14-The Canadian Champion, Frîday July 18, 2003 Halton sehool board contracts reached EAs reject latest offer The Halton District Sehool Board has reached cotîtract Trhe Office Clerical ehîtical Unit (OCTU> and Professional Student Services Personnel (PSSP) both have new deals with the hoard. OCTU and PSSP ecdigmt îwo- year pacîs with salary increases boîh totalling 6.25 per cent uver the life of tîteir deals. OCTU members receive a 3 pet cent raise retroactive lu Sepieîaier 1,"2002, another 2.75 increcase on January 1, 20014. OCTU represents more than 20(1 full and pant-lime support staff in Halton sehools and at the boards administrative office in Bon ingioti. PSSP workers also gel 3 per cent retritactive Io Selîtember 1, 2002, but they gel 3 per cent again on September 1.. 20013, and another 025 per cent on August 3l,20014. tratîve support for and work directly with special needs stu- dents. They include psycholuî- gists. speech language patholo- gists, social woî-kers and child and youth couniscîlors. OCTU aînd PSSI> are buîîh grmuîps wîtlîiî the Ointariot Sccondary Sehîtol Teachers' Federatitin. hv public school board By TIM WHITNELL Speciaf to The Champion Eduicititnai assistant iîs<tl the Hain liii strit ScitititiBoard lhave aitîtttstuwnn itttusly reîncte in liaicont .î.i t friletsi thinion itttaddfitg ilt', ounotti piniîad to ilegotiat oserthlie suntîtnttl. The pinsîdett'l iîi itîdeîîetîdlentila upet- atnd uniî oitsaid then sast tîta î iity ofthfel -grlps ttîniîîber-slîîp n ere premcil ai a Juitîn 23 <u i tucon a im coniraci fIer irîoilîe At Sears, we are big enough to bave what you want... but small enouqh to care who Von are. FOR MAJOR APPLIANCESý SALE PRICES START SUNOAY. JULY 13 AND END SATUROAY, JULY 26, 2003, WHILE OUANTITIES LASI FOR ALL OTHER ITEMS: SALE PRICES SOARI SUNDAY, JULY 20 AND END SATURTAY, JULY 26, 2003. WHILE OUANTITIES [AST now 589.99 Kenmore'l easy-clean range. Lft-top cooktop. Rol n' lock wheels. #62208. Sears reg. 649.99. Aso avalatle inBisqu Self dlean and convectiontextra re.e.~y ~- ~ now 479.99 Panasonic 27" TV 3-lite digital comb iller. Surround sound, component vîdeo input. #f5461. Sears reg. 49999. Or in-store prîces folrsne elecftonice items may 5e lower ihan nur adveîtîsee< plces save $20 Kenmore 12-amp cariter vacuum. Telescopic wand. Dual filtration. #28t95. Sears reg. 179.99. 159.99 r Kenmore Classic super capacîty aundry team. Washer. #24652 Stars reg. 57997 rer 964652 Sears reg. 44997 Gas dryer île ndropoceown cre exta. AIl as contnections ehojlcornply sun local cas codes save $100 Kenmore 14.8-cu.ft.frîage wth top freezer 2 fulwîdfh shelves. 2 fulwîdlt anal1 half-width door shelves. 96v542, Sears reg. 69999. 59999 ail Broil King®l Gas Grills on Sale I i Y k 389.97 CRAFTSMAN 6-hp, 211 mulch mower. Selt-propelled. 936229 now 279.99 Kenmore® Power-Mate® 12-amp canîster vacuum. Triple filtration. 3-position height adjustment. #20060. Sears reg. 319.99. MILTON STORE NOUS 100 Nipinsing Rd. 905-878-4103 Vîsit aur websi1te ai STOREHUR1. il Montainiew d., RE. HOURS. GEOROETrOWN ~F 905-877-5172 : D0794003 @I 2003. Sears Canada lnc. Shop Locally. Hometown Service operaied by John Sampson -4tr i s Joan Wtfong d -J joan Wilfuni John Saropsun THE BRANDS YOU WANT Dealer ealer AT THE STORE YOU TRUST® TM No Money Down. No Deferral Fée. Don't pay 'tii January 2004 on major appliances and more No paymemts unlii January 2004, onty mitti ynur Sears Carit, on approved credît. Minimum $200 purchase. p board <.andi [lji ed ido,.\ i by a 34f-) 9m<ali rFin Lynne Gurzi said she and lier eecrutive matai reconîttîendeil EAs refuse ficînboard\ý offer. She said tils as brouonht forai a rd for a gennial mennhrship voie by secret ballot becanse til had PI ornised EAS thex s«i do so unîder certain circumIIStanICCn. EduILcýlttît t aI assi statts woiEinn lti-ite liton board haven the lowesî s alued com- pensation package in flic IA. [laiton EAs are not paid ai the governrnent betîchmark o'1997 and ihis recenitillter dons nothinL, il) bridge the \n%îdening gap." Ms (<Uni Satd n a press inînase. Special education rnonev i eceived by this hoard skas increased hy ovnr I) 9 «il- lion, $2 millionu put îîto inservs. (Educatitîn Dîrnctor) Dusîy Papkn satd thîs taiutnn musi bc s peni on spectal nduIcatiot - niel ilîts us,. lThe cîtientt miliithe Haltoiî pub- lic board. Daunt Becknt Mortoiî. oaîd the board put a gnnerous dnal onî<tile table. "WC e asn a f Icithat is double dnt inî telnis <of a pay nu. rease. n hen s Oittau1 o n mii îîacti se pao. another raîse ihis Septetaber and ficî pas IltOr a hall boutH luinger n nik d:îs. As for the extra hiall b1our EAs n ttUld <svork eacb day. Ms Beckett-Mortotî saîd it <sas tbe EAs' negottattng tai that îold the board il wanted tlecsAork day Io go trittm five-and-a-hall hours 10 six. Il's a cosi factor 10 nus \hich ssould add another $750.1100 per year." Ms Gurzi said Ms Beckeit-Morton inade a "tbreat îto impose changes Io the tenais and conditions of the EAs' employ ment il' the latest contraci ofler nasn't accepteil. This prompted Ms Gurzi 10 state te union <s ouldu t be mncl ined mn meet over the sunt nmer. Boss ns er. Ms BeckntMorion saic sIte ntade no such ibeat. "No threats ssci e made. That is ni lelp- lu.she said of a refusaI bo ment ouer the holidays. In a press release issued by the board. Ms Beckett-Monton saîd il's the boards ien- lion 10 meach a mutuaily-heneiicial colle tise agreement. 1-osever. should îîegotiaîîons not achieve this outcome. the board lias te right under the Labour Relations Act lu take one of the following options impose a new collective agreement with changes 10 tenais and conditions: preset the hoards final offer and put il to a final offer vote (supervised hy the Ministry of Labour); lock oui the members; or take no action. JULY SPECIAL!! Save up to $400 on air conditioning when you purchase a new high efficiency gas furnace. We seil the best and service the rest. For professional, courteous service cali Peak Air for Peak Performance. CaiI905-873-0228