is with Ford Motor Companys If0th anniversary. Milton resident Helen Kennedy, Lotties great niece, said shes delighted Ms Schneider wili eas! the pra sui :wd s'hor h , h teT will feature tractor exhibits, Urator pulls, lawn tractor pulls, a scale model toy show and sale, visud Io cuis ng C ari s194N 1Ford 8 N tractor.- A speciai teaturc wilbe the iawn tractor races Thc All Colour Antique Tractor and Toy Show tornorrow ai 7 p.m. ýGoodL if.e JULY 19, 2003 Li,ýcal Riders i-aisinc, runds for TheT(ntù PeùpIe wth AIDS FùcundatlLnýr Corne for a 112 hour cycling class to help raise money for the Toronto AIDS Foundlation! 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.rn. Goodiife Wornen's Club 409 Main Street, Milton (905) 876-3483 BBQ! Bakie Sale! Kid's Activities! Cycling Derno's! Sillent Auction! Much More! PIug &Pl Buy it.e : .& u- a oririg innome. PIug it in. Place it in the house or move it to the bacltyard. Use it at home during thte week and ta/te it t/ te cottage on t/te zeekend. Ta/te it ta yourfriend k for t/te big gante! ePlugs int regular 110OV receptacle 0Always hot and ready to use *Use outdoors year round 0 Great fàrmiIy entertainment "And ute pu'ume ' i .i> tviuaeiJjuu 1R Custom Exterior Cover IWater Care Kit ........... I u" e Aý 1>1- r3u LrjIe 24 LED Ever] Accessory Pai (aeTray *Ju n lý ]Delivery & Sx ( 1Enhancing Qualityof Ufe ICo mpletely Portable! liic s5 d l b,% oe simple is better", Model 300 $3;995 ) .... FREE! .... FREE! 'ight ............. ..... A FREE! J ickage ...... ....FREE! I *-d Goixi Lu<* I>udk a Font'l e PueJets) etup ........ .....E FREE! )ver $O000value -FREE! Hurty! This ofer valid until July 27/03 only! k *~ MILTON 905.693.8909 HOURS: Mon.-Wed. 10am -S6pmThurs. & Fri.10lam -Sprn Sat. lOam-6pm, Sun. il arn5pm HOT TUS GAS RILLS POOL wABLES AcOmeRGIA c OOLSPLE Buy Now & Save! ëceive this GLFT PACZKAGE with 1